Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Economic help please?

Was wondering if i am doing this right

population: 200 million

labor force: 120 million

unemployment rate: 6%

How many people are unemployed each year? i got 80 mil

how many are employed? got 120

you guys think these are right?

Economic help please?student loans company

Just because someone is in the labor force doesn%26#039;t mean s/he is employed. It just means that s/he has or wants a job.

Unemployed = 120 * 6%= 7.2 mil

Employed = 120 * (1-6%)= 112.8 mil

Economic help please?


Ignore the population since it can also include ppl under age 15. Only ppl in the labour force is counted. To get the number of unemployed ppl, take 6% * 120 mil. That%26#039;s your answer.

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