Saturday, July 11, 2009

Why is it that I'm having such a hard time getting a job?

I have been unemployed for almost 4 months now.And despite my state (New Mexico) having a really low unemployment rate,it just seems to be real amazing to me,for all the resumes and interviews I%26#039;ve gone though,I just can%26#039;t get employment of any kind.So what is the matter with me and WHY NOT!!!

Why is it that I%26#039;m having such a hard time getting a job?

The application process is key to finding a job. Make sure you resume is neatly typed with no grammatical or typographical errors. Include a cover-letter with your resume that states what your employment goal is and why you feel you are an appropriate candidate for the job. Ensure you arrive at the interview on-time and dressed appropriately. Greet the interviewer and shake their hand. After you sit down, move your slowly move you chair about 10 centimetres towards the interviewer. During the interview don%26#039;t fidget or look around the room. Look directly into the interviewer%26#039;s eyes. If there is a surface, such as a desk in front of you, steeple your fingers as this shows you are powerful. Prepare a list of possible questions the interviewer may ask you. Practise answering them in fount of mirror. At the conclusion of the interview, thank the interviewer for their time. Be sure to send the interviewer a follow-up letter in the week following the interview. In this letter you should thank them again for their time. Make specific reference to something they mentioned in the interview so they will remember you. If the interviewer says that they will get back to you within X number of days, wait X number of days before calling them to inquire as to whether or not the position has been filled. Be polite and don%26#039;t sound too desperate.

Follow these tips and I%26#039;m sure you%26#039;ll have no problem getting a job. If you still can%26#039;t seem to get hired, consider the possibility that you are not qualified for the line of work you%26#039;re trying to get into. Perhaps you should change you focus or go back to school to obtain the necessary qualifications.

Good luck!

Why is it that I%26#039;m having such a hard time getting a job?


What line of work are you in? Maybe there%26#039;s not much demand?

Have you tried to broaden your search (via something like, for instance)?|||Well, are you dressing nicely and looking clean? Sometimes appearance can be a problem. Also, how honest are you being. Telling the truth and being honest (even if it isn%26#039;t the best answer) will make you look good and possibly stand out. Don%26#039;t be overbearing, too talkative, or not talkative enough. Tell them why you want this job, why you deserve it, and ask them for it in your own way. I hope this helps at least a little. Good luck!|||try another town or state if it%26#039;s that bad! Hard to believe, McDonalds is always hiring for interm work!|||Hmm, not knowing what you%26#039;re trying to get a job in, I%26#039;d say time is the only thing on your side. As long as you market yourself well, find ways to connect with people who know other people who might find you leads, follow up on those leads. Basically treat finding a full-time job as a full-time job.

If it makes you feel better, it took me 9 months before I found a job whose description is close to what I did at my previous one. Granted, I had to move my family out of state for it, but it was well worth it. Best wishes.|||It can take many months to get a new job, depending on your field. And I often wonder exactly how accurate those government employment figures are, because they say unemployment is really low in my area too, but I know a lot of people who are out of work, or who have been forced to take much lower paying jobs.

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