Saturday, July 11, 2009

Do you support increased quotas for legal immigration?

We have more illegal immigrants than unemployed people in America right now by a wide margin. Most economists argue, anyways, that a small but non-zero unemployment rate is best for an economy (so long as no individuals are chronically unemployed), since it is beneficial to have a pool of labor for new, innovative businesses. Therefore, if we get rid of all the illegal immigrants, shouldn%26#039;t we raise legal immigration quotas by a substantial amount?

Do you support increased quotas for legal immigration?

Yes, definitely. Otherwise people will continue to come here illegally in large numbers. In fact, the long bureaucratic process is what motivates many to just come illegally.

Do you support increased quotas for legal immigration? loanEconomists lie - They are part of the open border globalism. We need all those jobs for American citizens. There are plenty of people in America for ALL JOBS. Let the pay rise and they will be applying everywhere. Report It

|||with the current economy? NO|||Yes. We should seek the brightest and best, just like Britain, Canada and Australia do. Instead we prefer to import laborers. Beats me why we do that. We have quite enough of our own. All they need is a living wage. If we pay semi-skilled and unskilled workers a living wage, they will work for it and then spend that wage here. Currently, rather too much of this country%26#039;s output is sent overseas each week.|||No.

If economists had a clue about economy they would be too busy out there making millions for themselves to stop and offer their sage advice.|||IF we can get rid of the 20 million parasites that have invaded illegally, I%26#039;d be all for raising quotas as needed.|||No stop all immigration for 5 yrs till this travesty is cleaned up%26gt;|||I agree with 45 cal. Lets clean up this mess first before we create a new mess.|||If we got rid of them..yes.

As it stands now? NO!!!|||No, I think that Americans and legal immigrants should have priority over any body outside the USA, that is legal, not illegal.|||No, not until we can get our house in order. And allow the new--illegal free--job market to find its level. Which could take awhile, no easy fixes.

Since there is no real way of knowing right now how many illegals are in fact here--those numbers have no more value than anything from a soviet central planning board--there is no way of knowing what the market will require without a total deportation of all--or nearly all--illegals and a moratorium on legals while that comprehensive deportation is taking place.

Then we will need to secure our borders, by simple means such as: Fences, dog patrols, foot patrols, concertina wire, and air patrols. (If the Soviet Union could keep people in with 20th century technology: Fences, dogs, patrols and air enforcement. Why can%26#039;t we keep people out?)

And only, after we have a firm grip on who comes here, when, why and for how long should we be discussing increases in legal workers. Lets keep the cart behind the horse--shall we?|||No....we really need a breather. period.|||no, deport all illegal mexicans now,|||Not until jobs are offered to Americans first.|||Maybe...but only after we process those already waiting to come into this country....there is such a backlog it isnt even funny...which brings me to another point...USCIS really needs to streamline their dept, and to be more efficient to move cases doing this, My theory is that we can put MORE legal residents to work and they can help pay into the system in which they live...|||We have an excess of unskilled labor. Get rid of that excess and increase H-1B visas for skilled foreign workers. We are actually short of computer programs. Hello India and China.|||Increased quotas would need to come AFTER the border situation has been solved (and border law enforcement fixed).

Even then, with global concerns about overpopulation, I think it%26#039;d be wise to wait a few years before increasing the quota.

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