Here we are faced with a dilemma with three presidental candidates who are promoting %26#039;amnesty%26#039; for illegal alliens. They are avoiding this issue which we vehemently oppose and we are being ignored, and we are ignoring the issue in this current frenzy and it will end up costing us in our morale, our taxes, our jobs, our superior Nation and in every other way.
We allow illegals to take our jobs, we send our jobs to Mexico, China, Peru and wherever else there is %26#039;cheap labor%26#039; for politicians, lobbyists and the million/billionaires w while our construction jobs are going to illegals, our unemployment rate is accelerating, our taxes will be tripled, etc.
Big deal - health care for all - that includes illegals and we will end up with third world health care.
We already have people on medicare/medicaid taking out of nursing homes and left in the street. I%26#039;m afraid this will happen to a lot more who end up costing the system too much. What will we become a %26#039;nation of the fittest??
Who is standing up for us, the hard working, tax paying U.S. citizens?
A few years ago a millionaire developer was buying senators for $15K each. How much influence do you suppose billionaires and international big business have??????????
Lots of cheap labor is great for big business.
Unions have been busted so no collective bargaining for the average working person. Without collective bargaining we have nothing to bargain with.
Divide and conquer. All this race baiting, gay and abortion, global warming, these issues are about dividing the working class so we don%26#039;t all get together and ask for a better deal. The media is all about telling the masses what to argue about and what to ignore.
No use worrying about a candidate that will stand up for us, the powerful will not let that happen. Just know which way the tide is flowing and plan for it.
Who is standing up for us, the hard working, tax paying U.S. citizens?
You think it%26#039;s bad now, wait until next year!|||Presidential candidate RON PAUL
Check out his website,|||Very true. That%26#039;s why when all the other Politicians come up for re election, elect very wisely is all I can say. There will not be any checks and balances in our Government if we do not elect wisely.|||McCain is the only one remotely able to reduce taking money from Americans and giving to illegals. Clinton and Obama are all about welfare for slime.|||Ron Paul and the Libertarian party.|||The illegal alien issue in only the tip of the iceberg...|||RON PAUL of course|||Welcome to the real world.|||None of the 3 main choices will stand up for us. :-( It%26#039;s going to be a rough 4 years no matter who is elected.|||I hate to say it but, Ron Paul. The guy is for the average American. If it weren%26#039;t for some of his radical stances i would vote for him.|||A voice crying out in the wilderness. Do you not hear the cheers for Hill? Do you not hear the cheers for Obama? The people doing the cheering want to take what you and I have earned. They want ever more government intervention in their lives. They want the US to cease to exist the way it was born. McCain is little better. Huckabee might have been good but he has no chance of getting the nomination. I am thinking I have to decide who to vote for, who can the conservative support in any way. I am guessing I will end up with McCain. Perhaps he can be influenced by letters and e-mails from the people, the people who do not want the government into every aspect of their life.|||The %26quot;who is standing up for you%26quot; is, whoever you voted for. call them, write to them, explain to them how you feel. Make your displeasure know, whatever it is. And vote for what the past performance is on your candidate, not on what they say they will do in the future, that%26#039;s just political garbage.|||Mike Huckabee is not for illegals and his plans for securing the border he says it would be done in 18 months, he%26#039;s for Fair Tax which would help make us more competitive in the world trade market. Give us more money in our pockets. He%26#039;s also for making health care industry more competitive hence cheaper for us. He is for less government he supports following the Constitution and is against anything that would infringe on our individualistic rights as Americans. He has the best record and has more experience as a commander in chief than anyone running. Gov. for 10 and half years. Yes he is for the working class of America bc he came from that class, everything he%26#039;s got he%26#039;s worked for. Check out his record at Mike The people that are backing him are the working class, they make up his grassroots campaign, not the Washington insiders, he doesn%26#039;t owe them anything which is why they hate him. Go Mike!!|||no ones standing up for us. thanx to all the stupid ppl in this country who dont vote wisely, we%26#039;ll probably end up with another moron in the office for the next 4 years and then for another 4 after they get reelected. hey, bush is a moron, and HE got reelected. i really dont think it matters who wins cause ppl here who are causing all the corruption have their heads so far up their @$$%26#039;s are always gonna vote for the wrong person. this whole election is like a road with a fork in it, but both ways lead to destruction.|||Unfortunately I can%26#039;t really disagree with you and it%26#039;s very sad that there is NO major candidate offering a true alternative to the official DC line--one who listens to %26quot;flyover country%26quot; where most of America lives and the ones whose money has to support the nonsense out of Congress.
However, that is our one saving grace--Congress--if we will pay attention to our local Congressional elections we can put in enough folks in Congress who will ONCE AGAIN (why do we keep having to do this?) say NO! to amnesty and some of the other dumb ideas presidents tend to come up with.
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