Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why do the liberal elite drive around in limousines while the working class starve to death?

Working and middle class Americans should support republicans because the rich Republicans are the ones who have companies that actually set people up with jobs. Whereas the liberal elite only support themselves with the money they earn. That%26#039;s why the unemployment rate is so high in LA, because of the elite in liberal Hollywood.

Why do the liberal elite drive around in limousines while the working class starve to death?cash loan

Let%26#039;s just leave it at there are lot of rich people on both sides of the political spectrum who do alot of strange things and none of them have an affinity for the %26#039;real%26#039; people of the US , Canada, Britain, Australia etc.

There are some very well to do people who do offer aid and resources, but too many are nouveau riche and just enjoy throwing their wealth around and go wow ain%26#039;t it great how wealthy I am.

Why do the liberal elite drive around in limousines while the working class starve to death?


Don%26#039;t know. Just don%26#039;t bother so much and strive harder for your goals and dreams.|||Those big hearted sweet republican executives companies like Enron and Haliburton and a thousand others.... They care only for the under priviledged poor.|||Do you mean like Barbara Streisand and her 5 mansions, private jets, and 20 thousand square foot air conditioned barn for her horses, or Al Gore and his 4 houses and private jet, not to mention his fleet of SUVs. The simple answer is that in their mind they are the elite and intelligent therefore deserving of the luxuries of life. The rest of us, their working class need to sacrifice for the betterment of the world and those of the elite upperclass of society. I think a simple word would be hypocrite. A simple word for anyone that listens to them would be naive|||Firstly they earned the right to live lavishly. Secondly, most of them are quite generous to specific causes. Now there are people for sure in the Hollywood elite who are very superficial in all they do. But many are generous to a fault. However your CE Os with their exorbiant salary%26#039;s and lifestyles just suck us dry; like that CEO who retired from EXXON with a bonus big enough to give every driver a gallon of gas as we are paying 3 Bucks a gallon or more.

On the other hand there are Bill Gates kind of guys who realize they have more money than anyone needs. People like him were driven from the need to succeed and acheive. Greed was not their principle motivation to succeed.|||Support Republicians? Yeah right...every Republican that has ever been in office took us to war. Is Bush giving in to anything to help, Hell No! The war started on his watch but it will end on ours. He cannot even finish what he started. He came in rich, he will leave richer...because of the working class people. He is the last person I respect!|||Because the liberal elite, like the conservative elite, are a bunch of hypocrites.|||Let%26#039;s see, you must be talking about the conservative rich Republican elite, the Waltons, that owns Walmart and is being sued for forcing workers to work off the clock or told they will be fired, and are being sued by over a million and a half of their workers for denying them raises and promotions because of their gender? And this %26quot;wonderful%26quot; right-wing owned and run Republican company is one of the largest employers of US workers, who also happens to pay such low wages that many of their workers are on public assistance, since they can%26#039;t afford Walmart%26#039;s expensive health coverage and can%26#039;t even pay for their housing costs and are being supported by the American public%26#039;s taxes? I%26#039;m sure if you open a few more Republican-owned Walmart%26#039;s in LA, American taxpayers will be supporting even more Walmart they can afford housing and healthcare.

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