Saturday, July 11, 2009

How has George W. Bush managed to keep us so SAFE?

Is it the Patriot Act, Wire Taps, Camps in Cubs, Fighting them over there so we don%26#039;t have to fight them over here? What ever it is, it is working!

The Terrorists have hit Spain, London, Glascow, Bali and others but cannot strike the USA on her own soil since 9/11.

Thanks for keeping us safe President Bush.

Also, thanks for bringing Honor %26amp; Dignity back to the White House and for this SMOKING hot economy with a very very low 4.5% unemployment rate!

How has George W. Bush managed to keep us so SAFE?credit repair

His perseverance and Courage in the Iraq war, and his direction by Almighty God, and his care for the people of the United States of America.

George W. Bush, the Greatest President in United States History!!!

God bless the USA!

How has George W. Bush managed to keep us so SAFE?


Ask the families of the victims of 9/11. Kind of dropped the ball on that one didn%26#039;t he? Oh, I guess that little incident doesn%26#039;t count as occurring on GW Bush%26#039;s watch. I mean, he was so terribly distracted with spending time on his ranch and all.

Bush was caught totally off guard on 9/11 even after Rice was warned that Bin Laden and Al-Q were the intelligent agencies top priority. Yet neo-cons twist their lips to say Bush has kept America safe. What alter-universe are they living in. Can I go...|||You have got to be kidding, you can%26#039;t really be serious with all these things you have said, Whew!!!!! Thank You For Nothing Learned .|||He really has done a great job as President. The best indicator actually is his low approval rating. The American people are so selfish and uninformed, if they are against him, he must be doing something right.|||I have to admit I am surprised that I am surprised we have not been attacked several times since we invaded Iraq. You would have thought that would have brought tensions against us and the Muslim fundamentalists way up.

I have not really heard anything good that people say against President Bush beside people keep repeating his approval rating, which means nothing and it is pathetic if that is all you can hurl at Bush.|||He did it by having good core values and sticking to them. He doesn%26#039;t stick his finger in the wind every morning to see how he should think today like the bill-arys.|||Oy vey.

Bush can keep us safe as long as there is a guy working in a video store who is willing to call the feds when he sees a suspicious video.|||Thanks for 3,800 American dead in Iraq for NO REASON.

Thanks for leaving New Orleans to drown.

Thanks for putting the country over a trillion dollars in debt to the Commies in China who love us so much they send us poisoned pet food, poisoned baby food, poisoned toothpaste--great people to owe a trillion dollars to.

Thanks for making over a billion Muslims hate the US.

Thanks for ignoring the Constitution you swore to defend, and that would include torturing people and holding people without even charging them with a crime.

And if God Forbid some terrorist attack does happen here, that pretty much shoots your whole theory doesn%26#039;t it?

Oh and thanks for going on vacation for a month before 9-11 after being given a report %26quot;Al Qaeda Determined To Strike Inside US%26quot; that predicted those very attacks.|||Simple answer. Jihadists now have an inexpensive option of roadtripping to Iraq to take pot shots at yours truly. And most Jihadists will choose the cheaper option. Its called picking a battlefield and you%26#039;re right, its working just fine.


jxt299, 3,600 VOLUNTEER soldiers VOLUNTERILY dead. Stop using my dead buddies as ammo! I mean it. They didn%26#039;t agree with you and the majority of US dont agree with you.

And people CHOSE to stay at their homes when the hurricane was coming. Bush didnt create the hurricane nor did he tell them to stay. In fact the entire country said GET OUT OF THERE. Your entire answer was abunch of baseless, unresearched cheapshots.|||And initiating the office of Homeland Security. (Should have been done years ago).

Unifying the FBI and CIA.

Airport security

All of this has been done with much objections from our so called patriotic liberal democrats.

Thanks President Bush!|||thanks for the torture also. it feels so good to know americvans have the right to demean innocents after stealing their resources.

and thanks for the debt! I never thought it was possible to get that high! generations of americans will enjoy paying that off, and thank you every day.

thanks for funnelling so much money to your pals.

Thanks for making yourself dictator, not responsible to anyone.

oh, and thanks for having those towers fall so conveniently. You couldnt have pulled the rest of this off without that!|||I think it%26#039;s because he%26#039;s so articulate|||I think you have just about hit it all on the head. Club Gitmo is a great idea. I think their to nice to them over though. They live in better conditions than our troops do over there. People should show more gratitude toward him. You can take your family to the movies and your kids can go to school without it blowing up. And these people have ask how we are safe from terrorism? Liberalism is mental disorder.|||You must be living in a fairy tale world when it comes to your so-called facts Miss Ann Coulter look alike!

Regarding our SMOKING hot economy (you sound like a 16yr. old):

The number of persons unemployed 27 weeks and over rose by 188,000 to 1.3 million in July. This group accounted for 18.4 percent of total unemployment, up from 16.2 percent in June.

The number of persons unemployed due to job loss rose by 253,000 in July. This group accounted for 50.9 percent of the unemployed, up from 48.7 percent a month earlier.

Blame THAT on your president!

But somehow you forget the trillions of dollars that we as a country are in debt from the war. How do you think we will pay for that?

Also, the terrorist were never in Iraq initially, and Bush never went after the one responsible for 9/11 Osama bin Laden. In fact you never mention that Al Quada is getting stronger along with the Taliban. Just remember these things are occuring now during the Bush administration%26#039;s 8yr. reign, so get it strait now, so when there is another terrorist attack, it can%26#039;t be blamed on Clinton, or the Dems.|||no no- he%26#039;s created more terrorists.

there running wild in our streets.

the econmy being so good is caused by the saudi%26#039;s running it for him.

i mean, think about it. he cut your taxes! what kind of moron would do that?

he%26#039;s the worst president ever!

ask any certified kool aid drinkin%26#039; lib for proof.|||You%26#039;ve posted this same question a few times now, getting old?

Thanks for keeping us safe?...Is that why 9/11 occurred during his so-called presidency.

Smoking hot economy?...Dow is at 13,000, an increase of only 10% from 1998 when the Dow was at 12,000 and was actually predicted to be at 19-20k by now. 1 trillion dollars on the Iraq war...I thought repubs were fiscally responsible.(laughable) On top of this, take a look at the non-existent housing market which is in the toilet. Within the next two years, a depression is sure to and when it does, I expect a heart-felt apology.

Also, when you mention safe, you may want to hold off on that as people are taking bets whether the 2008 election will be suspended. But, I%26#039;ll remember you said %26quot;safe%26quot; and will be there to tell you, %26quot;I told you so.%26quot;

If one day, perhaps, you wake up and find yourself feeling empty because you have of an overpowering sense you%26#039;ve been hoodwinking yourself, take a gander at the following:

Come back to me when you%26#039;re enlightened, until then, please don%26#039;t post any more crazy right-wing garbage as you%26#039;ll only be flagged.

If you would actually like to debate in person, please e-mail to set up a location/time, I would enjoy watching you squirm.

I want to reiterate my offer to debate in person. I%26#039;ll even fly up as I know you are a broke lil%26#039; college girl. Funny, huh, I could buy and sell you and your entire family in a day and I%26#039;m the open-minded one, the irony continues. So tell me either here on this board or by e-mail when/where and make sure to give me at least a few days to one week notice.

I%26#039;m waiting.......waiting......

Still waiting, ostrich, waiting....|||The same way Clinton did after the %26#039;93 WTC bombing?

But if you%26#039;re talking about the Iraq war inspired bombings in London and Madrid, the Arab port deal, the terrorist recruitment camp in Iraq, the mediocre %26quot;effort%26quot; to get bin laden, the outing of a CIA agent who%26#039;s job was to track loose nukes, the re-structuring of Al-Qaeda in Pakistan, I wouldn%26#039;t say he%26#039;s doing a very good job. Unless Sean Hannity told you otherwise.|||I guess it%26#039;s true what they say about blondes?

Honor and dignity? ROTFL!!!! We have had more scandals in this adminstration least 34 that are being investigated right now.

Bush will go down as the worst president in history. He will simply pass off the Iraq mess unto the next president and declare that he was never defeated.

After Bush leaves office, the investigations will continue and he will be charged, along with Rove, Cheney and Rice.

The only thing that prevents Bush from being impeached right now is Alberto Gonzalez. He is Bush%26#039;s only insulation.

Bush now enjoys a disapproval rating just one point below that of Nixon, right before he resigned from office.

This %26quot;smoking hot economy%26quot; is in debt to China who holds almost all of our debt, because of the insane spending of this man, who has spent more money than all other presidents combined...and one sneeze from China and our economy goes down the toilet. Bush has mortgaged our future, and the future of generations and bankrupted America.

Even Reagan%26#039;s former head of the Joint Economic Committee of Congress, Bruce Bartlett, accuses Bush of bankrupting America...and Bartlett is a republican!

%26quot;Keeping us safe?%26quot; Every single study shows that the threat of terrorism has grown stronger under this administration and Al Qaeda is now more dangerous than at any time before 9/11.

Yeah, great job Bush. Thanks for nothing.

Here%26#039;s a hint for all of you neo-cons.

Try reading.|||I don%26#039;t know. Ask someone whose family member died on 9/11.|||I know, George Bush is so uber cool. What Americans need to know is freedom isn%26#039;t free, ok. We are fightn terrorism over in Iraq instead of America and thats leadership. Wait, didn%26#039;t we invade Iraq. Oh, that%26#039;s probably not why the war is being fought over there. Yeah and we havn%26#039;t been struck on our on soil because them terrorists don%26#039;t want to mess with America. It is not because we are across the ocean and are so far away.|||Please tell me you%26#039;re jesting with us.

The Patriot Act??!? Wire taps!!!???

Read 1984 by Orwell. Then again, you%26#039;d probably think it was the Republican manifesto.|||Yeah ok, Lets just go with that one. All I have to say is I am very happy election time is coming up!|||Bush keep us safe? Thats laughable.

Bush is the worst president in history.

He hasn%26#039;t %26#039;stopped%26#039; anything.. the terrorists haven%26#039;t tried to attack us again!

Bin laden died of a disease.. not u.s. bullet wounds... if he were still around we would have been attacked already.

Our occupation of iraq is going to get us hurt sooner or later.

It may not be this month but they will attack again.

By the way, You don%26#039;t consider the suicide bombing of our US troops as attacks against america? If you consider how many arab-jerks have killed our men by terror related means; Bush is failing miserably when it comes to %26#039;protecting us%26#039;.

However I now see why bush has a 27% approval rate... some people fail to see reality.|||Keep chanting,%26quot;I%26#039;m not doing anything wrong%26quot; as your liberties slowly erode in the name of %26quot;security.%26quot;

You going to get the sub-dermal chip?|||FALSE !!

the bush administration has been stripping the constitution, seizing more power and halliburton/kbr have a 385 mil a year contract.. have built 800+ FEMA CAMPS with a collective capacity of over 20 million people. the unemployment rates LOOK low because so many people are dropped through the cracks and not counted. the SMOKING HOT economy as you say is because the federal reserve doubled the amount of currency over a 6 year period, and we are at near the end of a 2 year period where they have doubled it again!!

people who are not paying attention to this are seeing the stock market going up up up.. the truth is the dollar is devaluated to record lows and falling like a ROCK !!

you think BUSH is keeping us safe?!!

wait till he starts rounding people up into NAZI PRISON CAMPS!

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