Saturday, July 11, 2009

Is it a coincidence that illegals make up 5% +/- the population>?

And the unemployment rate in this country is 5% +/-?If there were no illegals would there be 100% employment?

Is it a coincidence that illegals make up 5% +/- the population%26gt;?

ILLEGAL Aliens (20 Million) Comprise

6.6 Percent Of The Population Of The USA

5 Percent Of The US Workforce

Unemployment (Reported By Citizens)=4 Percent(Currently)

In The USA

Is it a coincidence that illegals make up 5% +/- the population%26gt;?


How would you force the urban unemployed to become potato pickers and maids?|||simple solution...

huge fines on those hiring illegals... no jobs... no illegals coming for jobs...

no need for a wall or anything else...|||Unemployment doesn%26#039;t include those who have been out of work past a certain point, did you know?

And no. There wouldn%26#039;t be.

There are always %26#039;transitions%26#039; between jobs, and people who are not employable.|||even without illegals, the homeless would still not have a job...|||Grow up! You know that doesn%26#039;t include the true count. Any fool could tell you that. Another supporter of lies.|||I think that is a stretch...Did you know that 85% of all statistics are made up on the spot!|||lol 5% illegals = 5% unemployed displaced American workers|||no there would still be lazy people trying to smooch of the government...but i do think wages would be better because competition for labor would be higher...thus the no need for illegals...they are only good for corporations and not the American people...|||If it is true that our population is 5 percent illegal, then that terrifies me. It is scary having so many people in this country that we know nothing about. I%26#039;m surprised we haven%26#039;t had a suicide bombing again already.|||where do you get your numbers from? illegals are 14% of the population with 10% of Mexico%26#039;s population here already.

It%26#039;s been proven that if you eject the illegals more and more job openings would be filled by the millions of unemployed americans that can%26#039;t work because of them.

unemployment has nothing to do with the number of people out of work. Only those collecting unemployment, when that stops so does counting them.|||Here I%26#039;ve got a thought for you..........why don%26#039;t we just start calling it the United States of Mexico???? It%26#039;s pretty aparent that if it were up to you, you would. If you don%26#039;t like the way this country is run, go be with the mexicans!!! I guarantee you wouldn%26#039;t be missed. Your just another lieing bleeding heart liberal. You seriously DISGUST me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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