It%26#039;s no longer a question of recession or not. Now it%26#039;s how deep and how long. Workers%26#039; pink slips stacked ever higher in March as jittery employers slashed 80,000 jobs, the most in five years, and the national unemployment rate climbed to 5.1 percent. Job losses are nearing the staggering level of a quarter-million this year How will it work out with a recession now here ,how can we take care of Americans and provide for up to 30 million illegals at the same time ?Do you think those may day marches illegals and their supporters are planning how will they address this problem and tell us how it can be solved?If ok with Yahoo-2 questions .. here....
With America having it%26#039;s Biggest Job Loss in 5 Years 3/4 million gone in a year do we still need illegals ?auto loan
No, we dont. We never have needed a mass invasion and never will. However a small bit to be absorbed at a time would have been best for THEM and us! The part that gets me is that the illegal invader cant seem to see how its bringing us all down. The infrastructure will fall from the inside out and then who will help them? Neither our Government or theirs.. If our Government doesn%26#039;t take responsibility very soon, I%26#039;m afraid it going to be up to the citizens and be an %26quot;In the street Debacle%26quot;. I%26#039;ve seen it coming for a while. Who knows? Maybe it will happen this May? All I know is, its coming..
With America having it%26#039;s Biggest Job Loss in 5 Years 3/4 million gone in a year do we still need illegals ? loan
Of course, we need them to get driver%26#039;s licenses and vote in the next election.|||No, we do not need illegals. The illegal immigrants will continue to corrupt America. We allow anyone to come in here, pop out babies like machine guns, (bonus check for welfare, which means more money) and allow anyone born here to become automatic U.S. citizens. Think of the U.S. as a small jar. Think of the world as a massive glass container. The marbles represent the long as you try to put more and more in from the large jar (represents the entire world), to the small jar (U.S.), eventually, it will start overflowing. That is what is happening...overpopulation is HUGE right now. The rate we are going at, we won%26#039;t ever be able to build enough roads, houses, schools, hospitals, etc., the way we are growing. The economy is bashed every single year. I have no idea how much the budget is for illegals, but it has to be billions, even trillions of dollars. They come here, get free food, health care, rob from Social Security, live off of welfare. The more kids they have, the more checks they get, so why not have eight to ten kids? The financial burden is telling how many trillions these illegals are costing us yearly. How do we stop this crisis? Well, just take the benefits away. If we didn%26#039;t have all the FREE things to offer, they wouldn%26#039;t be coming here. The education...HAVE ALL BOOKS IN ENGLISH. Don%26#039;t let the illegals get college education...take them back to Mexico if they can%26#039;t get citizenship (it%26#039;s not like it%26#039;s hard in the first may be a long process, but not hard.) The unemployment rates will continue to rise because they come here, don%26#039;t work or anything, get everything for FREE, so why should they work...they just get everything handed to them in the first place. If they get paid to sit on their butts eating burritos all day instead of working, why not? Bringing more people in to take jobs...BS! If a legal U.S. citizen needs a job bad enough, he/she will do whatever they have to do to get that extra money. If you can%26#039;t handle the answer, don%26#039;t ask the question.|||We never needed them. We certainly don%26#039;t need them now. I am sick of their whinning and their demands.|||Kind of depends on what kind of jobs are being lost. And I am pretty sure that the migrant farm work is still available. Due to the nature of those jobs, they wouldn%26#039;t even be considered %26quot;lost%26quot; as no benefits would be paid once the work is done and the workers migrate to a new job.
Perhaps the U. S. should quit spending over $1 billion a week in Iraq. That might help our economy a bit.|||No and we don%26#039;t need them depressing the wages too.
Loading up on social welfare programs and a undo burden on the courts.
Illegals are illegals and those cities that declare themselves as sanctuary cites need all federal/ states fund stop.|||We%26#039;ve never needed Illegals....
But more to the point, the %26quot;biggest job loss in 5 years%26quot; is a bit of a stretch of the truth.
While recent unemployment is relatively high it has been preceded by years of economic and employment growth.....
So over the long term average unemployment is still low.|||I%26#039;d have to say no
The nation鈥檚 immigrant population (legal and illegal) reached a record of 37.9 million in 2007.
Immigrants account for one in eight U.S. residents, the highest level in 80 years. In 1970 it was one in 21; in 1980 it was one in 16; and in 1990 it was one in 13.
Overall, nearly one in three immigrants is an illegal alien. Half of Mexican and Central American immigrants and one-third of South American immigrants are illegal.
Since 2000, 10.3 million immigrants have arrived 鈥?the highest seven-year period of immigration in U.S. history. More than half of post-2000 arrivals (5.6 million) are estimated to be illegal aliens.
The largest increases in immigrants were in California, Florida, Texas, New Jersey, Illinois, Arizona, Virginia, Maryland, Washington, Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
Of adult immigrants, 31 percent have not completed high school, compared to 8 percent of natives. Since 2000, immigration increased the number of workers without a high school diploma by 14 percent, and all other workers by 3 percent.
The share of immigrants and natives who are college graduates is about the same. Immigrants were once much more likely than natives to be college graduates.
The proportion of immigrant-headed households using at least one major welfare program is 33 percent, compared to 19 percent for native households.
The poverty rate for immigrants and their U.S.-born children (under 18) is 17 percent, nearly 50 percent higher than the rate for natives and their children.
34 percent of immigrants lack health insurance, compared to 13 percent of natives. Immigrants and their U.S.-born children account for 71 percent of the increase in the uninsured since 1989.
Immigrants make significant progress over time. But even those who have been here for 20 years are more likely to be in poverty, lack insurance, or use welfare than are natives.
The primary reason for the high rates of immigrant poverty, lack of health insurance, and welfare use is their low education levels, not their legal status or an unwillingness to work.
Of immigrant households, 82 percent have at least one worker compared to 73 percent of native households.
There is a worker present in 78 percent of immigrant households using at least one welfare program.
Immigration accounts for virtually all of the national increase in public school enrollment over the last two decades. In 2007, there were 10.8 million school-age children from immigrant families in the United States.|||illegal labor = slave labor
The rich get richer and the middle class gets squeezed out. That is the current state of affairs in the USA.|||I think the Federal government plans to make a lot of them sort of like a bad tattoo on your backside.
One thing that is happening now is this: the congress refuses to fund the Real I.D. Because that is happening, the best I.D. in town is done by the Mexican Mafia and of course, it should be purchased in Mexico. (About $1,500 for three of them. Say thank you Congress.)|||Those jobs that were slashed were mainly jobs that will be shipped overseas. They will also import modern day indentured servants from India with special visas to work in the computer fields.
Illegal aliens atleast in my state have actually lowered wages. When I got out of high school people were paid above the minimum wage around 9 dollars normally.
Then in 2002 illegals flooded the state, so next thing you know starting wage went from 9, to 8 dollars, then 7.50. Now it%26#039;s 7.15
Not only that rent has skyrocketed because they rent every available room and crowd them with 10 other people|||We never needed them! And with hospitals and schools closing left and right because of the strain the illegals put on the system, if our miserable government doesn%26#039;t wake up soon, and somebody grow some balls and do something about it, we might as well hang it up - they have plans to take over part of this country, it is coming - check out Michelle Malkin%26#039;s website - wake up America - put welfare people to work - no more rewards for the more kids you have, no more anchor babies, etc - ARH|||I%26#039;m with Rachel T on this one. Hundred percent!
...|||If you are willing to do all the dirty jobs for little pay they would not be needed anymore!|||How many ILLEGAL MEXICANS are unemployed? Do we have any scare stories on that?|||First of all, I am all for sending them all back to where they come from. they not only are taking over, but like many of you have pointed out, are pulling us down space wise and economically. i know one of the problems is having Mexicans on border patrol. i knew of one in particular that allowed coyote running for a share of the profit. (if you don%26#039;t know, that is when people here smuggle them over in groups for about 1200-1500 a head.) There is a bus line in KY that picks them up by the bus load and dumps them off in a specific area of town. It is in Louisville, and I used to work next to the unloading site. Now, even though them coming over is detrimental to the average American, it is helpful to the idiots that make a living out of bringing them over. Like you say, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. One thing that gets to me is when they come over, refuse to learn English, and expect everyone to cater to their inability. Have you ever been to Mexico? How much do you have to pay someone to follow you around and translate if you don%26#039;t already speak the language? As far as health care, they get it free anyway. My husband is in the army, serving his country, and we still have to pay for certain healthcare things, and we have full coverage in the area. Not only that, I noticed how several scams work. With Mexicans, they come over on a work visa, work 4 yrs tax free, then go home for a while, live like Kings til the money runs out, then come back and do it again. It%26#039;s like someone also mentioned, they live so many to a place, well beyond firecode, split the expenses, then hord the rest away. Some people say they are uneducated, but I think they are pretty darn smart to figure a way to beat our systems. I know when my family was in an apt, and we had a family that needed a place to stay, we got evicted for them, but looking next door, they turned their heads to a horde of illigals, or if they were, I didn%26#039;t know. The companies out there who hire them are making so much extra money since they will work for less, they get a fat wallet while the rest of us struggle. my husband had the best idea yet for them.. If they want to be here, make them do a tour overseas, fight, survive, and come back, then they can have their citizenship. That would save all our boys lives, clean up America, and make it a better place. And then if the military is smart, they will pay them less like every other american job, and cut back on the war budget. America will always keep getting bigger and bigger with more and more important people trying to think they can run the world. The key to Americas success would be the security of the nation. There is really not a problem with other nationalities wanting to come here to get a new life started but the process for that to begin needs to be seriously reworked so that normal americans aren%26#039;t paying for immigrants to stay here. But of course the more America keeps growing the more problems we are going to have. their is a solution for every problem just not a good one|||We NEVER NEEDED illegals to begin with and we don%26#039;t NEED the number of LEGALS they want. The world doesn%26#039;t have a shortage of people and bodies....they have a shortage of MINDS that work!!!!!!
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