Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Are they for real?

I%26#039;m sure you all have seen the offers, %26quot;receive a $200 gift certificate!%26quot; and they have you fill out offers and/or surveys. Are they real? I mean, has anyone actually finished filling out an offer, with credit card no. and everything, and do you actually receive your gift certificate or whatever? Just wondering...they%26#039;re everywhere!

Are they for real?secured loan

they want your credit card number so they can steal from you. C%26#039;mon people I see these questions in here everyday about so called winning contests and getting free money and people are too dumb to see the obvious scam.

Are they for real? loan

no they arent real... they give you viruses... :)|||Yes.

Try it.

It works %26lt;_%26lt;|||100% con, nothing in this world is for free|||No they aren%26#039;t for real (for the most part). Usually there%26#039;s a ton of stuff involved in the %26quot;free%26quot; offer that is written into the fine print of the agreement. I haven%26#039;t met anyone who%26#039;s gotten anything for free from filling out surveys and visiting websites that was worth more than $10.|||i have never gotten to the point where i get free moneyl...its just ar ip to get u to order something and when u sign up for all there offer u get perpetual never ending junk mail and sometimes nasty viruses and spyware on ur computer...|||Definitely not. My mom did once...oncce it asked for the credit card #, though, she stopped.We get tons of Bulk mail now, though. Never EVER fill one could become a victim of identity theft. Also, avoid the sites with those banners.|||don%26#039;t trust a site like this this is called phi sing, in computer terms known as fishing, they get you data and bill you for all those things you subscribe to that you don%26#039;t want, like the popular magazine,s they send you before you know it, you will have to pay for those, and if they have your credit card or debit card info you just did, if you don%26#039;t believe me, just look at you credit cared statement, you;ll see the charges, never give out your credit card info on the web, you never know who can see this, just as you do when it pops up.|||go ahead if you want to be spammed to death i tried it once and had to change my email because once you do it they sell your email addy and soon you will get like 200 or more spamms no good ! have fun if you choose to do it !|||You%26#039;d have to complete a bunch of offers from their sponsors, which is likely to cost you money and leave you with junk mail. Also, I wouldn%26#039;t trust them people with credit card numbers unless the URL begins with https:// instead of http://|||The surveys I have looked into like cash create seem like a complete waste of time for the amount of money some of these people who spam this forum claim to make.

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