unemployment rate is 5%
True or False
If the working-age population is 150 million people and the # of employed ppl is 142.5 million, the official..mortgage lenders
It%26#039;s true.
142.5/150 = .95 which is 95%
100-95 = 5%
unemployment rate is 5%
True or False
If the working-age population is 150 million people and the # of employed ppl is 142.5 million, the official..mortgage lenders
It%26#039;s true.
142.5/150 = .95 which is 95%
100-95 = 5%
For those of you who get on here and whine about how bad the economy is, here are some points which you are more than welcome to argue. The catch is, I have cited all othese facts so you also must have valid CREDIBLE sources or I don%26#039;t want to hear it.
First of all the Dow Jones Industrial Average has broken its own record 3 times in the last two years. - Fact. Pay attention to the news.
Unemployment rate is the lowest that it has been in 30 years at 4.9% (down from 10.9% during the Carter administration.)*
Inflation in the U.S. is currently hovering at about 2.5%. The lowest it has been since Ronald Regan was President.*
Real Estate prices are the lowest they have been since the late 1950%26#039;s taking into account the relative inflation of the economy. - Wall Street Journal
A higher percentage of employers now more than EVER are paying above minimum wage by an average of about $2.09.*
*= U.S. Department of Labor / Bureau of Labor Statistics
U.S. Economy in shambles?unemployment rate
There you go again, using actual facts to make your point. You are a terrible person. ;)
U.S. Economy in shambles? loan
On July 6, 2007, The Bureau Of Labor Statistics Released New Jobs Figures – 132,000 Jobs Created In June. Since August 2003, more than 8.2 million jobs have been created, with more than 2 million jobs created over the twelve months ending in June. Our economy has now added jobs for 46 straight months, and the unemployment rate remains low at 4.5 percent.|||Amen~|||Right on! Can%26#039;t stand all the whining! Thanks for sharing all the facts for the whiners!|||I really think certain parts of the media and entertainment industries try to yell wolf because there is a republican in the white house.|||Whoever said the U.S. has a bad economy?
If someone has, he is an ignoramous.|||You forgot the debt, larger than any debt any country has ever had, making your prosperity somewhat meaningless.
And the plummeting value of the dollar, making your debt even larger.
But sure, if you put blinkers on to avoid looking at that, it all seems rosy, doesnt it?|||You are absolutely correct. The economy is great. I do not see the cause for all the whining from the left, except that they are not getting enough for free...|||post this in the immigration section...see how fast you get flamed by your own politicos
lol|||what part of the people don%26#039;t care about wall street don%26#039;t you comprehend? What we care about is going to the grocery story and our dollars are going a lot less... mean while corportae salaries are shooting through the roof... and as for unemployment rates... how many have given up looking for work?
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer|||But how can this be ? We have to make President Bush look bad because he kicked our ----- in the elections and we know that the Democrat Party is the chosen party to run this country. So you must stop posting this kind of information the people are not yet ready for the truth.|||Why is the U.S dollar collapsing if it is so great? That $2.00 above minimum wage wouldn%26#039;t get you a studio apt in Watts even if you did work 40 hours doing it.
Real Estate prices are huge compared to the actual amount of people able to buy a home based on todays wages. Obviously the Wal Street Journal didn%26#039;t take into account the sinking wages of the American worker.
Interest rates are going up.
Your money doesn%26#039;t go as far as it used to because of rising gas prices and mortgage payments.
20% of your taxes goes to paying the interest on the National Debt which in turn goes to the same banks that loaned the money to the nation and the same banks who give money to the GOP. That%26#039;s why the GOP doesn%26#039;t complain about the huge debt and rising deficits that add to that rising national debt.
The infrastructure is falling apart in this country as witnessed by N.Y.C%26#039;s huge vent system blow up a couple of weeks ago and as witnessed with the bridge collapse in Minnesota yesterday.
Our schools are getting cut AGAIN.
And, your president has us in an endless war that is costing this country trillions of dollars.
The jobs being created are those that pay minumum wage and are in the service sector. The middle class jobs are disappearing while CEO%26#039;s salaries are rocketing past Saturn. Please, get the facts before you post nonsense.
The people benefitting the most from the DOW are equity corporations and hedge fund managers. The DOW has taken over 7 years to get up to just over 3000 above the highs of the Clinton administration. During Clinton the Dow TRIPLED. It%26#039;s obvious the country always does much better under a Democrat than a Republican. I%26#039;m not even a Democrat and yet it is quite obvious.
Interesting that 70% of Americans agree with me on this issue.
http://www.galluppoll.com/content/?ci=27...|||The average American isn’t experiencing this “great” economy. Just telling them that it is great isn’t going to work. Americans are deep into debt, aren’t saving any money, are worried about health care, are struggling with tuition payments etc.|||Let%26#039;s llok at your %26quot;facts%26quot; one-by-one, shall we?
1. Dow Jones is a scaled dollar value of 30 stocks comprising the index. Notice that Dow is never adjusted for inflation of dollar value as designed. Today it closed at 13,463. The index was over 11,000 in Sep 2000. A 22% gain over 7 years. But, to compare apples to apples, let%26#039;s see what happened to the dollar over the same time period: approximately 30% loss in value! this is compared to majority of world%26#039;s currencies, not even gold which is supposed to be a benchmark. So, as of today, we are sitting at an 8% loss in Dow in real money. But, a better indicator of stock market could be S%26amp;P500 index since it%26#039;s more broad. There, we are still below 2000 levels. Source: Yahoo Finance.
2. Unemployment rate does fairly represent the health of economy, although it is important. The real situation is that the rate has been largely flat for the last 10 years, but the quality of jobs are on decline due to outsourcing.
3. The way the inflation is calculated by the government does not have a leg to stand on. I do not have the patience to explain all the problems with it, but you need to look at large expenses such as medical, college tuition, housing and food. Low cost of Chinese-made crap as well as falling prices of some goods due to technology improvement/outsourcing do not represent the real picture.
4. I am not sure how Real Estate prices support your point. If they are low, this means people can%26#039;t afford it because of bad economy.
5. The minimum wage has been unchanged until very recently since early 1990s. $2 above it doesn%26#039;t even cover the official inflation number.
Now, US economy is not in shambles, but it%26#039;s far from outstanding by many measures. Look at defficits, real growth rates, huge problems down the road with Social Security and Medicare.|||It certainly is! Why do all the idiots believe the wonderfull figures that the government pulls out of its ar se! Can%26#039;t they work things out for themselves? If the countries economy is so dandy, why is it trillions of dollars in deficit? Wake up, people!|||yawho - perhaps you believe it%26#039;s collapsing - and if it is (of course you have NO source for your statement) it would be because of the people that are against everything - showing the United States *aren%26#039;t* united.|||Dow Jones is simply SHUT DOWN if it starts to free fall like it has done numerous times in the past two years..that is a FACT. This is to keep it so it doesn%26#039;t keep falling.
Unemployment only takes into account those who are actively getting unemployment benefits, so the number is knowingly skewed into showing only ONE group of people. People who have been out of work and who are still looking for new work, but who don%26#039;t get unemployment are not accounted for.
Inflation doesn%26#039;t take into account FOOD and ENERGY, what people are spending most of their money on. To show how bad it is, there are only very few people who have any savings to speak of.
Real Estate prices are a result from high mortgage rates and banks scared to loan out money because of all the foreclosures which are happening...from ARMS and the regular loans. Real Estate is tanking currently.
As far as paying above Minimum wage...Wow...that still is not a livable wage. You have to be making at least $20 an hour to be...THAT is not happening. How many times in 30 years has our Senators and Reps gave themselves a raise? How many times have they raised the minimum wage?
I am not going to search for well known facts because I don%26#039;t have the time. Don%26#039;t want to believe them, then fine, I don%26#039;t care.
Ever hear of North American Union? It is something like the EU with Mexico, the USA and Canada joined into one. Key words to look up are NAU, SPP, and the Amero (which is the currency they are trying to get the three to use)|||The economy is great, but to admit otherwise would require them admitting that socialism sucks. I think their heads would explode if they had to do that.
The economy today is stronger than almost ever before. There are many reasons for it but the primary one is people, you and I, have been able to keep more of OUR money and we have put that in to play in the overall financial growth of our country.
The tax relief packages of 2001 and 2003 have stimulated almost five years of steady growth. Federal revenues have risen 37% during the last three years and that is expected to continue through 2007. The deficit this year is expected to be 1.5% of GDP, which is below the average of the last 40 years. Productivity growth since 2001 has averaged 2.8 percent annually, which is considerably higher than the past three decades. New jobs since 2003 are at 8.2 million and the current unemployment rate of 4.5% is lower than the averages of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. If you want a job, there is one out there. Since 2000 real after-tax income is up 9.9 percent which has translated itself into a robust yet steady economy allowing more people to purchase primary homes than ever before in history.
So there it is in a nutshell, a great economy driven primarily by allowing we the people to keep OUR money. It is called equality of opportunity, what America is all about. But this is about to come to an end and the ramifications to our security are huge. The primary reason America is the greatest State in the world is due to our financial strength, anything that damages that puts us at great risk.
The Democrats have passed a budget that will eliminate those financial stimulus packages effectively raising taxes on every single American to the tune of $736 billion. One key issue, they are eliminating the lower tax rate on capital gains, the one element that has so effectively stimulated the economy in the last six years.
The AMT is failing and must be addressed. The Democrat solution to this crisis of their own creation; a 4% tax increase on small businesses and the upper tax bracket. The upper tax bracket is defined as %26gt;$80,000 per year in AGI, so America bend over, the Democrats are going to give it to you again. Small businesses employ over half of the private sector employees. What do you think a tax increase is going to do to private jobs growth? These are not companies that are outsourcing jobs; these are red, white and blue American jobs the Democrats are going to eliminate. These are the companies that have created over 60% of the new jobs in the last decade, and now the Democrats are going to punish them for that success.
This is not about conservatives and liberals. We are far beyond that debate. It is about America’s capital survival versus sweeping socialism. The capitalist economy works and that is proven, socialism fails, that is known. The two systems are diametrically opposed. Do not for one moment believe they can be blended into a benign socialist system. There is nothing benign about it. Socialism is a cancer, and it is always malignant and to save our country it must be removed in any manner possible.|||I guess the only thing that they hear was that Canada%26#039;s $ is worth more than ours. I am sure I heard that too. But what for one day? All of the other things overshadow that.
i know, i will hear all sorts of lies and hatred but the stock market doesnt lie aand neither does housing sales and the low unemployment rate.
so vent liberals, call me names i like it!
Why do liberals deny that the US econmy is BOOMING?
Because they try to manipulate public opinion by saying whatever is convenient, without regard to fact or reason. Then they take public opinion polls to %26#039;influence%26#039; voters and politicians alike...
I am sure unemployment would be a lot lower if we did not have millions of new illegal immigrants among the unemployed.
Why do liberals deny that the US econmy is BOOMING?
How or why? Why, because they want nothing more than for Bush to fail. If that brings the rest of the country down as well, then so be it.|||HA! BUSTING is more like it!!!
Can%26#039;t you admit how many people are unemployed and/or in so knee deep of debt they need a shovel!
How many service industry jobs are being created? GOODBYE SOFTWARE PROGRAMMER! HELLLOOOO BURGER FLIPPING!!!|||Because a booming economy (and this time it%26#039;s not based on a huge dot.com bubble like Clinton%26#039;s %26quot;boom%26quot;) shows that tax cuts and reaganomics works, and that goes against their democrat ideals.|||Because it is not. Our economy has had very limited successes recently. But our last booming economy was under a liberal president with a liberal congress.|||Because it proves them false and does not give them an issue for mudslinging.|||It probably depends on how you measure it. If you look at numbers like the stock market, yes the economy is doing OK. Not sure I would say booming but definately not bad. If you look at average American income or amount of disposable income then the ecomony is in bad shape. Since there is no universal measurment that is why you have defering opinions.|||So you can ignore that the housing market is about to burst? You can ignore we are a nation that lives on borrowed money?
Low unemployment numbers mean nothing at all.
I dont want to call you names at all sexy I want to love you with a 2 x 4 and some lube.Maybe not the lube it depends.|||Because they know that Bill Clinton failed as a president and they do not want to admit that President George W. Bush is the best man in charge. They are in denial!|||They may be too overwhelmed by the loss of jobs and housing in this country.|||The unemployment rate is the highest since the great depression. Corporate profits are higher than ever, but the median family income has gone down by over $9000/year in the last 5 years to the lowest rate in history (adjusted for inflation). The US economy isn%26#039;t booming at all! 0.1% of the people in the country are doing better. Everyone else is doing worse. That is not a healthy economy...that is feudalism and is not sustainable. It will crash if it continues.
Corporate profits has little to do with the overall economy of the nation. It%26#039;s great if you are the head of a corporation, but the lowered standard of living is bad for everyone else.
Fascism is, in part, the embrace of corporatism. This is what is obviously going on. How do corporate profits help you unless you happen to be one of the moneyed?
Median family income really shows the true state of the economy, and ours is crashing. If you enjoy having blinders on and cheering while your life goes down the tubes, go for it...but don%26#039;t drag the rest of us down with you!
My father likes to say %26quot;Figures never lie, but liars sure can figure%26quot;. To really understand the significance of statistics, one must understand what the figures are measuring and how. They 4.5% unemployment rate is based on how many new applications for unemployment are approved compared to the number of people in the country eligible for employment. The percentage of people that are actually unemployed or underemployed compared to the number of people that actually want to work (not counting stay at home parents, etc) is more that 13%, compared to 9% at the end of the Clinton administration. You also have to consider which areas the job growth (which has been a net loss every year that Bush has been president and is the lowest percentage in the history of our country) has been in. Service industry (mostly sub-living wage jobs) have grown considerably, while living wage manufacturing and other middle class jobs have dropped sharply.|||the economy is coming back sloooooowwwwly- because of the PEOPLE not because of George W - who was the one to create the brutal DIVE in the economy, plus the one who expanded government, instead of (as promised) reduce it.
And he was the one who blew the surplus and gives RECORD BREAKING deficit on - wow! a great investment like IRAQ-
so how much is your gas these days- it was $1.29 when W took office- hows it going on paying rent or mortgage for (americans) ya? Is your job keeping up with the cost of living-
In california, Arnold just signed a bill allowing Walmart NOT to have to provide health insurance to it%26#039;s workers.
* I hear America the Beautiful playing in the background *
Omni-|||Why do you like being called names Remind you of your childhood? and of your wife.....|||All those that say the job base is in the toilet and affecting economy...
Straight from the department of Labor
The second is corperate data...
Third is a hard hitter....consumer spending not so great there, but it is cyclic...|||Apparently those Ford workers in Michigan and Ohio missed the memo...|||You are so handsome and smart. Is that what you want to hear?|||Because it isn%26#039;t. It%26#039;s growing at a fair clip, but the housing market is beginning to deflate, job growth is pitiful (keep in mind that 144,000 people join the ranks of the employable every month, so a month that creates less than 144,000 jobs means a net gain in unemployment) and real wages have been dropping for the better part of a decade. Is Bush responsible for all this? Hell no; the goverrnment in general has only limited ability to control GDP, but it does shape the direction and tone due to its sheer size, and in that respect his fiscal policies have to be viewed as failures.|||I believe unemployment is what 4.5%?
Damn near record lows.
Stock market booms
All in the face of record high gas prices? Which are obviously as you know, now falling.
You can%26#039;t get a liberal to admit anything that Bush has successfully done. It just won%26#039;t happen. So they continue to rally the %26quot;we hate Bush%26quot; crowd and hope for the best. When, back in reality, that%26#039;s a minority crowd. That%26#039;s why they continue to lose.|||well, if you look at statistics, most of the jobs that were created were in the construction area, and not in IT as many like to think.
actually, the only economies that are flourishing are those in europe considering that the families annual increase has gone up. the US is exactly like china, economy flourishes while wages go down.|||I thought you lived in Taylor? Anyhow, foreclosures are up, and so are bankruptcies. I%26#039;m glad that Alan Greenspan dropped interest rates to offset the economy slump that occured because of Bush, but I hate the fact that Bush took credit for it. He is responsible, but not in a good way. Those interest rates are back up, and people can%26#039;t sell their homes. Which means they won%26#039;t be buying any, either.|||It%26#039;s because they do look at the facts that they come to their opinion. When you say the US economy... that means the whole US economy... not just what you pick to come to your opinion. Remember, we are the United States of America. So when you say the US economy is booming...include all of the economy.|||Liberals think income polarization is the problem. Basically the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and middle class jobs are disappearing which forces the formerly middle class to take lower paying jobs. This is a recipe for disaster especially for the conservatives and for the economy as a whole but the conservatives in power are ignoring it.|||The economy is not booming, only the bottom line of big business is exploding from cheap overseas labor. 70% of our IT jobs have been exported to India. 100% of our textile jobs have gone to China. Nearly 50% of our manufacturing jobs and engineering jobs are now in Mexico. Domistic corporations like GM and Ford, who cannot export labor, are dieing on the vine.
Our government has become a plutarchy, for the rich and by the rich. And you have swallowed the bait hook line and sinker.|||Housing sales are dropping and we may be headed for a real estate bust similar to the one we had in the 80%26#039;s. Unemployment figures are notoriously inaccurate since they only reflect government jobs and do not take into account the private sector. Don%26#039;t believe everything FOX news tells you, go out and read a book. We have not had a minimum wage increase in 10 years! How is that possible in such a booming economy?
Can anyone tell me what country has the second largest unemployment rate? Also does anyone have data sets for this or even know how to compute data sets? I%26#039;m not doing so well in this class and need some major help!!!!!!!! Thanks to anyone who can. Also serious answers only!!!!
This is about Economics?
Nauru(2005 est.)
This is about Economics? loan
try the CIA world handbook, and the Economist website...
Remember how hundreds of thousands of students in France were angrily protesting? It was about a new law in France that allows a company to fire people under the age of 26, without cause, within 2 years of being hired.
Wow! Imagine that. You might get fired from your first job.
As it happens, the whole point of the law was to encourage companies to hire young people. The unemployment rate among young people in France is 23% and in many suburbs, it is twice that. Meanwhile, French companies are understandably loath to hire inexperienced 22-year-olds when they cannot fire them.
What these massive demonstrations reveal is the narcissism, laziness and irresponsibility inculcated by socialist societies.
In America, most of us would call the French young people%26#039;s attitudes %26quot;spoiled.%26quot;
Socialism teaches its citizens to expect everything, even if they contribute nothing.
Socialism teaches its citizens that they have a plethora of rights and few corresponding obligations.
Why does socialism encourage laziness?
The base premise of socialism is that you are not intelligent enough to know how to care for yourself and therefore the rich elite in Congress will take care of you from cradle to grave. It is fact that the socialists have been pushing this agenda for over 60 years (Social Security) and have actually created generations of families who rely on the government to tell them what to do and think. Government will never improve education nor will it allow you to use your money to send your children to good schools. Socialists want your children to grow up as mushrooms in socialist schools to perpetuate the elites control on your lives.
Socialism is a disease and should be eradicated. It has failed wherever it has been tried whereas capitalism has succeeded wherever it has been tried. If anyone tells you we should us a hybrid system, they are socialists and they are lying.
Why does socialism encourage laziness?
It provides no incentives to anyone to produce since all members of society receive the same from the benevolent state. Kind of like the Democratic Party platform on most issues.|||With socialism people get whether they work or not. Under capitalism you have to work or you starve. There are advantages and disadvantages to both systems, but if the people are properly educated, and are taught the proper work ethic, then socialism might be more advantageous. Under capitalism there are so many poor people, and the rich at the other end of the scale have more than they can ever want or need. I guess capitalism, with compassion might be good. It%26#039;s a toss-up that is moot and would take up more space than here at Yahoo. I guess if we all lived with the knowledge that we can%26#039;t take it with us, things would be different.|||Socialism demands outward standards of equality but has no means by which to change attitudes. People are naturally selfish by nature, not benevolent as Marx and others theorized. Socialism works great on paper until actual humans are involved.
Does that mean capitalism is perfect? No, not at all. No government or economic system is perfect. But the key is to guarantee as many rights for everyone and the incentive to use their talents and resources, not to just rob the rich to give to the poor.
***Before any of you launch any rants about my reply, I voted Republican my whole life until the 2004 election, when I held my nose and voted for Kerry. I wrote in a vote for John McCain in the 2000 general election. I%26#039;m still trying to figure out if I can tick off more important people by calling myself a pro-life, pro-gun Democrat or a pro-free-speech, pro-environment Republican. :-)|||At moderate levels,socialism will benefit society at large.go Hillary and the new socialist order.%26lt;dems%26gt;2008.embrace it comrades.peace and love be with you..|||You know, I think a liberal put it best: %26quot;Ask not what your country can do for you: Ask what you can do for your country.%26quot;
Where did they go so wrong? When did they get so confused and think it was the other way around? Socialism is just a nicer form of Communism.|||Wrong again you social retard. That particular law was capitalistic, not socialist. It benefited the corporations, not the society.
Socialism teaches its people that society is the most valuable tool we have over all others is society. Society is a team sport where, if the coach and the players are doing what they should be doing, the WHOLE team prospers through hard work, the free-agents who only work for themselves are shunned from the rest of the group, and those who use silly superstitions to try and improve their performance are shrugged off as long as those rituals are not forced on other people.
Society is the greatest tool people have. It is up to all of us to keep it in working order. Socialism benefits the whole of society. Capitalism only benefits those %26quot;free agents%26quot; who are only looking out for themselves.|||Why work hard? Everyone gets the same thing. Socialism discourages prosperity and therefore, pride.|||Capitalism creates national wealth.
Socialism consumes national wealth.
It is a much better system to keep the middle-class wealthy enough to pay for the services it needs on its own. Rather than create a massive bureaucracy to manage healthcare, for instance, it%26#039;s better that each individual manages their own. The government should work on the reason healthcare is so costly in order to reduce that cost rather than take on the cost.
Daniel can%26#039;t hold a job in an economy with a 2.5 unemployment rate! The strange part is he%26#039;s and MBA with a real estate broker%26#039;s license and he%26#039;s working on his second masters in chemistry but he is consistently unemployed in a good economy. What the case here...?
Good Economy No Employment Question?
Higher paying jobs tend to be more competitive and have less openings.
Many management positions require work experience.
Good Economy No Employment Question?
Every old spinster and washed up corporate has been has a real estate license. Listing it on a resume is like hanging a loser flag around your neck.
Why are people on line ridiculously stupid and ignorant? and further more why are they at home, why are theese people not at work? too much time on their hands and a unemployment rate to prove it...huh? thanks alot BUSH...
Why are most of the people on line so dumb? and why aren%26#039;t they at work? like me!?
uhh ur an idiot ppl r doin answers at work like me
Why are most of the people on line so dumb? and why aren%26#039;t they at work? like me!? loan
i%26#039;m ridiculously stupid and ignorant and on the computer, but that doesn%26#039;t mean i%26#039;m not at work.|||Duh.....we are all at work!!
=|||because you are working for me. now pick up the pace or you are fired. are you online with a company computer? bend over...|||too many people online is bush%26#039;s fault? you are one of the people you are talking about|||Unemployment is at a very low 4.6%, yes we should thank President Bush.|||Not all of us are %26#039;Dumb ***%26#039; Americans. Its night here. I don%26#039;t work at night.|||I go on line when I want to. I am retired. I paid for my computer and paid my ISP. I have nothing to apologize for. Mr. Bush has nothing to do with Y! Answers. Your complaints are baseless.|||While the dumb and working like you are on line there are those of us like me that are Geniuses who do not have to work because for me I am retired and if you paid attention to the news the unemployment rate is very low.Thanks to President Bush, low taxes, more money around equal more jobs.Plus the fact you are at work on company time playing around on Yahoo and you come up with this garbage.You are lucky that the boss hasn%26#039;t found out yet and FIRED you so you can join the unemployment line, in case you did not know, you are doing whats called misuse of your position, a firing offense that will NOT get you unemployment if you get fired.|||Hey Mamabear! U got any room in that boat for me?|||I am at work and the only person who considers me dumb is that one guy that women bashes in the women%26#039;s studies section.
Since 9/11. The Terrorists have hit Spain, London, Bali and others but have not been able to strike America again. Thanks GWB!
The Unemployment rate is a VER VERY low 4.6%
The Democrats controll congress and have NOT called on Bush to testify for any of the things YOU accuse him of on a daily basis. This tells me that they have nothing but HOT AIR. It also tells me that Bush has restored Honor %26amp; Dignity back to the Oval Office.
Saddam is Dead - Fact
Taliban no longer controls Afganistan - Fact
Dow 13,0000 - Fact
Can%26#039;t spin facts now can you?
Also, However bad you think Bush is; America thought he was better than any of the morons you ran in 2000 %26amp; 2004.
Unlike Carter %26amp; Clinton, Bush will go down in history as a TWO term president who did not get IMPEACHED!
Here are some Facts for my LIBERAL friends, What Say YOU?
Here comes the wild eyed conspiracies completely void of fact and reason.
Here are some Facts for my LIBERAL friends, What Say YOU? loan
Liberals wish Iraq fails to meet the benchmarks, so more Democrats will be elected in 2008.|||What say me? Will you even read what I have to say?
1) The only reason Al Qaeda has not hit America again is because they have chosen not to. They already have us where they want us: bogged down in a Middle Eastern war, %26quot;bleeding to bankruptcy%26quot;.
2) Clinton inherited high unemployment and brought it down to 3.9%.
3) %26quot;Restoring honor and dignity%26quot; is right-wing code for %26quot;didn%26#039;t get a BJ%26quot;. There is NO honor in undermining the Rule of Law, and our system of Checks %26amp; Balances. The fact that the Democrats are spineless is no evidence that Bush did right.
4) Saddam is dead. But it wasn%26#039;t worth the cost in blood and treasure.
5) Taliban is making a comeback. We took our attention away from the war we should have fought to fight another one we shouldn%26#039;t havre.
6) Dow 13,000? Find out what it was when Clinton took office, and what it was when he left. Under Bush, the market stagnated for almost 6 years. Big deal that it recently started to climb again after a long doldrums. And it is now highly volatile. The investment community is worried about the underlying fundamentals.
7) America did not think Bush was better in 2000. Gore got more in a flawed system that disadvantaged likely Democratic voters. And the only reason Bush allegedly won in 2004 is that Karl Rove told Fundamentalist: %26quot;Look, I know he hasn%26#039;t done so good. But Vote Your Values! Especially, turn out to stop Gay Marriage!%26quot;
Bush will go down in history as THE WORST President ever. .A guy who caused huge deficits, who started a fiasco war, and who ruined our international standing. But those are all GOOD things to YOU!|||:|
I label your opinion propaganda and your facts, as you clearly stated, are facts. Their moral value can be debated however.
Note: I%26#039;ve seen more jobs going overseas than opening here. And the %26quot;lack of terrorist attacks%26quot; is not %26quot;thanks to GWB%26quot;.
Edit to add: Completely missed that you claim he%26#039;s brought honor and dignity to the White House. I%26#039;ll have to disagree with that as well.|||the rich got richer|||You are probably right about that last statement but he will go sown in history as our worst Prezident ever!!!!! He is full of himself which BTW is sh!t....He is a man that thinks he can do whatever he wants when he wants without any second thoughts...He is a war profiteer as is Cheney.....which is probably one of the reasons he wasnt%26#039;s impeached to begin with because Cheney would take over and he is the worst VP we have ever had!!! Those that love Dumbya are just following the pied Piper and have an inability to think for themselves...|||I agree, BUT......we do need to get out of Iraq. Since their Prime Minister is blaming us for everything and the Iraqis are either incapable of or unwilling to defend themselves, I say, %26quot;To Hell with them!%26quot; Bring our men home!|||You preach the truth! Thank you!|||Absolutely none of that can be documented and is simply off the top of your head. Admit it, you%26#039;re a bluff trying to get a rise out of liberals. No real substance and basically a simple abuse of Yahoo answers, as it is not a question at all, more like an underexplained answer, an inexplicable insult to anyones intelligence.|||A Perfect Question and a Perfect follow up.
Thank you!!|||Uh, Randy, would you like to calm down?
First in regards to terrorists not hitting the States since 2001: there were no terrorist attacks in America between 1993 and 2001. So by your thinking, really until late 2009, I don%26#039;t think George really deserves too much praise yet.
Second, although I am not a Democrat, unlike partisan Republicans, the Dems don%26#039;t seem interested in playing %26quot;gotcha!%26quot; politics with the President the way the Republicans did in the 1990%26#039;s.
Saddam is dead--hurrah. What%26#039;s your point?
The Taliban do not control Afganistan and for that, Mr. Bush deserves praise. But the administration has sat on their fannies since then, and now the Taliban once again control significant parts of the country.
Economic figures: who cares? Compared to the countries of the industrialized world, the average American%26#039;s standard of living is well-below the rest.
Finally, what do all these things have to do with one another? Honestly, if you want to make a strong argument for the quality of Mr. Bush%26#039;s presidency, you need to be considerably more intelligible than you are here.
Cheers.|||God bless you.
History will remember G.W. Bush as a great leader and the Democrats will be remembered as poor pathetic political opportunists.
Sorry if the truth hurts.......... but then the dems could never get elected on truth.
See what i mean? the cranberrychutney guy below is lying out his ......|||HOOAH!!!|||Saddam is Dead - Fact
True. Yet more Iraqis and Americans have died after his death than before it.
Taliban no longer controls Afghanistan - Fact
True. Yet rather than stamping them out for good, Bush abandoned Afghanistan allowing the Taliban to regroup and regain control in the southern regions. Also, opium sales from that region are now at an all time high.
Dow 13,0000 - Fact
True. Bush%26#039;s deficit spending economy has artificially inflated the market, to include corporate bailouts. When Clinton was in office the Dow went from approx 3,200 to 10,500. Yet the war spending Bush Dow has gone from 10,500 to 13,000. How unimpressive in comparison to the 90s is that?
The real facts are that nearly 4000 US soldiers are dead, coupled with approx 400,000 Iraqis. After $500 BILLION US DOLLARS, they have little electricity and running water. Meanwhile neo-cons sit happily at home flipping through Fox News saying how great the war in Iraq is going.
%26quot;Unlike Carter %26amp; Clinton, Bush will go down in history as a TWO term president who did not get IMPEACHED!%26quot;
True. He will also go down in history as the most despised and incompetent president ever.|||Dont forget that the Dems put up a big show when the Attorney Generals where fired, but Clinton fired all but one when he took office. (Double standards???) Also the little fact that Clinton could have had bin laden but decided not to kill him, and when we were attacked ,(USS Cole) what did he do.....he lobbed a few missiles into the desert, (big show of force there!) BUT, Bush needs to wake up on the Mex border issues, we need a fence NOW, and this thursday, Mex. trucks will be allowed into the USA! That is rediculous!!!!
ANother plus for Clinton....He started NAFTA, which is why so many jobs are outsourced...oh wait, thats bad...sorry libs!!
About the stock market being stagnant for years.......a little thing on 9-11, (just after Bush took over) had something to do with that!!|||There was a nine-year time span between the first WTC attack in 1993 and 9/11/01. Thanks, Bill!
The unemployment figures have waivered between 4.4 in March, 2007 and 4.6 in July, 2007. That%26#039;s a very slight increase.
Democrats do not hold a voting majority in Congress.
Yes, Hussein is dead. But where are those WMDs that were such a threat to us?
The Taliban is, unfortunately, regaining strength in Afghanistan and controls more areas now than they did a few years ago.
The Dow Jones is on a roller coaster ride. But, yes, it is above 13,000.
What history has to say about GWB won%26#039;t be determined by him being a two-term president that wasn%26#039;t impeached.|||Fact: 9-11 happened on Bush%26#039;s watch and the evidence suggests that a faction of the U.S. elites were complicit in promoting that false flag tragedy upon the American public in an effort to promote an otherwise stillborn PNAC agenda of war in the Middle East and repression at home.
Fact: Wages are stagnant while the super-rich have gotten fabulously wealthy from the raping of the working class.
Fact: The Democrats are the other party of the ruling elite and have been complicit in the crimes of the Bush adminstration.
Fact: Saddam was ushered into power by the U.S. right-wing and was taken out by that same group when he no longer proved useful to their agenda.
Fact: bin Laden and al Qaida both alive and well.
Fact: Dow 13,000 represents a major decline of the value of the U.S. dollar as well as the aforementioned raping of the American working class.
Fact: Bush ridiculed constantly by comedians as well as the general public for his extraordiary level of stupidity -- most recenly evidenced by his poor understanding of the history of the Vietnam war.
Fact: Evidence suggests that Bush lost both elections.|||Fact - American DID NOT think he was better than Gore in 2000. Did you even watch the election? 550,000 more Americans voted for Gore than Bush.
Why the thumbs down? It%26#039;s true! I didn%26#039;t bash Conservatives or Bush, just correcting one of the asker%26#039;s %26quot;facts%26quot;.|||Saddam is dead, so? The estimates of how many people Saddam has killed in his 20 years are less than the Iraqi%26#039;s have been dying in the 4 years and 6 months that the US has been in Iraq.
The Taliban is no longer in control of Iraq, YIPPEEE. Now Osama Bin Laden is free, and on top of that Afghanistan became the main supplier of opium (you know, the precursor for Heroin?) since the US took over. They now account for 97% of opium distributed throughout the world.
Dow 13,000....so? The Dow can rise to 50,000 if it wants, if the price of the American dollar keeps going down it won%26#039;t matter what the Dow is at, we%26#039;ll be broke. For christs sake when I enlisted in the Army I went to Australia for a trip before I left, the American dollar got me almost 2 Australian dollars for one. Now? $1.20 AU dollars to US.
America thought he was better? No, Bush had Karl Rove who despite his convictions if very, very calculating. But now Bush doesn%26#039;t even have that, does he? How sad that not even Karl Rove would stay on board with Bush.
Let%26#039;s not even get into Katrina....|||1. They haven%26#039;t had to come to the US to kill Americans - we have been shipping plenty to their neighbors! All they have to do is waltz into Iraq and kill them! About 3,800 of them so far, and counting - over the number that were killed on 9/11.
2. The unemployment rate is a DIRECT reflection of the Baby Boomers beginning to retire! You gotta fill the jobs they are leaving, and since the birth rate dropped after the Baby Boomers, there are going to be more jobs than workers. Gee - did you think that Bush just pulled jobs out of his @$$ for people???? With automakers laying off thousands??
3. They HAVE called on Bush, Cheney, Rove, Gonzales, Libby, and numerous others, and guess what? %26quot;Executive Priviledge%26quot; gets invoked. Basically that says to me that they are afraid to talk, and they can%26#039;t go into any sort of inquest because they would have to lie to save their own @$$es.
4. So he is dead. And that got us. . . 3,800 US soldiers dead. I don%26#039;t see the weight of good here.
5. Really? Maybe you need to visit. The government won%26#039;t do anything to the Taliban because their war lords are too much cash flow to their economy. That isn%26#039;t control?
6. I%26#039;ll send you a copy of my current IRA statement. Then tell me how good I have it - when I am in the hole from the drops in the DOW and NYSE.
Can%26#039;t spin facts? Don%26#039;t have to - you did it. I just showed you the truth to what you perceive to be true because Rush and B.O. (does anyone else see the irony in Bill O%26#039;Reilly%26#039;s initials?) tell you it is so. You poor, delusional soul. Hopefully someday you will remove those rose colored glasses from over your eyes and see what is truly going on.
Yeah - that you are right on. But now, a lot of them regret that vote. My husband does daily. . .
And his second term isn%26#039;t up yet, buddy. I think he will go down in history as the first president since Nixon to face prison time. . . Wait until %26quot;executive priviledge%26quot; is no longer an option. I can%26#039;t!
please forgive any spelling errors - spell check isn%26#039;t working on this one. . .|||The United States is the most hated nation on the face of the earth-Fact
The occupation of Iraq is the result of the worst planning in American military history-Fact
The occupation of Iraq has been used as an incredibly effective recruiting tool for Islamic terrorists-Fact
Bush has stonewalled congressional investigations-Fact
The War in Iraq is astonishingly unpopular and will lead to the Republicans getting their rears handed to them in 2008-Fact|||Mostly spin than fact, because you like to cherry pick information that you think looks good but no one is fooled by it.
1) Your claim that the terrorists %26quot;have not been able to strike America again.%26quot; Actually they strike every day, they do it in Iraq where it is easier and cheaper. And thanks GWB for throwing American bodies at the terrorists so that they don%26#039;t go after me.
2) Unemployment is at 4.6%, but the QUALITY of the jobs is at an all time low. Part of the reason for so many forclosures is because people who were nmaking a good living saw their jobs shipped oversees and replaced with low paying jobs and these people can no longer afford their houses. During Bush%26#039;s administration, five million more people than before live under the poverty level while corperations are making record profits. Maybe this little fact slipped your mind when you listed your %26quot;facts%26quot;.
3) Saddam is dead - fact. Bin Laden is not. Saddam didn%26#039;t attack the US, Bin Laden did. So who cares?
4) Dow 13,000..fact. The Dow has not been an economic indicator for many years. Long ago, the NASDAQ overtook the Dow as a leading economic indicator. And five years ago the Nasdaq was over 5,000, today it%26#039;s at just over 2,500.
5) Taliban no longer controls Afganistan - Fact
Not really, since Bush decided not to finish them off and divert us to Iraq, the Taliban has restrengthened and is once again formidable in Afghanistan.
And your post proves that obviously you CAN spin facts.|||I am continually amazed when people speak with such child like ignorance that you display so readily and heartily. You do this National Republican Administration proud.
I do disagree with you on all your points.
1. Overall income for the average american family fell nearly 2 percent during this National Republican Bush Administration.
2. Saddam is dead and why are we still there?
3. The taliban and Al Quaeda are still very much active in Afghanistan and Bin Laden is hello, hello?
4. The Republican supported right wing of this Republican Administration run by President Bush/Cheney is the worst in history and has made an historical blunder exceeding Waterloo.
5. I don%26#039;t know what your last sentence means since neither of the two Presidents were impeached. However, this President has a good chance of being impeached if we all stand together and vote more Democrats into office where we can have the votes for impeachment.
Won%26#039;t you join us?
Thanks|||Um, The Taliban does control much of Afghanistan.
And tell me, would this be the same Taliban Bush gave $43 million to in May 2001. YES.
Saddam is dead. Yes. And the country of Iraq is in chaos. Tens of thousands of their people are fleeing monthly. Refugee camps ring the nation. They have no water in Baghdad, no electricity in much of the country. We have tortured innocent people to death there. Some of our soldiers raped and killed innocent people there - some under orders!
Dow Jones - the optimism of the rich? This is a measure of something significant to you? Do you realize Banks are having to infuse billions into their lending departments because several are in danger of collapse? Do you realize Europe had to pump many billions into our banks to keep them afloat, last month?
Unemployment rate is not true count - they stop you counting after you%26#039;ve been unemployed 6 months, you know. Plus, real wages continue to fall, thousands of people are losing their homes, gas prices have tripled. Many people are working two or more jobs for pathetic wages.
If you listen to BUSH, the terrorists are in Iraq killing our soldiers.
Hello, they don%26#039;t call on Bush to testify because he is a separate and equal branch of govt. They can%26#039;t do that. So, it shouldn%26#039;t tell you a thing.
If you think dignity is having a president who has declared that the constitution is meaningless to him - he can detain any american without charges indefinitely, he says. He can spy on any american without a warrant, he says. Torture is a-okay for our military, he says. He has allowed rampant corruption in Iraq, with a member of Petreus%26#039; own staff selling our weapons to God knows whom.
12 billion dollars have disappeared in Iraq.
He said he%26#039;d fire whoever outed the CIA agent - and it was him!
He played the guitar while New Orleans drowned.
This is honor and dignity?
Bush will go down in history, allright, as the worst president ever. http://www.rollingstone.com/news/profile...
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/con...|||Yes terrorism against all the countries that backed USA in the war on terror thank-you very much George for putting us in the firing line.
That%26#039;s right only Americans count don%26#039;t worry about the rest of the world as long you put a stop to the ONE terrorist attack that affected your country.|||Ahmed Chalibli,
Yellow Cake Uranium,
Secret Energy Policy meetings
Violations of FISA court laws
Greeted as liberators,
The rebuilding will pay for itself,
mission accomplished,
No plan for the aftermath,
the last throes of the insurgency,
Terri Shiavo,
Osama Not Captured
illicitly diverted $700 million from Afghanistan to Iraq
Harriet Myers,
Heckuva job Brownie,
Paul Bremmer,
Scooter Libby,
Alberto %26quot;I forgot everything I did but yes I%26#039;m competent to do my job%26quot; Gonzales,
$312 Billion that went missing,
Jack Abramoff,
Valerie Plame,
Loss of Habeas Corpus
Torture Policy
Gay Prostitute/Reporter Jeff Gannon
Abu Graib,
Extrodainary renditions,
Secret prisons
Color coded warnings that magically disappeared after elections,
duct tape,
Walter Reed,
Emails deleted,|||After Timothy McVeigh%26#039;s terror attack and Alqaidas many attacks on the US embassies, USS Cole, and others, Bush and Co. still were asleep at the wheel for 9/11. With no other threats in the world Bush could not stop Bin Laden with 1 billion per month going to kill an old man in a third world country. The taliban still controls afghanistan and the opium trade that has thrived to record levels under American occupation.167 billion per year for Iraq a country that only produced 18 Billion per year in oil. Could we have paid Saddam 5 or 6 billion to step down and have elections? Or stoped paying him the 18 billion per year for oil, and give the money to the Kurds??Bush did not lower taxes , Bush could not check Government and in fact made it bigger and more powerful. Any gains in Americas financial strength is due to Hard working Americans not Bush. Bush made the Constitution Weaker, and shifted rights to the Government and away from the citizens.
the USS Cole was bombed on Clintons watch, but the facts came out on Bushs watch he was asked by Richard White to attack and destroy the Terror camps in Afghanistan, Bush said no because. that hapened on clintons watch. Saddam was a conservative right winger like Hitler and the rest of the right wing dictators.. Qadaffi (lybia) the rigth wing is the most dangerouse . Conservative Germans Killed 6 million Jews .a nuclear strike on a major city could only compare.right wing conservatives did the actual killing for Hitler. The police rounded up the Jews , just like our police would do here to us if they were asked to.. and the Military exterminated them baked them in ovens . Hitler didnt cook babys in the ovens it was right wing military men that did it.. Hitler or Bush or Hillary ,anyone who will lead them Hiel Hitler. How could it Happen? look at the right wing today.. Full of lies we murder 50,000 of our own people here a year 38,000 drunken drivers kill americans and terrorism is a small slice of the dangers we have every day but the right want to focus on it and over react,,, crazy like all historys overreaction,,, what threat did the Jews pose ?? I cant remember the German Propa ganda but I%26#039;m sure it was baseless as the republicans fear of muslims.. My grandma could have taken out Osama! .They do believe that the Muslims are out to get us and take over the world.. Why not kill them all?|||He will also be known to have liberated two countries and brought democracy to them both. History will be much kinder to this president than the silly liberal think.|||Should I call you Charlotte? Nice SPUN %26quot;facts%26quot;. Try again.|||Bravo! Nice fact list!|||Good question as well as facts laid right out. The truth is you can hit %26quot;them%26quot; with any amount of bare facts and they will still be in denial, sad isnt it.
the question is draw a PPC for US capital and consumer goods illustrating the following scenarios
A) Congress provides more funding for higher education w/more students attending and graduating college
B) New advances in medicine allow for healthier lifestyle
C) US agrees to be part of a world trade agreement that will foster international trade.
D) Unemployment rate increases in economy from 4.2 percent to 5.1 percent of labor force
E) Computer viruses are out of control and efficiency and output in economy fall.
AP microeconomics help!!!!!?
PPC is the same as a PPF which is a production possibilities frontier. It shows all the possible combinations of L and K that would produce the same amount of output. It looks like the thing on this page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Production_...
So put US capital and consumer goods on the y and x axises respectively.
A) increases Capital...because students are capital...therefore the PPC will go higher on the y axis (the capital axis)...that part of the curve will shift out...don%26#039;t change the intersect on the x (goods) axis...
b)...I guess that%26#039;s a capital thing...more people, people are labor...I dunno...you%26#039;re in AP here.
c) increases goods (x) side of PPC
just google production possibilities frontier...you%26#039;ll get more hits than ppc.
I need to find information about the economy in the Philippines. Such as imports/exports, trading countries, natural resources, unemployment rate, an any other important facts. PLEASE help!
Philippine economy?
The Philippines was less severely affected by the Asian financial crisis of 1998 than its neighbors, aided in part by its high level of annual remittances from overseas workers, and no sustained runup in asset prices or foreign borrowing prior to the crisis. From a 0.6% decline in 1998, GDP expanded by 2.4% in 1999, and 4.4% in 2000, but slowed to 3.2% in 2001 in the context of a global economic slowdown, an export slump, and political and security concerns. GDP growth accelerated to about 5% between 2002 and 2006 reflecting the continued resilience of the service sector, and improved exports and agricultural output. Nonetheless, it will take a higher, sustained growth path to make appreciable progress in the alleviation of poverty given the Philippines%26#039; high annual population growth rate and unequal distribution of income. The Philippines also faces higher oil prices, higher interest rates on its dollar borrowings, and higher inflation. Fiscal constraints limit Manila%26#039;s ability to finance infrastructure and social spending. The Philippines%26#039; consistently large budget deficit has produced a high debt level, and this situation has forced Manila to spend a large portion of the national government budget on debt service. Large unprofitable public enterprises, especially in the energy sector, contribute to the government%26#039;s debt because of slow progress on privatization. Credit rating agencies have at times expressed concern about the Philippines%26#039; ability to service the debt, though central bank reserves appear adequate and large remittance inflows appear stable. The implementation of the expanded Value Added Tax (VAT) in November 2005 boosted confidence in the government%26#039;s fiscal capacity and helped to strengthen the peso, making it East Asia%26#039;s best performing currency in 2005-06. Investors and credit rating institutions will continue to look for effective implementation of the new VAT and continued improvement in the government%26#039;s overall fiscal capacity in the coming year.
Philippine economy? loan
did you try the internet? i hear it%26#039;s full of information|||Check out CIA web-site! You%26#039;ll find everything you need there. Good luck!
b)unemployment rate
An_____is an uninteded side effect of an action that affects someone not involved in the action?
b...the answer is B
Everyone is saying our economy is bad right now. But how is that/
The Dow is over 12,000 points (which is very good), gas prices are falling (also very good), and the unemployment rate is lower than what is was during Clinton%26#039;s terms (which, again, is good). So tell me, how is all of this bad?
How is our economy %26#039;bad%26#039; right now?
I wish our economy was this bad all the time!
Wages - up!
Unemployment - low!
Inflation - Low
Stock Market - up!
Home ownership - up!
Taxes - down!
Tax Revenue - up!
Budget Deficit - down!
PS....To g: I%26#039;m comparing today%26#039;s economy to that of a few years ago. By the way, the stock market started tanking in March 2000, long before Bush become president. Unemployment also started rising as he entered office, that very month. Both due to the dot.com bubble bursting. Are you going to blame that on Bush? Then of course we had the economic hit of 9/11. Also, historically 4.6% unemployment is very low, and beats much of Clinton%26#039;s term. Just go to www.bls.gov and look up historical figures.
To CORiverRat - please look at census data that shows ALL income levels going up in 2005, and the poor going up in 2004, while the rich got poorer.
PPS....To g: I guess you didn%26#039;t understand the concept of a %26quot;bubble%26quot; economy. The economy grew far faster than reasonable during Clinton, and then the bubble burst in late 2000. I%26#039;m not blaming Clinton for the bubble and the burst, merely setting the stage. Yes Clinton inherited a poor economy from Bush 41, and he left a tanking economy for Bush 43.
You want to give Clinton credit for the great economy of the late 90%26#039;s. Fine. Tell me what policies he enacted to cause it? Fact is he was the beneficiary of a new industry starting (dot.com) that created lots of wealth and jobs. He did nothing to encourage it, or cause the bubble burst.
Bush instead gets hit with 9/11 instead of a brand new industry that creates new wealth and jobs. Thems the breaks. Just look at things honestly.
How is our economy %26#039;bad%26#039; right now?
i don%26#039;t think people have been saying that is bad nationally. i heard them say something about it being good on the evening news.
but locally in Ohio the economy is weak.|||The cost of medicine, food, shelter, etc are at or near all time highs. This makes it very difficult on a lot of people who are on fixed incomes.
The Dow being above 12,000 is great but it doesn%26#039;t mean that all is well - only for investors.|||What is generally meant is, although things aren%26#039;t as bad as they were during the depression days, everything could be better. I don%26#039;t think you%26#039;ll ever see a time when someone thinks everything is perfect---there%26#039;s no such world...sorry Candid (from world literature).|||Depends on where you sit. If you sit on the top (remember Bush%26#039;s great line about the haves and the have mores being his base) it is great. CEO%26#039;s salaries are at record levels. CEO stock bonuses are at record levels. But if you are a working man or woman you know that as a percentage of the GNP workers salaries are at the lowest level they have been since world war two. More and more people are losing benefits, health care, pensions. More and more people are having to work multiple jobs to make ends meet. Here in Colorado we are seeing record rates of foreclosures. Even bankrupcy is no longer there for many people who will never get out from under their health care debt, or the debt caused when their pensions were raided by the Nachios, Lays and Skillings. Is our economy bad, only if you have a job, or don%26#039;t have a job.|||ah... the unemployment lie... unemployment was at 4 percent when Bush entered the office.. .it%26#039;s at 4.6 percent now... is that lower?
dow is only slightly higher now than when Bush entered office (it%26#039;s previous high before about 3 weeks ago was about a week before Bush took office), so it%26#039;s only a very small improvement over six years... that%26#039;s a very slow rate of improvement...
and gas prices are still higher than when he started...
poor to no improvement on all three over 6 years...
and now the housing bubble seems to be busting... and did you see today%26#039;s report:
%26quot;WASHINGTON (AP) 鈥?Manufacturing expanded at the slowest pace in more than three years in September, and construction spending declined as housing continued to suffer through its longest stretch of weakness since 1995.%26quot; according to the AP?
Kevin M: did you look at the unemployment figures... you blame them on clinton when the elder bush handed him a 7 percent rate?
who would you rather have? a man that went from 7 to 4 percent unemployment... or one that went from 4 to 4.6?...
let%26#039;s look at the stocks... Bush went in in Jan. 2001... right... the high that month was 11,224.41... that doesn%26#039;t sound like much of a downturn to me... it was 12,031 today ... that%26#039;s about a 800 point change...
now when Clinton came into office the dow%26#039;s high for Jan. 1993 was 3338.12...and it went to 11,224, as I previously stated right at the end of his term...that%26#039;s about an 8,000 point chance
800 point change... 8,000 point change?|||Our economy isnt, despite what the Democrat%26#039;s would have you believe, unemployment and inflation is down.|||It%26#039;s amazing how repubs spin. Income is flat, prices are up, home sales and values are dropping, the poor are getting poorer, personal debt is setting records, etc...
The dow is the most meaningless measure of the market. The S%26amp;P 500 is far better. Looked at it lately?|||It is a weird time right now - the Dow is doing well, gas prices are falling, and unemployment is down, which is all good. However, people feel they have very little disposable income, there is significant fear of losing jobs, and the average raise can barely keep up with inflation. The gap between the top 1% earners and the rest is at an all time high and just keeps going - people feel their only purpose in life it to make the super-rich even richer. The thought of owning a first house, or moving to a better house, is non-existent for most people. There%26#039;s not even a game plan, not even the possibility of raising enough cash. For the first time in US history the standard of living for this generation will be lower than that of our parents. Plus Americans feel billions of dollars are being pumped into Iraq for no purpose, that the world is increasingly unsafe (Iraq gets nowhere, Osama%26#039;s still out there, NKorea has the bomb).
Bad is subjective - we%26#039;re not in a depression, we don%26#039;t have runaway inflation, we%26#039;re not in a real war economy. Still, under previous administrations we should feel very optimistic, yet for the lower-upper class on down (including the middle and lower classes), there is a malaise, a feeling that regardless of how hard they work or try, things will never improve.|||Regardless if the economy is wonderful, it is always %26quot;bad%26quot; while we have a Republican President,
If it is terrible, uninformed people claim that it is %26quot;good%26quot; while we have Democrat President.
Regardless of the facts,
And all of this one sided crap is brought to you be the most bias name in news, MSNBC, CBS, and others.|||It isn%26#039;t bad but you can bet the libs and the press would like it to be so, if they continue to promote the negative, someone, somewhere will believe it.|||Home foreclosures are up. Gas prices are rising again where I live. My homeowners insurance took a forty percent jump this year. My electric bill more than doubled from last year. The unemployment rate doesn%26#039;t take into account the people whose unemployment has run out. People with adjustable rate mortgages are paying more. My auto insurance has gone up. And the Dow going over 12,000 does me no good whatsoever. Our trade deficit is sky high, and the national debt is at record levels, and your personal share is almost $29,000.00 That%26#039;s why people are saying our economy is in trouble. The Dow is not a stock market and further it does not consist of the 30 best companies.
I live in South Africa and about 90% of the middle class people have Domestic Workers (Maids) - who do all our cleaning work etc. Now many may say this is a subtle form of slavery, but if you look at our 40% unemployment rate, they are quite happy to take any work they can and would probably starve if we took the moral high-ground and said %26quot;cleaning houses is too good for them%26quot;
Interested to know how the US compares...?
How many people in America do their own house work?
In the U.S. very few people have maids now. It used to be more common.
In fact what you said reminded me of how it used to be in the South (meaning the southeastern part of USA), up until a few decades ago I think the great majority of middle class Southern people - -especially white people- - had black maids. My aunt was a maid. There is nothing inherently wrong with people having maids or being maids - -it%26#039;s a job. But there can be other issues involved - -for example what I am talking about was at the time when there was a lot of discrimination against black people being able to get %26quot;good%26quot; jobs, so they were in the position of not being able to refuse or protest the extremely low wages they got as domestic workers. Therefore it was easy for average middle class families to afford a maid since it cost so little. ( I%26#039;m not making any inferences from that about your country, since I don%26#039;t know about how things are in South Africa today as far as discrimination. I%26#039;m just sharing what I know of our own history.)
How many people in America do their own house work?
I do my own housework like most people here in Canada.|||I wish I could have someone come in once or twice a month to help with the housework. But what with the cost of rising a family,gas prices, insurance premiums, etc. etc., there is just no way I could pay for it.
I don%26#039;t think there is anything wrong with cleaning things for a living, It is just a job like everything else, it pays the rent.|||just about every one does there own house work, unless you are very well off and can afford it.(maid)...i do my own|||I AM ONE WHO DOES MY OWN HOUSEWORK
Cleanliness Next to Godliness? (Acts 9:32鈥?0:23)
Here we are faced with a dilemma with three presidental candidates who are promoting %26#039;amnesty%26#039; for illegal alliens. They are avoiding this issue which we vehemently oppose and we are being ignored, and we are ignoring the issue in this current frenzy and it will end up costing us in our morale, our taxes, our jobs, our superior Nation and in every other way.
We allow illegals to take our jobs, we send our jobs to Mexico, China, Peru and wherever else there is %26#039;cheap labor%26#039; for politicians, lobbyists and the million/billionaires w while our construction jobs are going to illegals, our unemployment rate is accelerating, our taxes will be tripled, etc.
Big deal - health care for all - that includes illegals and we will end up with third world health care.
We already have people on medicare/medicaid taking out of nursing homes and left in the street. I%26#039;m afraid this will happen to a lot more who end up costing the system too much. What will we become a %26#039;nation of the fittest??
Who is standing up for us, the hard working, tax paying U.S. citizens?
A few years ago a millionaire developer was buying senators for $15K each. How much influence do you suppose billionaires and international big business have??????????
Lots of cheap labor is great for big business.
Unions have been busted so no collective bargaining for the average working person. Without collective bargaining we have nothing to bargain with.
Divide and conquer. All this race baiting, gay and abortion, global warming, these issues are about dividing the working class so we don%26#039;t all get together and ask for a better deal. The media is all about telling the masses what to argue about and what to ignore.
No use worrying about a candidate that will stand up for us, the powerful will not let that happen. Just know which way the tide is flowing and plan for it.
Who is standing up for us, the hard working, tax paying U.S. citizens?
You think it%26#039;s bad now, wait until next year!|||Presidential candidate RON PAUL
Check out his website, www.ronpaul2008.com|||Very true. That%26#039;s why when all the other Politicians come up for re election, elect very wisely is all I can say. There will not be any checks and balances in our Government if we do not elect wisely.|||McCain is the only one remotely able to reduce taking money from Americans and giving to illegals. Clinton and Obama are all about welfare for slime.|||Ron Paul and the Libertarian party.|||The illegal alien issue in only the tip of the iceberg...|||RON PAUL of course|||Welcome to the real world.|||None of the 3 main choices will stand up for us. :-( It%26#039;s going to be a rough 4 years no matter who is elected.|||I hate to say it but, Ron Paul. The guy is for the average American. If it weren%26#039;t for some of his radical stances i would vote for him.|||A voice crying out in the wilderness. Do you not hear the cheers for Hill? Do you not hear the cheers for Obama? The people doing the cheering want to take what you and I have earned. They want ever more government intervention in their lives. They want the US to cease to exist the way it was born. McCain is little better. Huckabee might have been good but he has no chance of getting the nomination. I am thinking I have to decide who to vote for, who can the conservative support in any way. I am guessing I will end up with McCain. Perhaps he can be influenced by letters and e-mails from the people, the people who do not want the government into every aspect of their life.|||The %26quot;who is standing up for you%26quot; is, whoever you voted for. call them, write to them, explain to them how you feel. Make your displeasure know, whatever it is. And vote for what the past performance is on your candidate, not on what they say they will do in the future, that%26#039;s just political garbage.|||Mike Huckabee is not for illegals and his plans for securing the border he says it would be done in 18 months, he%26#039;s for Fair Tax which would help make us more competitive in the world trade market. Give us more money in our pockets. He%26#039;s also for making health care industry more competitive hence cheaper for us. He is for less government he supports following the Constitution and is against anything that would infringe on our individualistic rights as Americans. He has the best record and has more experience as a commander in chief than anyone running. Gov. for 10 and half years. Yes he is for the working class of America bc he came from that class, everything he%26#039;s got he%26#039;s worked for. Check out his record at Mike Huckabee.com. The people that are backing him are the working class, they make up his grassroots campaign, not the Washington insiders, he doesn%26#039;t owe them anything which is why they hate him. Go Mike!!|||no ones standing up for us. thanx to all the stupid ppl in this country who dont vote wisely, we%26#039;ll probably end up with another moron in the office for the next 4 years and then for another 4 after they get reelected. hey, bush is a moron, and HE got reelected. i really dont think it matters who wins cause ppl here who are causing all the corruption have their heads so far up their @$$%26#039;s are always gonna vote for the wrong person. this whole election is like a road with a fork in it, but both ways lead to destruction.|||Unfortunately I can%26#039;t really disagree with you and it%26#039;s very sad that there is NO major candidate offering a true alternative to the official DC line--one who listens to %26quot;flyover country%26quot; where most of America lives and the ones whose money has to support the nonsense out of Congress.
However, that is our one saving grace--Congress--if we will pay attention to our local Congressional elections we can put in enough folks in Congress who will ONCE AGAIN (why do we keep having to do this?) say NO! to amnesty and some of the other dumb ideas presidents tend to come up with.
Biblical Prophecy and seeing the downward spiral of this planet..
What increases your faith in mankind with all the terrible events that are plauging so many people on the planet and nuclear war looming?
The Israeli ambassador said Hamas has strengthened its arsenal with more powerful rockets, some of them delivered to Gaza from Egypt.
Feb 26, 2008 17:38 | Updated Feb 26, 2008 19:59
%26#039;Hamas could take over W. Bank in days%26#039;
North Korea and Iran are working together on the development of long-range missiles, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said in Tokyo Tuesday, warning that the countries are threatening the stability of Asian and Middle Eastern countries
Youth Violence On the Rise | Family Matters
February 03, 2008: Youth Violence On the Rise ... Violent Youth Crime up a Third,” asserts in January....
January showed a loss of 17,000 jobs with the unemployment rate dipping to 4.9 percent. Predictions show that Spring and Summer will soar in continuing job loss an Foreclosures
Unbelievers- My last question was how Believers faith is increased by studying?
You%26#039;re just a great big Ball-O-Fun, aren%26#039;t you?
The more I studied, the further away my religious faith went and the closer my faith in humans became. But then, unlike you, I%26#039;m more of an optimist.
Unbelievers- My last question was how Believers faith is increased by studying?
My faith in man cannot be found in the West Bank, North Korea or Iran....thats for sure. at least not in the stories portrayed from those lands by western media.
I do find my faith in man on R%26amp;S believe it or not.|||I have more faith in mankind than I do in gods and religion.
I don%26#039;t believe any deity can or will save the plant. Mankind *could* - it%26#039;s whether or not we achieve that,|||I dont see how studying the bible alongside current events can increase your faith. Especially when the message of Christianity is just a little late. It is my understanding Jesus should have returned in the lifetime of the Apostles, he never came. Therefore I dont believe anything else in the New Testament. This is one of the reasons Im not Christian.|||If you%26#039;re such a believer in god, why would it matter to you what mankind thinks? Won%26#039;t your god fix everything for you?|||In order to be an unbeliever, there has to be something that is credibly believable. There is plenty of evidence that makes the theory of evolution credible and believable. There is none for any of the gods.
Now, are you a believer, or an unbeliever?
Edit: Please forgive me for not responding to your question in the way that it was asked. It makes no sense, so I just ignored it.|||Remember Saddam Hussien? 1999? Viet Nam? WWII? The inquisition?
All were thought to be the signs of the end of times. They just keep passing, so people find more signs.
Don%26#039;t hold you%26#039;re breath.|||I believe you have pretty much earned the rank of the nuttiest fruitcake on YA.|||The state of the world has always been in flux. The plague wiped out a huge chunk of the population, they claimed it was the end of days. We%26#039;re still here. The 1st and 2nd World Wars were a sign of the end of times. We%26#039;re still here. World leader after world leader was deemed to be the Anti-Christ, including Ronald Regan because of the 6 letters in each of his names. We are still here, he is not.
World affairs are created and lived through by mankind. Divine intervention has nothing to do with it. More often than not, plain old human intolerance and greed is the culprit.|||Biblical Throwup!|||I%26#039;ve never known a Christian, yet, who studied anything but the bible and Christian propaganda.
The only thing you have shown is that some Christians read the newspaper!!!! So what?
You sound like one of those apocolyptic Christians who would LOVE to see a nuclear holacaust that would precipitate Armageddon, so you could chuckle over all those Jews who will be destroyed for not accepting a phoney Messiah!!
GET A LIFE!!|||What increases my faith in humanity is the perception that even the most credulous people eventually see through the lies and distortions that leaders foist on them. The schemes and misdirections of the %26quot;Christian%26quot; George W. Bush are no longer taken seriously, and the tensions in the world are clearly seen as evidence that no one else is fooled either. When an intelligent president, one not blinded by ideology, is elected, we expect practicality and engagement to improve the world situation dramatically.
We also expect that the new president and congress will actually start to address the entrenched dysfuntionalism of the government brought about by corporate lobyists, and turn it around to level the playing field and stop the looting by the super-rich. Underemployment, wage suppression, bankruptcy and youth crime are side-effects of the twisted regulations that reward fiscal mismanagement and giveaways to those who need them least. Granted, reform will not be automatic, but with continuing pressure from the real grassroots, we can turn the country, and the world around. (It%26#039;s been done before, about 70 years ago.)|||I have a different point of view regarding these things - business as usual. In fact, if you make a study of history, the world is a lot less violent today than in the past. You just have to look further back that the last few decades.
I maintain a faith in humanity the same way I maintain faith in my loved ones. The uncertainty is what makes it faith. You should try it sometime.|||Ok you seem to have a small picture.
We have the abilty to feed everyone on earth.
We have a longer lifspan then at any time in human history we have advanced medicine the literacy rate is increasing every year. VIOLENCE compared to the past is DROPPING
WE HAVE ANTIBIOTICS we never had them before.
IF the world is destroyed it will be people with your mindset that pushes the buttons.|||I have very little faith in the side of humankind that lives without love for others. Those that do not love others have hearts of cold steel, and are able to kill others for money, which is their only great love.
Indeed, in a society that idolises money before God, we find a growing number of people infatuated by power, and driven by greed. Their love is with money, therefore their love does not exist.
Love goes beyond religion and scripture. It runs deep into the hearts of people. When you give your love to money, your religion is worthless talk. Your desire to crush others takes hold. Loved ones become mere family and friends. There is no love left for them, and the steely cold heart within longs for the day they leave this mortal world, because the money stays.
Indeed, weapon gathering warmongers are capable of love. But their love is in the wrong place completely. Those who should be receiving their love receive only hate.
((((hugs))))|||My lack of belief in invisible, all-powerful magic sky fairies (ie gods) doesn%26#039;t automatically mean I have faith in mankind. I don%26#039;t. With very few exceptions human beings are selfish, weak-minded creatures, ruled by self-interest and fear. That%26#039;s why we invented religion, and it%26#039;s why so many people continue to use it as a crutch.
It would be really nice if humanity as a whole could pull it%26#039;s head out of the sand and work together to build a better society, but it just ain%26#039;t gonna happen. At this rate, sooner or later we%26#039;re going to go extinct.
As far as I can see, the only thing which could save us as a species (apart from regressing to a less advanced state) would be if a new non-religious, non-theistic, universal moral philosophy were created, based on reason and intellectual advancement, and it was taken up by significant numbers of people of all races, nationalities and cultures. I really can%26#039;t see this happening though, there%26#039;s just too many assholes in the world.
is it because you agreed with the policies of president Bush and are sad to see him leave office..and want the next closest thing to him and his policies in the white house? I know quite a few people who for years felt that president Bush was dead on correct on all the policies he pushed for, and all the great prosperity and world respect that they brought us. We have even been able to spread some democracy and peace to the previously chaoctic country of iraq. The unemployment rate is low, trade is booming and american companies are exporting goods all over the world and creating great jobs here from free trading. anyway, all my friends want more of the same to continues after Bush unfortunately has to leave office.
Why do you support McCain?
I agree with you 100%.
Why do you support McCain? loan
i only support him because hes a republican...i would never spit on my country by voting for socialist barack or hillary|||Because, as the British learned all too painfully in the 1940%26#039;s, just being friendly to ambitious, authoritarian rulers doesn%26#039;t prevent bloodshed. The world is full of potential conflicts that could disrupt the balance of power and throw the world into a nuclear crisis, and a president needs to have a plan better than %26quot;brining nations together to the table.%26quot;
What good is bringing %26quot;nations together to the table,%26quot; when those good-hearted nations can%26#039;t even stop a genocide in Darfur? Why re-invest our time and effort in supporting a UN that has blindly watched two genocides occur in our lifetime!
Economically, McCain is more like Obama than Bush, I think you%26#039;ll find. Anti-Corporation, pro big government. Just, he prefers to spend more on guns, while Obama prefers to spend money on wasteful social programs.|||I like a guy who speaks his mind unless he is speaking someone Else%26#039;s mind. Who can forget the fact that Bush swift-boated him in 2004 and now plans to adopt all of his policies like a good soldier. Who can balance being a maverick with the stodginess of becoming a stuffed suit when it serves the purpose.
Most of all I like knowing what I%26#039;m voting for, and with McCain I know I%26#039;ll get something or other.|||He will fight Earmarks.
If you do not know what that i, find out.|||McCain has experienced a great deal and this is valuable. Also, there appears to be substance behind the rhetoric. With a McCain presidency the world will continue moving towards a peaceful destination, because threats will be challenged and not yapped about. Domestically, he appears to have genuine empathy and this should translate into helping Americans. I hope he is strong enough to discard Bush%26#039;s mistakes and keep the good things happening.
What was the difference between the highest and lowest unemployment rate amongst the group of graduates?
these are possible anwsers
uni A in 1990, unemployed (155) employed (1475)
in 2000 unemployed (125) employed (1350)
uni B in 1990 unemployed (125) employed (1610)
in 2000 unemployed (150) employed (1250)
Can any one EXPLAIN how to do this?
Both the highest and lowest rates were at B, with a high of 10.7% (150/1400) and a low of 7.2% (125/1735). 10.7-7.2=3.5%
we michiganders are really feeling the specter,as real, of a recession.we have the highest unemployment rate in the country.what is it that we would change,or think could help us benefit more?
Michiganders: the economy?
Get the manufacturing sector in Michigan to diversify into new industries.
I%26#039;ve read that military wives has a highest unemployment rate. Why do you think this is?
WHy is it that..........?loan
Because military families are compensated above and beyond what their normal paychecks are. So after government housing is provided, and air conditioning,and heat, and lower food prices at the commisary, not to mention overseas deployments to countries where there is a lower resource base for child care, they tend to not work as much.
Another one I have heard is that many of the women who DID have jobs, learned them for a very specialized job. And when they are deployed to another part of the country, it%26#039;s very hard to work up a network base to get jobs where they made as much as they did before. The only other option at that point is to get any one of the multiple of minimum wage jobs around a military post.
Okay, now here%26#039;s where it gets funny. In order for a woman with children to be able to go work, she needs child care. And child care around military bases is extremely expensive. Sometimes more than what they would be making at the minimum wage job.
So why work? If they have to pay everything they earn to the child care, why not just raise the children themselves?
WHy is it that..........?
maybe cuz they have to stay in base or move around its hard for them to get a job. i really dont know.|||coz they need to stay home n take care of the kids while their husband is outstation|||Because they are being taken care of by their husband. They get a check from them too because they are married, so they really don%26#039;t have to do anything. My ex is in the military, and he%26#039;s married now, and the girl dropped out of college because she doesn%26#039;t want to do anything but collect his money.|||One of my friends was a military wife, and she used to tell me how hard it was to find work in all the places she had to move too. There were so many people, limited jobs available, and most of these women have a certain availability for a job. She always found work because she could work any hours required.|||Tough to hold a decent job down, because of constant relocation.
Think about it, if i had to move 500-600 miles from my firefighting station, and did this for indefinite periods of time whenever the base moves my husband(i%26#039;m the hypothetical wife here, i%26#039;m not gay) to a different army post, i wouldn%26#039;t be keeping my position very long.|||they dont need to work the military pays for everything ...
guys please hlp answer my question plz http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...
I am leaving Michigan due to highest unemployment rate in the country. I heard that the Indy area has a 30 percent job growth. How would you say the job situation is in this area. Are there a lot of companies hiring? Do you see a lot of help wanted signs? Are there lots of listings in the papers/internet there? My areas of experience are Customer Service, Call Center, Automotive (Office) and The Alarm industry such as ADT.
Job Possibilities In Indianapolis and surrounding area?payday loan
Yes I live in Indy and there always seems to be alot of those jobs around.
It%26#039;s no longer a question of recession or not. Now it%26#039;s how deep and how long. Workers%26#039; pink slips stacked ever higher in March as jittery employers slashed 80,000 jobs, the most in five years, and the national unemployment rate climbed to 5.1 percent. Job losses are nearing the staggering level of a quarter-million this year How will it work out with a recession now here ,how can we take care of Americans and provide for up to 30 million illegals at the same time ?Do you think those may day marches illegals and their supporters are planning how will they address this problem and tell us how it can be solved?If ok with Yahoo-2 questions .. here....http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/080405/economy.h...
With America having it%26#039;s Biggest Job Loss in 5 Years 3/4 million gone in a year do we still need illegals ?auto loan
No, we dont. We never have needed a mass invasion and never will. However a small bit to be absorbed at a time would have been best for THEM and us! The part that gets me is that the illegal invader cant seem to see how its bringing us all down. The infrastructure will fall from the inside out and then who will help them? Neither our Government or theirs.. If our Government doesn%26#039;t take responsibility very soon, I%26#039;m afraid it going to be up to the citizens and be an %26quot;In the street Debacle%26quot;. I%26#039;ve seen it coming for a while. Who knows? Maybe it will happen this May? All I know is, its coming..
With America having it%26#039;s Biggest Job Loss in 5 Years 3/4 million gone in a year do we still need illegals ? loan
Of course, we need them to get driver%26#039;s licenses and vote in the next election.|||No, we do not need illegals. The illegal immigrants will continue to corrupt America. We allow anyone to come in here, pop out babies like machine guns, (bonus check for welfare, which means more money) and allow anyone born here to become automatic U.S. citizens. Think of the U.S. as a small jar. Think of the world as a massive glass container. The marbles represent the people...as long as you try to put more and more in from the large jar (represents the entire world), to the small jar (U.S.), eventually, it will start overflowing. That is what is happening...overpopulation is HUGE right now. The rate we are going at, we won%26#039;t ever be able to build enough roads, houses, schools, hospitals, etc., the way we are growing. The economy is bashed every single year. I have no idea how much the budget is for illegals, but it has to be billions, even trillions of dollars. They come here, get free food, health care, rob from Social Security, live off of welfare. The more kids they have, the more checks they get, so why not have eight to ten kids? The financial burden is horrible...no telling how many trillions these illegals are costing us yearly. How do we stop this crisis? Well, just take the benefits away. If we didn%26#039;t have all the FREE things to offer, they wouldn%26#039;t be coming here. The education...HAVE ALL BOOKS IN ENGLISH. Don%26#039;t let the illegals get college education...take them back to Mexico if they can%26#039;t get citizenship (it%26#039;s not like it%26#039;s hard in the first place...it may be a long process, but not hard.) The unemployment rates will continue to rise because they come here, don%26#039;t work or anything, get everything for FREE, so why should they work...they just get everything handed to them in the first place. If they get paid to sit on their butts eating burritos all day instead of working, why not? Bringing more people in to take jobs...BS! If a legal U.S. citizen needs a job bad enough, he/she will do whatever they have to do to get that extra money. If you can%26#039;t handle the answer, don%26#039;t ask the question.|||We never needed them. We certainly don%26#039;t need them now. I am sick of their whinning and their demands.|||Kind of depends on what kind of jobs are being lost. And I am pretty sure that the migrant farm work is still available. Due to the nature of those jobs, they wouldn%26#039;t even be considered %26quot;lost%26quot; as no benefits would be paid once the work is done and the workers migrate to a new job.
Perhaps the U. S. should quit spending over $1 billion a week in Iraq. That might help our economy a bit.|||No and we don%26#039;t need them depressing the wages too.
Loading up on social welfare programs and a undo burden on the courts.
Illegals are illegals and those cities that declare themselves as sanctuary cites need all federal/ states fund stop.|||We%26#039;ve never needed Illegals....
But more to the point, the %26quot;biggest job loss in 5 years%26quot; is a bit of a stretch of the truth.
While recent unemployment is relatively high it has been preceded by years of economic and employment growth.....
So over the long term average unemployment is still low.|||I%26#039;d have to say no
The nation鈥檚 immigrant population (legal and illegal) reached a record of 37.9 million in 2007.
Immigrants account for one in eight U.S. residents, the highest level in 80 years. In 1970 it was one in 21; in 1980 it was one in 16; and in 1990 it was one in 13.
Overall, nearly one in three immigrants is an illegal alien. Half of Mexican and Central American immigrants and one-third of South American immigrants are illegal.
Since 2000, 10.3 million immigrants have arrived 鈥?the highest seven-year period of immigration in U.S. history. More than half of post-2000 arrivals (5.6 million) are estimated to be illegal aliens.
The largest increases in immigrants were in California, Florida, Texas, New Jersey, Illinois, Arizona, Virginia, Maryland, Washington, Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
Of adult immigrants, 31 percent have not completed high school, compared to 8 percent of natives. Since 2000, immigration increased the number of workers without a high school diploma by 14 percent, and all other workers by 3 percent.
The share of immigrants and natives who are college graduates is about the same. Immigrants were once much more likely than natives to be college graduates.
The proportion of immigrant-headed households using at least one major welfare program is 33 percent, compared to 19 percent for native households.
The poverty rate for immigrants and their U.S.-born children (under 18) is 17 percent, nearly 50 percent higher than the rate for natives and their children.
34 percent of immigrants lack health insurance, compared to 13 percent of natives. Immigrants and their U.S.-born children account for 71 percent of the increase in the uninsured since 1989.
Immigrants make significant progress over time. But even those who have been here for 20 years are more likely to be in poverty, lack insurance, or use welfare than are natives.
The primary reason for the high rates of immigrant poverty, lack of health insurance, and welfare use is their low education levels, not their legal status or an unwillingness to work.
Of immigrant households, 82 percent have at least one worker compared to 73 percent of native households.
There is a worker present in 78 percent of immigrant households using at least one welfare program.
Immigration accounts for virtually all of the national increase in public school enrollment over the last two decades. In 2007, there were 10.8 million school-age children from immigrant families in the United States.|||illegal labor = slave labor
The rich get richer and the middle class gets squeezed out. That is the current state of affairs in the USA.|||I think the Federal government plans to make a lot of them sort of like a bad tattoo on your backside.
One thing that is happening now is this: the congress refuses to fund the Real I.D. Because that is happening, the best I.D. in town is done by the Mexican Mafia and of course, it should be purchased in Mexico. (About $1,500 for three of them. Say thank you Congress.)|||Those jobs that were slashed were mainly jobs that will be shipped overseas. They will also import modern day indentured servants from India with special visas to work in the computer fields.
Illegal aliens atleast in my state have actually lowered wages. When I got out of high school people were paid above the minimum wage around 9 dollars normally.
Then in 2002 illegals flooded the state, so next thing you know starting wage went from 9, to 8 dollars, then 7.50. Now it%26#039;s 7.15
Not only that rent has skyrocketed because they rent every available room and crowd them with 10 other people|||We never needed them! And with hospitals and schools closing left and right because of the strain the illegals put on the system, if our miserable government doesn%26#039;t wake up soon, and somebody grow some balls and do something about it, we might as well hang it up - they have plans to take over part of this country, it is coming - check out Michelle Malkin%26#039;s website - wake up America - put welfare people to work - no more rewards for the more kids you have, no more anchor babies, etc - ARH|||I%26#039;m with Rachel T on this one. Hundred percent!
...|||If you are willing to do all the dirty jobs for little pay they would not be needed anymore!|||How many ILLEGAL MEXICANS are unemployed? Do we have any scare stories on that?|||First of all, I am all for sending them all back to where they come from. they not only are taking over, but like many of you have pointed out, are pulling us down space wise and economically. i know one of the problems is having Mexicans on border patrol. i knew of one in particular that allowed coyote running for a share of the profit. (if you don%26#039;t know, that is when people here smuggle them over in groups for about 1200-1500 a head.) There is a bus line in KY that picks them up by the bus load and dumps them off in a specific area of town. It is in Louisville, and I used to work next to the unloading site. Now, even though them coming over is detrimental to the average American, it is helpful to the idiots that make a living out of bringing them over. Like you say, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. One thing that gets to me is when they come over, refuse to learn English, and expect everyone to cater to their inability. Have you ever been to Mexico? How much do you have to pay someone to follow you around and translate if you don%26#039;t already speak the language? As far as health care, they get it free anyway. My husband is in the army, serving his country, and we still have to pay for certain healthcare things, and we have full coverage in the area. Not only that, I noticed how several scams work. With Mexicans, they come over on a work visa, work 4 yrs tax free, then go home for a while, live like Kings til the money runs out, then come back and do it again. It%26#039;s like someone also mentioned, they live so many to a place, well beyond firecode, split the expenses, then hord the rest away. Some people say they are uneducated, but I think they are pretty darn smart to figure a way to beat our systems. I know when my family was in an apt, and we had a family that needed a place to stay, we got evicted for them, but looking next door, they turned their heads to a horde of illigals, or if they were, I didn%26#039;t know. The companies out there who hire them are making so much extra money since they will work for less, they get a fat wallet while the rest of us struggle. my husband had the best idea yet for them.. If they want to be here, make them do a tour overseas, fight, survive, and come back, then they can have their citizenship. That would save all our boys lives, clean up America, and make it a better place. And then if the military is smart, they will pay them less like every other american job, and cut back on the war budget. America will always keep getting bigger and bigger with more and more important people trying to think they can run the world. The key to Americas success would be the security of the nation. There is really not a problem with other nationalities wanting to come here to get a new life started but the process for that to begin needs to be seriously reworked so that normal americans aren%26#039;t paying for immigrants to stay here. But of course the more America keeps growing the more problems we are going to have. their is a solution for every problem just not a good one|||We NEVER NEEDED illegals to begin with and we don%26#039;t NEED the number of LEGALS they want. The world doesn%26#039;t have a shortage of people and bodies....they have a shortage of MINDS that work!!!!!!