Sunday, August 9, 2009

Why does socialism encourage laziness?

Remember how hundreds of thousands of students in France were angrily protesting? It was about a new law in France that allows a company to fire people under the age of 26, without cause, within 2 years of being hired.

Wow! Imagine that. You might get fired from your first job.

As it happens, the whole point of the law was to encourage companies to hire young people. The unemployment rate among young people in France is 23% and in many suburbs, it is twice that. Meanwhile, French companies are understandably loath to hire inexperienced 22-year-olds when they cannot fire them.

What these massive demonstrations reveal is the narcissism, laziness and irresponsibility inculcated by socialist societies.

In America, most of us would call the French young people%26#039;s attitudes %26quot;spoiled.%26quot;

Socialism teaches its citizens to expect everything, even if they contribute nothing.

Socialism teaches its citizens that they have a plethora of rights and few corresponding obligations.

Why does socialism encourage laziness?

The base premise of socialism is that you are not intelligent enough to know how to care for yourself and therefore the rich elite in Congress will take care of you from cradle to grave. It is fact that the socialists have been pushing this agenda for over 60 years (Social Security) and have actually created generations of families who rely on the government to tell them what to do and think. Government will never improve education nor will it allow you to use your money to send your children to good schools. Socialists want your children to grow up as mushrooms in socialist schools to perpetuate the elites control on your lives.

Socialism is a disease and should be eradicated. It has failed wherever it has been tried whereas capitalism has succeeded wherever it has been tried. If anyone tells you we should us a hybrid system, they are socialists and they are lying.

Why does socialism encourage laziness?


It provides no incentives to anyone to produce since all members of society receive the same from the benevolent state. Kind of like the Democratic Party platform on most issues.|||With socialism people get whether they work or not. Under capitalism you have to work or you starve. There are advantages and disadvantages to both systems, but if the people are properly educated, and are taught the proper work ethic, then socialism might be more advantageous. Under capitalism there are so many poor people, and the rich at the other end of the scale have more than they can ever want or need. I guess capitalism, with compassion might be good. It%26#039;s a toss-up that is moot and would take up more space than here at Yahoo. I guess if we all lived with the knowledge that we can%26#039;t take it with us, things would be different.|||Socialism demands outward standards of equality but has no means by which to change attitudes. People are naturally selfish by nature, not benevolent as Marx and others theorized. Socialism works great on paper until actual humans are involved.

Does that mean capitalism is perfect? No, not at all. No government or economic system is perfect. But the key is to guarantee as many rights for everyone and the incentive to use their talents and resources, not to just rob the rich to give to the poor.

***Before any of you launch any rants about my reply, I voted Republican my whole life until the 2004 election, when I held my nose and voted for Kerry. I wrote in a vote for John McCain in the 2000 general election. I%26#039;m still trying to figure out if I can tick off more important people by calling myself a pro-life, pro-gun Democrat or a pro-free-speech, pro-environment Republican. :-)|||At moderate levels,socialism will benefit society at large.go Hillary and the new socialist order.%26lt;dems%26gt;2008.embrace it comrades.peace and love be with you..|||You know, I think a liberal put it best: %26quot;Ask not what your country can do for you: Ask what you can do for your country.%26quot;

Where did they go so wrong? When did they get so confused and think it was the other way around? Socialism is just a nicer form of Communism.|||Wrong again you social retard. That particular law was capitalistic, not socialist. It benefited the corporations, not the society.

Socialism teaches its people that society is the most valuable tool we have over all others is society. Society is a team sport where, if the coach and the players are doing what they should be doing, the WHOLE team prospers through hard work, the free-agents who only work for themselves are shunned from the rest of the group, and those who use silly superstitions to try and improve their performance are shrugged off as long as those rituals are not forced on other people.

Society is the greatest tool people have. It is up to all of us to keep it in working order. Socialism benefits the whole of society. Capitalism only benefits those %26quot;free agents%26quot; who are only looking out for themselves.|||Why work hard? Everyone gets the same thing. Socialism discourages prosperity and therefore, pride.|||Capitalism creates national wealth.

Socialism consumes national wealth.

It is a much better system to keep the middle-class wealthy enough to pay for the services it needs on its own. Rather than create a massive bureaucracy to manage healthcare, for instance, it%26#039;s better that each individual manages their own. The government should work on the reason healthcare is so costly in order to reduce that cost rather than take on the cost.

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