Thursday, July 16, 2009

After today's earthquake affecting China?

Should the next president or our current president help China rebuild some of those factories destroyed by the earthquake?

US unemployment rate even higher than last month today.

What are we gonna do if there are not toys for christmas and US flags for 4th of July from china being made?

After today%26#039;s earthquake affecting China?

Don%26#039;t worry, China%26#039;s economy is doing much better than ours and they can definetly handle to rebuild their own factories.

After today%26#039;s earthquake affecting China? loan

The quake was in western china which is mostly rocks|||we need to worry about america before china|||It struck in Xinjiang Province. It%26#039;s lightly populated and has no major industries except for the Chinese Nuclear Testing Facility in Malan in the Lop Nor wasteland.

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