Sunday, August 9, 2009

Does the fact hardly knew about Ron Paul worry anybody?

This was the only guy that ever made sense all throughout the election and most of the american public looked at him like he was insane even though almost all of his ideas were rooted in the constitution. Does it just go to show how far we%26#039;ve strayed away from the constitution?...The only thing i dont agree with is the gold standard, if we went to that the unemployment rate would go up 10 fold.

Does the fact hardly knew about Ron Paul worry anybody?loan rates


Does the fact hardly knew about Ron Paul worry anybody? loan

Yes, it does. Obama makes sense too and it would have been a good race between him and Ron Paul, but if McSame ends up in office, then I may be buying my plane ticket to Europe!

Vote Obama %26#039;08|||Just proof that 85%of the people in this country are mindless sheep, who know nothing about how we are losing are civil liberties every day and being robbed literally by are government and this corrupt system we have.|||Ron Paul was not the only good candidate that didn%26#039;t make the cut! He just didn%26#039;t appeal to people, accept it %26amp; move on with your life!|||No. It doesn%26#039;t bother me at all. I%26#039;m in the same state, near by district, and very close to the city and I hardly know him. I know his name and some of his antics, but that%26#039;s about it. I don%26#039;t think I%26#039;d vote for him. He%26#039;s not very appealing and I%26#039;m not sure he takes everyone%26#039;s interest to heart.|||he ran as a con, cons aint to bright, you gotta be for war and killing and such, shoulda been himself and ran as a libertarian|||Libertarian ideals are hard for some to grasp.. We have strayed so far from constitutional government that it seems kooky to most of the Joe lunchbox crowd..

Its going to be damn hard to undo 96 years of socialism.|||Yes.But the brainwashing process has gone on for several decades,so it didn%26#039;t surprise me.

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