Saturday, July 11, 2009

Will Obama, the half-term rookie Senator, become the second George McGovern?

%26quot;You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing%26#039;s replaced them,%26quot; Obama said.

And it%26#039;s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren%26#039;t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.%26quot;

Let us count the ways that this is a disastrous declaration:

1. “Nothing’s replaced them”? Small rural towns that saw a lot of closed plants and farm depression in the 1980s, a lot has “replaced them” explaining why for much of the last decade the national unemployment rate has been below 5%.

2. “They”. This evokes Michelle’s similar “they” (as in the “they” who raised the proverbial bar on the Obamas), and likewise suggests both hostility and a certain us/they contempt for a slice of America that the Obamas apparently know very little about but for the first time in their lives are rapi

Will Obama, the half-term rookie Senator, become the second George McGovern?honda finance

Yes, his compartmental thinking is evident in his speech, if only one cares to listen, but in Dusseldorf, people, for the most part, are not capable of understanding the full impact of his words. It is all lost upon them.

Good try, though.

Will Obama, the half-term rookie Senator, become the second George McGovern?


Hopefully....|||Will he learn. Which one is trying not to get the nomination. What next. it%26#039;s in his court and then Bill comes out with %26#039;bosnia part duex%26quot;, what is next and who do the republicans want to run against? It is mind blowing. anyway a friend that is an Obama supporter stated his words were not understood. Remeber he went to a big college like George Bush. Whats up with Sen. Kerry saying he wanred us about electing a rich white man. Take care.

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