Sunday, August 9, 2009

Can you explain how amnesty for illegal immigrants will benefit our country or stop future illegal i

Amnesty was given in 1984 or %26#039;85. The (then) INS expected and used the number of 650,000 - 700,000 applicants for amnesty to get approval for it.

They received over 6.5 million requests for amnesty!

Our government is talking about bypassing the laws again in another illegal %26#039;amnesty%26#039; because the estimates are that we have 7-12 million illegals again in our country!

Is this not like allowing thieves that steal cars the free and legal title to the vehicle, if they are able to keep the car long enough and never got caught for the crime?

How can rewarding the criminal with exactly what they wanted to get THROUGH their illegal act, deter others from commiting the very same crime?

It seems to me that this would only serve to MOTIVATE others to commit crimes.

The amount of illegals that received amnesty in the early 80%26#039;s was almost EXACTLY equal to unemployment rate of that time. Coincidence?

With companies sending American jobs to Mexico, how can we allow them to take what remains?

Can you explain how amnesty for illegal immigrants will benefit our country or stop future illegal immigrationstudent loan consolidation


Amnesty will only encourage future illegal immigration. THink.. If those people see that we give amnesty to illegals, then they too will think they can come here and get amnesty in the future as well. Your stealing a car example is dead on. Amnesty is no better then releasing all prisoners because they have been in there for a long time.

Can you explain how amnesty for illegal immigrants will benefit our country or stop future illegal immigration


the amnesty was in 1986. History proves it was a mistake. But our incompentent government is gonna give it another try!|||It was on 1986,and Reagan is the one who granted the ILLEGALS amnesty!! Amnesty did NOT work THEN,and it will NOT work NOW!!! All amnesty does,is ENCOURAGE more ILLEGALS to come here!!! All illegals should be DEPORTED, not REWARDED!!!!!|||No one can explain how amnesty can benefit our country because it cant.|||LEGAL Immigration = Good

ILLEGAL Immigration = Bad

Anyone who thinks Amnesty for illegal aliens (they are not even illegal immigrants, by the way) is a good idea, needs to read this three times.|||Amnesty will never benefit the nation. It has already been proven and so why the government would even think of doing this again is beyond me!|||The last time amnesty was issued was to garnish votes. This time, it%26#039;s to collect taxes.

Will this prevent illegal immigration? No, of course not.

Unemployment and amnesty are not related. Look and see how the unemployment data is collected. It doesn%26#039;t include those people.

Maybe you should start looking at what American employers are doing. If they didn%26#039;t hire illegals, they would think twice about coming.

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