Thursday, July 16, 2009

Who here thinks that 4.7% of the U.S. population are Democrats?

I can tell you for a fact that there are more than 14.1 million Democrats in this country. Want to know what the 4.7% number is? That is the unemployment rate in the U.S. as of last month. I just laugh at people who say that all Democrats don%26#039;t work when, logically, that doesn%26#039;t make sense. But of course, logic and Conservatives on Y/A doesn%26#039;t make sense either... How can you say Democrats don%26#039;t work when about half of the country is Democrat? Do you not understand that 14.1 million people DOES NOT equal 150 million?

Who here thinks that 4.7% of the U.S. population are Democrats?mortgage lenders

facts don%26#039;t phase conservatives without a huge side order of BS

Who here thinks that 4.7% of the U.S. population are Democrats? loan

You%26#039;re quite right, the latest approval number for

congress indicate that about 12% of the population are Democrats.|||I don%26#039;t agree with that, I do think that Democrats work, but complain and moan about how they have to, eventually all of them will just quit and get paid their welfare. What%26#039;s your source?|||Doesn%26#039;t take much to make you laugh, huh.|||The huge out pouring of whining from the right does make it appear they are overwhelming in number.

Actually it%26#039;s like a crying baby.So much noise from so little a source.|||Somehow I don%26#039;t see this question as you laughing. Who said %26quot;all Democrats don%26#039;t work?%26quot; Post that source.|||We have lost our media, the congress did NOTHING when the republicans had control over it and the conservitive media said NOTHING about it. The day after the Democrats took over the House and Senate the media immediately starts to say how te people are unhappy with the do nothing congress. Now there is some oversite for this power hungary President and some moves for improvement for the middle and lower class but the democrats still dont have the votes and the President still is able to veto everything. This President has the worst popularity of any US President in history, even worse than Nixon who was kicked out in disgrase for crimes. Yet if you listen to the Conservative Corporate Media you will think Bush is beloved and can%26#039;t do anything wrong.

Should President Bush's speech have been leaked prior to his resignation next week?

George W. Bush Speech:

The speech George W. Bush SHOULD give:

Normally, I start these things out by saying %26quot;My Fellow Americans.%26quot;

Not doing it this time . If the polls are any indication, I don%26#039;t know who more than half of you are anymore. I do know something terrible has happened, and that you%26#039;re really not fellow Americans any longer.

I%26#039;ll cut right to the chase here: I quit. Now before anyone gets all in a lather about me quitting to avoid impeachment, or to avoid prosecution or something, let me assure you: there%26#039;s been no breaking of laws or impeachable offenses in this office.

The reason I%26#039;m quitting is simple. I%26#039;m fed up with you people.

I%26#039;m fed up because you have no understanding of what%26#039;s really going on in the world. Or of what%26#039;s going on in this once-great nation of ours. And the majority of you are too damned lazy to do your homework and figure it out.

Let%26#039;s start local. You%26#039;ve been sold a bill of goods by politicians and the news media. Polls show that the majority of you think the economy is in the tank. And that%26#039;s despite record numbers of homeowners including record numbers of MINORITY homeowners. And while we%26#039;re mentioning minorities, I%26#039;ll point out that minority business ownership is at an all-time high. Our unemployment rate is as low as it ever was during the Clinton Administration. I%26#039;ve me ntioned all those things before, but it doesn%26#039;t seem to have sunk in.

Despite the shock to our economy of 9/11, the stock market has rebounded to record levels and more Americans than ever are participating in these markets. Meanwhile, all you can do is whine about gas prices, and most of you are too damn stupid to realize that gas prices are high because there%26#039;s increased demand in other parts of the world, and because a small handful of noisy idiots are more worried about polar bears and beachfront property than your economic security.

We face real threats in the world. Don%26#039;t give me this %26quot;blood for oil%26quot; thing. If I was trading blood for oil I would%26#039;ve already seized Iraq%26#039;s oil fields and let the rest of the country go to hell. And don%26#039;t give me this %26#039;Bush Lied People Died%26#039; crap either. If I was the liar you morons take me for, I could%26#039;ve easily had chemical weapons planted in Iraq so they could be %26#039;discovered.%26#039; Instead, I owned up to the fact that the intelligence was faulty. Let me remind you that the rest of the world thought Saddam had the goods, same as me . Let me also remind you that regime change in Iraq was official US policy before I came into office. Some guy named %26#039; Clinton %26#039; established that policy. Bet you didn%26#039;t know that, did you?

You idiots need to understand that we face a unique enemy. Back during the cold war, there were two major competing political and economic models squaring off. We won that war, but we did so because fundamentally, the Communists wanted to survive, just as we do. We were simply able to outspend and out-tech them. That%26#039;s not the case this time .

The soldiers of our new enemy don%26#039;t care if they survive. In fact, they want to die. That%26#039;d be fine, as long as they weren%26#039;t also committed to taking as many of you with them as they can. But they are. They want to

kill you. And the bastards are all over the globe.You should be grateful that they haven%26#039;t gotten any more of us here in the United States since September 11. But you%26#039;re not. That%26#039;s because you%26#039;ve got no idea how hard a small number of intelligence, military, law enforce me nt and ho me land security people have worked to make sure of that.

When this whole me ss started, I warned you that this would be a long and difficult fight. I%26#039;m disappointed how many of you people think a long and difficult fight amounts to a single season of %26#039;Survivor%26#039;.

Instead, you%26#039;ve grown impatient. You%26#039;re incapable of seeing things through the long lens of history, the way our enemies do. You think that wars should last a few months, a few years, tops. Making matters worse, you actively support those who help the enemy. Every time you buy the New York Times,

every time you send a donation to a cut-and-run Democrat%26#039;s political campaign, well, dammit, you might just as well Fedex a grenade launcher to a Jihadist. It amounts to the same thing.

In this day and age, it%26#039;s easy enough to find the truth. It%26#039;s all over the Internet. It just isn%26#039;t on the pages of the New York Times or on NBC News. But even if it were, I doubt you%26#039;d be any smarter. Most of you would rather watch American Idol.

I could say more about your expectations that the government will always be there to bail you out, even if you%26#039;re too stupid to leave a city that%26#039;s below sea level and has a hurricane approaching. I could say more about your insane belief that government, not your own wallet, is where the money comes from. But I%26#039;ve come to the conclusion that were I to do so, it would sail right over your heads.

So I quit. I%26#039;m going back to Crawford. I%26#039;ve got an energy-efficient house down there (Al Gore could only dream) and the capability to be fully self-sufficient. No one ever heard of Crawford before I got elected, and as soon as I%26#039;m done here pretty much no one will ever hear of it again. Maybe I%26#039;ll be lucky enough to die of old age before the last pillars of America fall.

Oh, and by the way, Cheney%26#039;s quitting too. That means Pelosi is your new President. You asked for it. Watch what she does carefully, because I still have a glimmer of hope that there%26#039;re just enough of you remaining who are smart enough to turn this thing around in 2008.

So that%26#039;s it. God bless what%26#039;s left of America . Some of you know what I mean.

Should President Bush%26#039;s speech have been leaked prior to his resignation next week?unemployment rate

NO! And this is my reply: Your resignation is NOT accepted, nor Vice President Cheney%26#039;s, thus you will finish out your term doing the best you can, and anybody that attempts to discredit, impeach, and/or file criminal charges on you or VP Cheney will be dealt with harshly. I admit that I don%26#039;t know the truth regarding all of the issues that you deal with day by day, and I as well as most intelligent US citizens are not gullible enough, nor stupid enough to absorb the propaganda that stems from many sources throughout the world, especially from the once democrat party, of which has been seized by hard chore communists that are not of sound mind due to the illegal substances and brainwashing that they chose to accept while skipping up and down the streets passing out flowers, illegal drugs, and spitting in the faces of our brave soldiers like obedient little commie college kids, so with that said and done, I bid you much success Mr. President.

Should President Bush%26#039;s speech have been leaked prior to his resignation next week? loan

Awesome. There%26#039;s nothing like telling it the way it truly is.

Thanks for sharing, and hopefully this never happens.

PS Those of us in the know, realize this.|||Hehehe..they are so clueless|||George couldn%26#039;t give a speech that long without cue cards to start with and he is not smart enough to even think on that level to be able to write that speech.

His would go:

I quit. My Daddy is going to pay off the American people so I will not have to serve my country. He did it before, he will do it again. Me an Osama are taking our loot and heading to Crawford. See ya, wouldn%26#039;t won%26#039;t to be ya!

That speech has credence, unlike the first fairy tale you presented.|||Interresting,funny,but this won%26#039;t happen.. Alot of thought

It sounds like you are hoping it will happen. God Bless am.|||you big liar

you are quitting because you are too close to being exposed as a cokehead, and you are running back to the bag|||You are SO full of it! Dubya can%26#039;t read...|||Yeah... here%26#039;s Bush%26#039;s REAL resignation speech.

Duh... I er... you know... whatcha call it... quit. Because even though Daddy bought my way into an Ivy League School, bought me businesses to run into the ground, bought me the Governor%26#039;s seat and bought me the White House, the truth is I%26#039;m too dumb to wipe my butt without instructions written on the paper. My approval rating is lower than my IQ and I%26#039;m tired of drooling on my tie and wetting my pants every time I have to think about anything but hunting like the dumb redneck I am in Crawford, Yeehaw, Screw Your Sister, Texas.

For those moronic, psychophantic fanatics whose nose is still planted firmly up my butt, pull out now because I have in fact disgraced myself, my family and the nation. I leave now to sit in shame of how I embarrassed myself again and again being blatantly stupid.

Bye bye now...

I still can%26#039;t figure out how any thinking American still likes this jerk. You%26#039;re all sheep. Worse yet, you%26#039;re lemmings... if you%26#039;re even smart enough to get the reference. And you%26#039;re all racing towards the edge of the cliff with W in the lead.

Have you Thanked 2 Term George W. Bush today?

For keeping us safe: No terror attacks on USA soil since 9/11

Economy: 9 Million well paying jobs created since 2003. A very Low 4.6% unemployment rate!

Restoring Honor %26amp; Dignity back to the White House after the impeached Clinton.

(Please feel free to vote and comment on my 360 page: Topic - How great is George W. Bush. Liberals welcome.)

Have you Thanked 2 Term George W. Bush today?payment calculator

THANK YOU President George W. Bush for keeping us save on our soil. Thank you for being a great role model and great Christian leader. Thank you for doing what you can to protect the rights of the unborn. I will greatly miss having you as our president after the next election. I%26#039;m proud that my teen-age son has gotten to see a good president in power.

Have you Thanked 2 Term George W. Bush today? loan

George W. Bush will go down in history as an idiot, war criminal, and general threat to human welfare and world peace.|||I%26#039;m thankful that he%26#039;s going to be gone soon.|||Yes, I am grateful that George W. Bush is the President of the United States of America. I will miss President Bush when he leaves office but I hope that his brother John Ellis %26quot;Jeb%26quot; Bush decides to run for President in 2008 and WINS, that way Americans who do not approve of George W. Bush can deal with another %26quot;President Bush%26quot; For another Four More Years.|||i do every time i bash liberals here and feel its a pleasure and a mission to do so.|||Thank you George W. Bush.|||Yes

but im in love with your Picture more|||No, I have not thanked him because as conservatives keep reminding us -- the president is not responsible for the economy.

As for dignity and honor -- that%26#039;s so irrational a statement its funny. We have never not anyone more dishonorable in office than Bush in the past half century.

Clinton was acquitted -- Bush pardoned the only member of his staff so far convicted of the same crime.

Clinton had sex in office -- Bush has been confirmed by the US Supreme Court twice of having committed felony war crimes under US law (18 USC 2441).

How you could possibly think that Bush has done anything but bring shame to the office is ...... never mind.|||Every day. You betcha!

Look at all the thumbs down Al Qaeda gave me. LOL!|||I hate Liberals...|||God Bless our President! And Thank you George W. Bush and Richard Cheney.|||So true!! We have a lot to thank him for, even those who don%26#039;t like him should be thanking him for these things!|||How many times are you going to post this question?|||I hope you take the time to read JakeS%26#039;s answer, and give it the consideration it deserves, because he is 1000% correct, and that is no exaggeration. *sm*|||I am thankful that we%26#039;ve had 8 years and running of the best leadership this country has seen since his daddy!!!

It%26#039;s not just the economy that he%26#039;s worked on getting turned around, which was in a shambles when he took office... Keeping America safe, with a military that was all but left like a torn piece of trash on the side of the road.

A good number of Americans are lost, they are under the impression that GWB, has in some way broken laws and such. It%26#039;s our job to explain the constitution to them. I was stunned when I saw a Democratic debate that even front runner Hillary Clinton needs a refresher course in how the Electorial College is who elects our presidents. It was put in place by George Washington, he knew that the day would come where a majority of people would vote for the likes of Al Gore. So we owe the first George a great deal of respect and thanks as well.|||Yo get the left going|||AMEN GOD BLESS THE BUSH ADMIN.

MY god JakeS i suppose you%26#039;d rather have Kerry who proposed we Sign over control of the U.S. to the U.N. talk about a slap in the face for all the soldiers that have died for this country.|||PNAC, you are such a troll. I am willing to bet you%26#039;re single, obese and make very little money.

Nice try with the porn star avatar. Have another cupcake fatty.|||As a liberal, i don%26#039;t like anything good, so everything you said must be made up or Obama and hillary clinton were the causes of such|||Why?

You are dishonest.

I concur with coragryph 100%

Consider becoming a libertarian

You are welcomed to view the following|||hell no|||There is not one thing there that I agree with. Especially %26quot; bringing Honor and dignity %26quot; back to the White house... what about the Honor and dignity of the 3000 plus soldiers he has killed.. what about this dismal approval rate.. what about all the lies and the runaway spending.. Are you nuts?|||Americans made the mistake of allowing Bush and Cheney to take office and allowing the Bush administration to wreck the US economy. Bush has betrayed the distracted and unaware American people. China is attempting to crash the dollar. On 21 August, Bush will sign away the sovereignity of the United States with the second phase of the globalisation of the Americas called the NAU--North America Union. Fourteen state legislatures are trying to stop this. This week we may face the worse financial crisis in our history, equalled onlyy by the dpression in the 1930%26#039;s. Americans need to wake up. They%26#039;re not ignorant, they%26#039;re confused and don%26#039;t want to face their situation. Something has to be done. Here is what some are saying:

The destruction of the United States may continue if the financial markets teeter or crash next week. I believe that the plan is to weaken the United States until the American people capitulate and allow the globalists to do what they want, which is:

the destruction of the U.S. Constitution

disarming the average citizen

collapse of the US economy

collapse of the US borders

collapse of American confidence

the electorate confused with propaganda and slanted media

destruction of the American middle class

Unfortunately, there are fears out there that our economy could tank next week. The Fed had to prop-up the stock market three times Friday with billions of dollars. Monday could be a bear.

Fed Orders 2 Trillion Dollars Printed, Put In Circulation

Three separate sources in the U.S. Treasury have told me that this week, the federal reserve ordered TWO TRILLION dollars to be printed! The U.S. Treasury is allegedly running printing presses 24/7 to accommodate that order. Treasury employees were specifically ORDERED not to talk about this to anyone because it could cause economic collapse.

Central banks on both sides of the Atlantic pumped billions into the financial system to calm nerves over an impending credit crunch yesterday - but their actions only served to heighten alarm, leading to a fresh plunge in global share prices.

The fading dollar can be held responsible for our troubles. It isn%26#039;t the dollar%26#039;s fault, because it is merely a piece of paper, which is un-backed, and the product of a printing press. It is those who administer and spend it recklessly, who have caused its demise, and who are wrecking our economy and nation. What repercussions does a dollar debasement have? Remember, it is in no way the fault of the citizenry. It is totally the fault of government and the D.C. Gang. All of us are merely the victims. Thank you, Mr. Bush.

Every passing day, this new world order, this so called %26quot;free trade%26quot;, is eroding 150 years of the hard won gains for American small business and employees, but very few people seem to care. How effective the propaganda has been. Americans don%26#039;t know who they are anymore.

What do American citizens do next? Give-up or fight?|||How was honor and dignity restored to the White House?|||yes,,,I think he would benefit from a anti-psychotic medicine,thank you George for taking your meds...what happened to your other photo,,with the red lip stick on,,,,more better. chow freepress|||No worries guys. I just flagged %26#039;it%26#039; and will flag any future questions as %26#039;it%26#039; has now asked this same questions 4-5 times over the past few weeks.

Take comfort in the fact that PNAC should be banned shortly.|||thank you mr bush for creating chaos across the world|||keeping us safe? checked the stats on health care recently? and how about our soldiers in Iraq?

economy? its completely based on oil!

restoring honor and dignity to the white house? no one died when clinton lied!

im a liberal so i try to be openminded, but i have stopped trying to find the good in george w. he never should have been president.

Help with is German article??

Alright so I found this german article and I have a general idea of what its about (the unemployment rate and how its fallen) but I dont really get it all. Can someone please summarize the main ideas for me and maybe a few specifics?


Help with is German article??credit check

Lots of waffle about the unemployment rate. Mostly unimportant text as a filler to the statistics, like quotes from politicians commenting on the numbers and statements about the expenses of the unemployment insurance system and the agency of unemployment.

The gist is still that unemployment has declined. 711.000 people are no longer reported as looking for a job in the statistics. There was a seasonal rise in unemployment by 28.000. This rise was lower than the average rise of 98.000 in December in the years before.

From the above numbers it is thus calculated that (minus the seasonal rise) compared to last year there are 78.000 people who are no longer unemployed.

Help with is German article??


I would translate it for you, but you dont allow emails. good luck|||Basically it is about the unemployment rate comparisons of last year and what they plan to do this upcoming year to decrease unemployment in the Country.

What was mentioned above already in a great translation for she is a Native German so you can not get any better than that. I am not native German but speak enough to have read the article and know what they are talking about. Merkel has a plan to decrease unemployment throughout 2008.

I wish her success.

(Natives - Did I misunderstand it or get it right? It is a second language for me I only get to practise once a year basically.)

What can I do about my dad? he is always angry about something, and is always "right" in h

my dad gets angry over every thing. to put it simply. to go into detail...

our house is a huge mess for many reasons. 1) we just got home from christmas vaction and have not had time to unpack. 2) there are 6 people living in an 1100 sqft house, and at LEAST1/2 of that is taken up by bookcases, boxes, frunture, and just %26quot;stuff%26quot;. and 3) we have NO money AT ALL.

he has a deadbeat job that makes him work long hours for next to no pay, and he wont even look for a better job. (he teaches at the stinkin%26#039; community college) he has 2 master%26#039;s degrees in math, i am sure that if he looked SOMEONE would hire him and pay him better.

we fight all the time because he will not let me drive untill i am 18, because his parents made him wait. so i cannot get a jobbecause we live in the smallest town posable and the unemployment rate here is VERY high, with so many adults looking for jobs it is like imposable for me to find one. i am sick of my dad being angry all the time about things he wont even

What can I do about my dad? he is always angry about something, and is always %26quot;right%26quot; in his own eyes?student finance

just save up money and try to move out asap. go to a good college and make something of your self. keep looking for a job, maby you will find one.

What can I do about my dad? he is always angry about something, and is always %26quot;right%26quot; in his own eyes? loan

be patient. perhaps your dad is frustrated about something. maybe if you can talk to him seriously about what is ailing him. if you are still studying, study well so that you can find a better job later. if you are desperate for a job, why not talk to your teachers, friends. maybe they can help you find a job so that you can earn your own keep. good luck.|||this sounds SO familiar, maybe because my dad is the same way! but honestly it%26#039;s all up to your dad about changing. which some people just never will...i%26#039;ve come to that about my dad. so i just let it be...try to block him out the best you can.|||Same as my dad! Anyhow, i never fight with him not because i have no guts....solely because he is my dad.|||You and your dad sound overwhelmed. He has alot of responsibilities, and from your question, so do you. Neither of you has a %26quot;peaceful%26quot; place to escape( your home). Your dad uses the computer, you have no escape. Can you create a clean and uncluttered area of the house where either one of you can go to sort of escape?|||After what I would like to say to you I am not sure you will understand that I am ON YOUR SIDE.

At 16 you should NOT know how much your father makes.

With that many people in the house your father should not have to do anything. Yes, that is the way things are. Fathers work and come home and either sit in front of the tv or in your case the computer.

At 16 I can understand that you do not understand that your father is mad for prob a very good reason. He makes not enough money and is in a job he may not like. He can%26#039;t yell at his boss so it gets to be his family that gets the butt of it. sorry.

And YES YOU HAVE MONEY. If you (your family) did not then would you guys still being living in your house.?

I use to know a guy that would ride a bike to work everyday. That was about 1 mile to and from work everyday. So there is a way for you to get a job.

Of course your father will never listen to you, your 16 and in his eyes you are and always will be a little girl. Thats just the way it is.

The only suggestion I can make to you is if you are truly unhappy then do what you have to do to get out of his house.

Try to find jobs in your town or neighboorhood. Clean houses, baby sit, do yard work. Sit with little old lady/men. Walk dogs. Some thing where you can walk to.

Do good in school so you can go off someplace to college and stay in a dorm. Remember you do not need you parents permission to go to college, even if they do not want to pay for it or can%26#039;t. You can still go, there are programs out there that will help pay for it.

Truthsayer admits: I was wrong about a factual assertion?

Yesterday I posted that it was a FACT that the unemployment rate was 4.6%.

Later in the day the BLS released the updated figure and it%26#039;s 4.5%.

I%26#039;m in finance, there was no excuse for me to forget that that data was coming out. The prior month it had been 4.6%.

No, I don%26#039;t post this to brag that the number was even better than I said - it truly was an error and if I don%26#039;t correct myself I will lose my credibility, and once you%26#039;ve lost that, you have nothing.

Truthsayer admits: I was wrong about a factual assertion?credit union

So how come the news media doesn%26#039;t know that?

All they report is how bad the economy and jobless rate is

Truthsayer admits: I was wrong about a factual assertion?


Congrats on being man enough to admit you were wrong, but I wouldn%26#039;t criticize you for being .1% off!|||You could get by with saying approximately 4.5%... Then you cannot be refuted, unles the percentage is much greater or lower. Statistically speaking, of course.|||Bravo!|||Cool.

Does this mean you%26#039;ll give lower interest rates now?

Suppose there is a rather dramatic increase in the price of oil. What type of inflation might this c

What impact could this have on the level of production and therefore the unemployment rate?

Suppose there is a rather dramatic increase in the price of oil. What type of inflation might this create?heart rate

The price of oil going up dramatically, would increase real prices across the board, because of transportion of products would greatly increase, and the fuels that are needed to produce products would increase.

Unemployment should rise as companies will not be able to afford as many employees.

Production levels should decrease as demand should also decrease.

What do you think about my plan for ending illegal immigration or at least putting a significant den

6 simple steps -

1 - Run multi-media adds warning illegals that they have 6 months to leave the country or face deportation and property confiscation. (This gives fair warning and many may leave on their own, making the next few steps easier.)

2 - Complete border fence. This project alone would reduce the unemployment rate.

3 - Hire 1,000 additional INS agents.

4 - Systematically, begin rounding up remaining illegals. Seize any property and assets(cars, trucks, homes, computers, electronics, tools, jewelry, etc...) and use for funding INS and border fence project. (This happens with many drug dealer arrests already. Why not employ this practice with illegals)

5 - With funding from arrests hire more border agents if needed until ALL illegal aliens are returned to their home countries.

6 - With the reduced burden on the system(education, health care, etc.) lower taxes, thus stimulating economy, creating more net income to afford slightly higher produce prices, plenty of jobs.

What do you think about my plan for ending illegal immigration or at least putting a significant dent in it?credit counseling

All good save for the fact that only 1000 additional agents should be closer to 20,000 more if your going to do a %26quot;roundup%26quot;. Of course, if you enact and enforce tough employer sanctions and penalties for hiring illegals, the roundup would be but a fraction of the problem it is now because the illegals would leave by the millions without the low-paying jobs waiting for them.

What do you think about my plan for ending illegal immigration or at least putting a significant dent in it? loan

i think we schould try it|||sounds good.|||Sounds good to me!|||I am sure you will get plenty of people who want to shoot holes in your plan, but I LIKE it!|||On %26quot;Penn %26amp; Teller%26#039;s Bull****%26quot; a fence was built to the exact specifications the government has set out, and 6 immigrants of average strength got passed it in 5 minutes So, your plan fails.|||wow there are going to be alot of people that dont like this one, but oh well, what ever works|||Slightly higher produce prices, ya you could give up buying some vegies for sure.|||Sounds like a plan to me. Go for it.|||Sorry honey.. but if US government really wanted to get rid of illegals.. it would%26#039;ve done it long ago..!|||Yes this seems like a great plan, and I would like it to take effect. But the truth is, it will never happen. Remember a lot of drugs come from the border, if siezed, that means money for the government agencies. Just my view.|||what about all the asian illegal immigrants?|||I%26#039;m Game!|||as long as people who came here legally are not affected, but the idea of taking away the illegals%26#039; possessions is wrong since legally inherritted possessions should be protected and left in the owner%26#039;s hands and not locked up by a police officer, to be left to rott and collect dust. that is not good. would you want your inheritances to be taken away and left to rot in prison?||| make some interesting points but your also forgetting that the united states needs immigrants to fill jobs that we dont. also, to do all of the above ideas cost a ton of $$$ and labor, especialy # 2. but i respect that your thinking ahead and trying to take some action!|||Unfortunately it will never happen. We need a complete overhaul of our political system in this country. The reason you won%26#039;t see this happen is this:

Government is no longer run by the people and for the people. It is controlled by the monied interests. Ever since we legalized bribery (by calling them campaign donations) corporations have controlled our politicians. Corporations are the ones who are profiting from the illegal immigrants, so they want them here. They don%26#039;t care what it does to their fellow citizens so long as they%26#039;re making money off of it.

If our politicians were really serious about sending the illegals home all they%26#039;d have to do is pass a law that levies massive financial penalties on any corporation that employs the illegals. You could even give some type of reward to the whistleblowers- say 5% of whatever it is we%26#039;d fine the company for illegally employing.|||It%26#039;s a good hypothesis. Who do we get to build the border fence? If I heard correctly, recently they were building a giant border fence and most of the workers were illegal immigrants.|||I can%26#039;t wait until you%26#039;ve grown a little, and accumulated a few traffic citations, a dui, etc, whatever, and then you will walk around screaming about the unjust system that people like you help to create.|||I post something like this but my suggestion was.

If they want to come in to this country, send them to boot camp and ship them over seas and let them fight for the freedom that we as US Citizens Cherish.

Freedom doesn%26#039;t come free it comes at a price and they should pay the price that so many of our service men and women died for.

So let them fight for the freedom that they are searching for.

and not sponge off of the taxpayers....|||whats your name? i writing it on the ballot -songndance1999 for president- also i think drug testing should be required for welfare collectors - why not hard working Americans submit to drug testing everyday- i think that would save the government a load of money|||it would definitely not work. how are you gonna send back so many people to their countries. this plan sounds like one coming from an uninformed ignorant person (no offense). but i don%26#039;t blame you because almost on one knows the true facts about illegal immigration. illegal immigration actually helps the economy of America. btw, most illegals do pay taxes. only the ones that get payed in cash don%26#039;t (which is a really small number compared to the total number of illegals in this country) without getting any benifits or being able to things such as getting a license. i know this for a fact because i know a couple of people that are in this situation. overall, i think this plan would fail miserably and seriously hurt the economy.|||Sounds like a good start. Don%26#039;t forget to make a new law to not give auto-citizenship to children of the illegals born here. I know it%26#039;s sad; we just can%26#039;t do it anymore. I%26#039;d get in my car to vote you in, but I can%26#039;t afford the gas.|||Well in World War II, some countries decided that certain kinds of people were undesirable, confiscated their property, and rounded them up. Did it help?|||1 adds are a fair warning how ever they would replicate to what East germans or Soviet Russians watched on TV about other issues

2 Fence will not reduce the unemployment rate which btw is only at 4% and thats know as cyclical unemployment... theoretically 96% employment is consider full employment.

3 the More INS agents would reduce the traffic

4 Sounds like Nazi germany seizing all jews...

5 More nazi or stalin moves. (look it up if you dont belive me)

6 Hopefully by removing all illegal aliens you do get a net benefit on Taxes (after the taxes they add and the ones they take) I will tell you that less countries would be willing to trade with us (decreasing jobs) after seen the way we treat people here and your gonna love this, but Mexico is the US 2nd or 3rd largest trade partner (depending on whos count) and im sure they would be pissed.

Just so you know im not pro or againts Illegals in the country.. but i do feel there are more humain ways to solve the problem because it is in fact an issue|||I think they should just shut down immigration and let anyone come into the country and live and work|||What do you do with their American citizen children?|||You could get help from the KGB...

If you do that who the hells going to do the work!!|||Good Luck there. I think we%26#039;ll have to move to their countries and make it better there for them to move back over the borders and stay there!|||sounds like were trying to spend a billion dollars on a million dollar problem. how about we help the other country%26#039;s improve? then maybe you would want to go there and then they will kick you out?|||How bout this plan invade Mexico and Canada.Annex Iraq and Afghanistan Nuke Tehran.liberate Israel and then and then conquer them. after the that rest of world shall fall shortly and bow to the Empire|||Well as far as I know, we are all immigrants to this country, WHO WHERE THE FIRST INHABITANTS? Think about it tough guy.

What Happens If Republicans Keep Cutting Taxes?

Ever hear of %26quot;Starving the beast%26quot;? It%26#039;s an American conservative political strategy which uses budget deficits to attempt to force future reductions in government expenditure, especially spending on socially progressive programs. The term %26quot;beast%26quot; is used to denote government and the social programs it funds, including publicly-funded health care, welfare, educational financial aid, and Social Security. Some empirical evidence shows that the strategy may actually be counterproductive, with higher taxes actually corresponding to lower spending: %26quot;Controlling for the unemployment rate, federal spending [from 1981 to 2000] increased by about one-half percent of GDP for each one percentage point decline in the relative level of federal tax revenues.%26quot; The article (written by William Niskanen and Peter Van Doren of the Cato Institute) shows that %26quot;a tax increase may be the most effective policy to reduce the relative level of federal spending.%26quot;

What Happens If Republicans Keep Cutting Taxes?credit repair

Anyone with an ounce of sense knows that cutting taxes coupled with increased government spending and inflation only leads to ever-increasing deficits. The %26quot;tax cuts%26quot; are meant to increase individual spending in support of our economy. Unfortunately, the tax cuts are of benefit only to the very rich - the average American worker can spend their tax cut benefit on one family meal at a fast food restaurant.

It%26#039;s a credit card economy that has been spoon-fed to the American people. Unchecked, your kids and grand-kids will suffocate when it all collapses.

Republicans have tagged a tax increase as an evil wrought by the Devil. Almost every item and service in our economy has steadily increased in price over the years. A large part of our %26quot;freedom%26quot; is paid for by our taxes. Until we accept the fact that tax increases must reflect inflation and the increasing price of consumer goods, we%26#039;re in deep trouble.

What Happens If Republicans Keep Cutting Taxes?


They%26#039;ll just raise the taxes somewhere else. It%26#039;s what all politicians do.|||Im a Republican and I think we should decrease taxes for the really poor people and raise taxes for the really rich people. But no matter what we need to increase taxes to pay for our military and public services like schools and everything. And im sorry but i dont feel like reading everything you wrote in your question.|||Confiscate all wealth above $10 million. Greatly increase penalties for government corruption and incompetence.

Make only the top 10% of wage earner pay income taxes.

Punish corporate irresponsibility harshly. Nationalize the oil companies. Get America off the oil addiction.

THINK LONG TERM!|||This is the most boneheaded idea I have ever read. Tax rates have nothing to do with government spending. All spending measures have to start in Congress. The problem with deficits is that Congress spends more than the government taxes in, in matter how much is taken in.

When Ronald Reagan cut tax rates, total tax revenues increased dramatically. Although Democrats in Congress agreed to cut spending, they did not do it.

When George W. Bush cut tax rates, the total dollar amount of taxes increased dramatically. Again, Congress is outspending the revenues. Even with record high spending, the deficit is expected to be less than the projected 171 billion.

When citizens have more money to spend, they spend it. This is why the economy has been booming non-stop for the past several years.|||My head asplode.|||sounds good to me|||The glutton (and downfall) of many politicians is having too much tax money at their disposal and not having enough ways to spend it.

So, they find ways to spend it, many of which are absolutely ridiculous. PORK SPENDING.

So other necessities that need to be addressed, aren%26#039;t.

Then there%26#039;s the great problem Minnesota faces (and other states.) They end up with a huge surplus and blow it.

We had 2 Billion dollars in surplus and they couldn%26#039;t fix a damn bridge.

Interesting concept huh?|||the economy keeps growing|||For those of you who think Reagan%26#039;s policies actually did what you are describing, I recommend:

%26quot;President Reagan, role of a lifetime%26quot; by Lou Cannon.

Cannon has written five books on Reagan, and is considered the foremost biographer of Reagan.|||Working people, that includes the democrats, get to keep more of thier money. Duhhhhh|||Your %26quot;question%26quot; is typical liberal new-speak. What you are advocating is socialism/communism, taking from those who earn and giving it to those who do not. Rather than depending on the %26quot;government%26quot; to take care of you, accept some personal responsibility for your actions or inactions. So many liberals conveniently neglect to mention %26quot; publicly funded%26quot; means paid for through taxes, money taken from those who worked for it.|||WOW what the hell was all that?

what ever happened to keep it simple.

In easy terms

my wife=balanced budget

me=congressional spending

get a good balanced budget take my access to spending away and the numbers will come together!

Suppose they set the minimum wage to $50/hr?

Would that generate a %26quot;working wage%26quot; for all Americans, or generate a huge unemployment rate? If you are under the impression that it is the former, why do not your champions of the minimum wage stop horsing around with $5 or $6 something and just make it $50? Do they sincerely think they are helping people, or are they demagoguing the issue?

Suppose they set the minimum wage to $50/hr?honda finance

WOW...Really.....There is no in between?

$5.75hr %26amp; $50.00hr.

The ridiculousness of your answer equals the ridiculousness of the current minimum wage.

Let%26#039;s break down the numbers.......

$5.75 x 40hrs week = $230.00week

$230.00wk x 52wks/yr = $11,960.00yr

That%26#039;s not even $1,000.00mo.


Do you have any idea how many single mothers are trying to support families on MINIMUM wage??

How about a %26quot;working wage%26quot; above poverty level!!!

So then what is your answer to just starve out the poor?

I%26#039;m all for free enterprise but why does it have to come to whatever profit you can squeeze out of the ones who utilize whatever your service is.

Is free enterprise really acceptable when it isolates as many Americans as it satisfies or enables?

So the gap between Upper class and poverty continues to widen.

Are you trying to weed out the poor??

The equality of being an American citizen is all a bunch of words.

If you are a poor American you don%26#039;t count!

The gap between the rise of inflation and no raise in minimum wage is creating a sub culture in America.

Interestingly the people who receive the lowest pay usually have the disgusting or labor intensive jobs the average American wouldn%26#039;t do.

As long as free enterprise prospers the disenfranchised should just be grateful for any place in the pecking order??

Is America really an Elitist country? Is that what our founding fathers fought for?

Who%26#039;s going to buy your product? Certainly not your employee who can%26#039;t afford it. So they exist to benefit you and the fortunate Americans who inappropriately get a wage that is out of proportion for their skill or ability?

Surely there must be a better system.

Suppose they set the minimum wage to $50/hr?


Minimum wage just makes the prices go higher. That%26#039;s about it.

I Cr 13;8a

1-12-7|||Every time they raise min. wage, prices go up for everything.|||The %26quot;slippery slope%26quot; argument does not apply here. It%26#039;s blatantly obvious what would happen were minimum wages raised to ridiculous levels like $50/hr. There%26#039;s no need to raise wages that high; it%26#039;s just that minimum wage hasn%26#039;t been keeping up with inflation and cost of living increases brought upon by increasing trade deficits. It%26#039;s not a pissing contest when someone living check-to-check has to choose two of rent, food, or medication, so don%26#039;t bring politics into it. Fix the damn deficits, then start pissing and moaning about the fact minimum wages are a socialist concept.|||Each time minimum wage rises, the cost of living rises. I remember when minimum wage was 4.25 per hour and tax was only 4 or 5 cents on the dollar when I went shopping.

Now minimum wage is 5.50 (i think) per hour and tax is 9 cents on the dollar.

If min. wage were to be 50 dollars per hour, then the taxes would be astounding!

The govt sure knows how to abuse us and milk us for every penny they can.|||Pegging the minimum wage to USD50.00 is good for the workers but bad for the employers especially the small industries to be forced to close. The government must study which is better for the economy so that workers will not be affected.|||Wages that are too high are bad. Wages that are too low are bad. Must find happy medium.|||Goals of the American left...Higher unemployment, more illegal invaders working under the table and not paying legal with holding taxes, generate a health crisis as a step towards socialized medicine...

And under the guise of %26quot;helping the working class%26quot;, their living grade minimum wage is a giant step towards achieving those goals and the destruction of the American Republic.|||No there should be a minimum wage because there are pieces of crap out there who exploit good workers and the people need a standard of living. And the minimum wage today should be at least $10.00 per hour not $7.25|||American currency has a massive trade deficit, which is among the reasons we went off the gold standard in %26#039;71. Now we can just print up (or produce by computer) as much as our government can spend (and we all know how amazingly they do that).

When we used gold to back our wealth, a certain number of dollars resembled a certain number of slices cut into a pie. Each slice was a particular amount of %26quot;something.%26quot;

But nowadays we have fiat currency, which means there%26#039;s no physical backing to it. Every dollar bill is an IOU from the IRS. They%26#039;re debt vouchers. So long as everybody trades borrowed currency, believing it to be money with value, the system basically chugs along. Tra la-la...

So if the minimum wage is $5, a loaf of bread is about $3 (I buy premium bread). So I figure, if the minimum wage were $50, within a matter of months a loaf of bread would be $30. Makes little difference, really. And when you think about it, CEO compensation has already taken such a dramatic (and some would say undeserved) turn upward. What does it matter?

Every company wants the best employees, so they%26#039;ll pay what they must. They also want the best profits, so they%26#039;ll charge for their goods and services what they can get. Every employee wants as much money as possible. So we just keep printing more, we just keep adding on more debts, and people feel a little richer.

The minimum wage means very little to me. I%26#039;m far more concerned about what%26#039;s going to happen when our $30 loaf of bread becomes a $30,000 loaf. All paper money eventually reverts to its natural value: zero. And then the minimum wage will be the least urgent matter on people%26#039;s lips. And my $5 net worth will be, well, worthless. Got gold?|||Inflation would go out of control, remember the Argentine economy. May as well just start printing more money as well.|||You should be asking this question under social sciences and econmics, not politcs.

Minimum wage is in place for numerous reasons.

First is that capitalist economies always have an unemployment rate. This ensures that there is always a continuing expansion of buisness. If this pool evaporates, buisness evaporates.

Second is that capitalist ecomomies have shown (read up about the industrial revolution and worker treatment, a time when there was no minimum wage) that without regulation of wage, industries will squeeze as much profit as they can from their workers by paying them the lowest amount possible for those people to survive and to come into work the next day.

Third, it is healthy for the economy. There has never been a correlation between minimum wage and unemploment. A minimum wage takes money away from those owners of the buisnesses and puts it into the hands of those that deserve it- the workers. This increases the purchasing power of the average citizen and puts more money into the society.|||I hate to tell you people but the poor/middle class people have NOT had a raise in ten years and don%26#039;t tell me that goods and services have not risen anyway in that ten year period. The poor/middle class are food for the wealthy as the wealthy leeches drain them dry. I say the rich need to be taxed more and loopholes closed for big businesses.|||Everytime the minimum wage is increased someone loses their job.

Why do people put me down?

for going to Haiti on Missions trips?

I have had people say, %26quot;Why do you think you are so good? It%26#039;s not just Christians who do good things you know%26quot; and %26quot;Why don%26#039;t you look in your own backyard and do something in your own country%26quot;.

I feel %26quot;led%26quot; to work in Haiti. I go once a year in October. I love the people there.

The government does nothing for these people. There is a 85% unemployment rate there and they desparately need our help.

We raise money and buy food and water and take it to remote, starving villiages. We work in orphanages and give desparately needed love to the children for several days. We take medical supplies to a small hospital. We don%26#039;t preach anything because we don%26#039;t know the language very well (we do have an interpretor who helps us communicate) We show Christ%26#039;s love through our actions and not our words.

What is so wrong with doing this? Why do I get such a bad reaction when I tell people that I go to Haiti to do mission work?

Why do people put me down?credit card debt

Don%26#039;t feel bad. At least you are helping people. People who tell you mean things are the one who spend their Friday nights in Bar and clubs. Just wasting their lives away. You are at least using your life to help someone else.

Many people have hard time with their own communities and you are actually going outside the country to help strangers.

I applaud you for your efforts. Ignore the fools, continue with your work. You are so much better than all those people who pretend to be moral by going to church and preaching others about Bible. You are at least doing what all of us should be doing.

Why do people put me down?


Is it possible to raise money and buy food and water for these people without imposing your dogma on them?|||Because it makes them feel better about themselves. Ignore them.|||Because they want to hinder the work of God.

You go, girl! :-) And in spirit, I would go with you. Missions is the heartbeat of the gospel to %26quot;go into all the world.%26quot;

If others want to go for other reasons, that%26#039;s fine and dandy, and you can encourage them to do so. But when somebody tells you it%26#039;s wrong for one reason or another, just take the source into consideration, and realize that SOME body doesn%26#039;t want you to fulfill God%26#039;s plans/purposes for your life.|||is this a serious question or are you bragging about doing good in haiti?

help the needy, dont worry what others say, dont brag about helping them|||girl you go and help them out, don%26#039;t let what other people say affect what you believe! God bless ya!|||Stand in your own power and do what your heart guides you to do. It matters not what others think.|||Good for you, I think you are doing a great thing, proselytising is not moral if you think about it.|||Why allow what they say to effect you?

Why allow them to live in your head rent free?

If God has lead you to this work let no one stray you from it. What you are doing is a good thing....and if people give you a bad reaction, then it is something lacking within themselves they need to look at.

Peace be with you.|||IMO, if you are not preaching, it isn%26#039;t a Mission trip, so I have no issue with it. Stop calling it a Mission trip and you get different responses.|||Do not ask the why of such a calling...... If YOU feel this is YOUR calling and are doing Gods%26#039; work then be at peace with it....... that is what *carrying your cross* means...... standing in humility and doing as God calls YOU to do...... Your reward is NOT here on earth but with the Father.......go in peace............ God bless|||There%26#039;s nothing wrong with it. God bless you and be with you on your journey.|||There is nothing wrong with your work. It is an honorable thing to do. Granted many (non christian) do good things also but your acts are in the name of God. You are showing compassion and good will. Keep it up!!!!!|||i find that to be very sad. i hope you don%26#039;t pay attention

to it. narrow minded people hurt others because they

are insensitive to others needs. do as much as you can

as often as you can. if others put down you try to see them as

they really are; very pathetic. you doing something just

because you want to baffles them. keep going. those

people desperately need you. forget the stupid here.

follow the leadings of the HOLY SPIRIT.

for %26quot;welcome is the feet of HIM who brings good news.%26quot;|||did you know, kaliko is an ethnic group from uganda, democratic republic of the congo and sudan. most members of this ethnic group are muslims. they speak kaliko, which is a nilo-saharan language. the population of this group likely exceeds 10,000 and in hawaiian it means perfect child. and to answer your question, simply put, ignorance is bliss.|||There is nothing wrong but everything RIGHT in doing this!

People do not realize that when missionaries go to other countries they are going to places far less priviledged then where we live! Places where people are dying of hunger, and filth. Where children are being abused! Not only do we share the word of God with them and pray over them- BUT we help them! Bring food and water, clothes etc...medicine...

I cannot believe how many other countries have this type of famine going on....and here in the USA ( where I am) we are so spoiled! I dont have a fancy house, I live in a small comfy house, but it is a house! I dont drive a new car- it is a very old car- we dont have a lot of money but God provides! So I call myself spoiled- I have a roof over my head and money to buy groceries- even if it is not much, it is enough to feed my family. I have internet access for cryin out loud!|||I say Bless you for going to a place where you feel needed!

for going and doing kindness for those who see so little of it|||What you describe is a good thing to do. I never said otherwise.

Thanks for doing the good works... instead of [fill in diatribe about fake christians here]|||Kaliko keep doing the wonderful work that you are doing in the name of Christ. Have you met any of the Seventh-day Adventist missionaries in Haiti. They do a lot of positive things for the people of Haiti.

God will reward your service on behalf of his people.

John 3:16|||Keep up the good work!|||What you do is important, keep it up! Don%26#039;t let anybody discourage you...

Getting Paid Cash - How To Do This Legally?

The unemployment rate around here is bad. I feel lucky to have got a job, but it pays in cash. What steps should I take to turn this in to the State / Medicare / IRS? I know i would be considered self-employeed, but I want to be turning something in, so I don%26#039;t regret it when i%26#039;m older or get caught for tax invasion. Do I need a business license? Is there a certain % each one takes out or does it vary from state to state? I live in Tennessee. I hope this job will get me on my feet, until I can find something better.

Thanks for your help.

Getting Paid Cash - How To Do This Legally?care credit

You pay your medicare and social security tax through your 1040 as self-employment tax.

You will file a Schedule C and a Schedule SE with your 1040.

The minimum filing requirement is only $400 per year.

You should probably look it to making quarterly estimates.

Getting Paid Cash - How To Do This Legally?


Well, most town halls can help you with figuring that out and are more than happy to help. If not try a tax office or CPA, they will help you figure out what percentages you need to save for taxes and they usually have you pay them quarterly|||This is making a few assumptions which may or may not be valid, but you should start out by withholding 29% of your income for federal taxes.

Most families are in the 15% tax bracket, and your self-employment tax (to pay into the social security system for you) will net to another 14.2%. That is where the 29% amount comes from, and TN does not have a state income tax.

You would make quarterly payments using Form 1040-ES on 4-15, 6-15, 9-15, and 1-15 of the following year.

Note that is just fast math, and the amount could either be higher or lower depending on your full circumstances. As others have mentioned, a full tax projection should be done in order to make sure you are on target.

Anybody know where the job market is good?

I have a two-year technical certification for Administrative Assisting, because of it I have uber clerical skills, but I can%26#039;t find a job where I live, the job market is horrible with a disgustinly high 4% unemployment rate. Where could I move to up my chances of finding a good job?

Anybody know where the job market is good?child tax credit

4% is actually below the national (U.S.) average unemployment rate. You want to talk bad job market--my hometown in PA has an 11.5% unemployment rate!

Moral of the story: you%26#039;re in a good job market, believe it or not. Hang in there--your luck will change.

Would you please read?

George Bush%26#039;s Resignation Speech

If Bush resigned today, this is what his speech would be.....

Normally, I start these things out by saying %26#039;My Fellow Americans%26#039;, not doing it this time. If the polls are any indication, I don%26#039;t know who more than half of you are anymore. I do know something terrible has happened, and that you%26#039;re really not fellow Americans any longer. I%26#039;ll cut right to the chase here: I quit. Now before anyone gets all in lather about me quitting to avoid impeachment, or to avoid prosecution, let me assure you: There%26#039;s been no breaking of laws or impeachable offenses in this office.

The reason I%26#039;m quitting is simple. I%26#039;m fed up with you people. I%26#039;m fed up because you have no understanding of what%26#039;s really going on in the world. Or of what%26#039;s going on in this once-great nation of ours. And the majority of you are too damned lazy to do your homework and figure it out.

Let%26#039;s start local. You%26#039;ve been sold a bill of goods by politicians and the news media. Polls show that the majority of you think the economy is in the tank. And that%26#039;s despite record numbers of homeowners, including record numbers of MINORITY homeowners. And while we%26#039;re mentioning minorities, I%26#039;ll point out that minority business ownership is at an all-time high. Our unemployment rate is as low as it ever was during the Clinton administration. I%26#039;ve mentioned all those things before, but it doesn%26#039;t sink in.

Despite the shock to our economy ofMeanwhile, all you can do is whine about gas prices, and most of you are too damn stupid to realize that gas prices are high because there%26#039;s increased demand in other parts of the world, and because a small handful of noisy idiots are more worried about polar bears and beachfront property than your economic security. 9/11, the stock market has rebounded to record levels and more Americans than ever are participating in these markets.

We face real threats in the world.

Don%26#039;t give me this %26#039;blood for oil%26#039; crap. If I were trading blood for oil I would%26#039;ve already seized Iraq %26#039;s oil fields and let the rest of the country go to hell. And don%26#039;t give me this %26#039;Bush Lied; People Died%26#039; crap either. If I were the liar you morons take me for, I could%26#039;ve easily had chemical weapons planted in Iraq so they could be %26#039;discovered.%26#039; Instead, I owned up to the fact that the intelligence was faulty.

Let me remind you that the rest of the world thought Saddam had the goods, same as me. Let me also remind you that regime change in Iraq was official US policy before I came into office. Clinton established that policy. Bet you didn%26#039;t know that, did you?

You idiots need to understand that we face a unique enemy. Back during the cold war, there were two major competing political and economic models squaring off. We won that war, but we did so because fundamentally, the Communists wanted to survive, just as we do. We were simply able to out spend and out-tech them.

That%26#039;s not the case this time. The soldiers of our new enemy don%26#039;t care if they survive. In fact, they want to die. That%26#039;d be fine, as long as they weren%26#039;t also committed to taking as many of you with them as they can. But they are. They want to kill you, and the bastards are all over the globe. You should be grateful that they haven%26#039;t gotten any more of us here in the United States since September 11. But you%26#039;re not. That%26#039;s because you%26#039;ve got no idea how hard a small number of intelligence, military, law enforcement, and homeland security people have worked to make sure of that. When this whole mess started, I warned you that this would be a long and difficult fight. I%26#039;m disappointed how many of you people think a long and difficult fight amounts to a single season of %26#039;Survivor.%26#039;

Instead, you%26#039;ve grown impatient You%26#039;re incapable of seeing things through the long lens of history, the way our enemies do. You think that wars should last a few months, a few years, tops.

Making matters worse, you actively support those who help the enemy. Every time you buy the New York Times, every time you send a donation to a cut-and-run Democrat%26#039;s political campaign, well, you might just as well FedEx a grenade launcher to a Jihadist. It amounts to the same thing.

In this day and age, it%26#039;s easy enough to find the truth. It%26#039;s all over the Internet, it just isn%26#039;t on the pages of the New York Times or on NBC News. But even if it were, I doubt you%26#039;d be any smarter. Most of you would rather watch American Idol.

I could say more about your expectations that the government will always be there to bail you out, even if you%26#039;re too stupid to leave a city that%26#039;s below sea level and has a Cat 5 hurricane approaching.

I could say more about your idiotic belief that government, not your own wallet, is where the money comes from. But I%26#039;ve come to the conclusion that were I to do so, it would sail right over your heads.

So, I quit. I%26#039;m going back to Crawford. I%26#039;ve got an energy-efficient house down there (Al Gore could only dream of) and the capability to be fully self-sufficient. No one ever heard of Crawford before I got elected, and as soon as I%26#039;m done here pretty much no one will ever hear of it again. Maybe I%26#039;ll be lucky enough to die of old age before the last pillars of America fall.

Oh, and by the way, Cheney%26#039;s quitting too.

That means Pelosi is your new President. You asked for it - you can have her. Watch what she does carefully, because I still have a glimmer of hope that there are just enough of you remaining who are smart enough to turn this thing around in 2008.

So that%26#039;s it.

God bless what%26#039;s left of America . Some of you know what I mean. The rest of you - kiss my ***!

Would you please read?mortgage lenders

Shrub, I%26#039;m not surprised, even your resignation speech is full of lies. What are you and Cheney going to do with your war profiteering billions? What about the illegal war profiteering billions? You are to be commended, the first thing you have ever not failed at, raping the American people and looting Iraq for billions. Good job.

Would you please read? loan

Glad to hear it George, now just go and why doesn%26#039;t obama quit? he is the candidate with no experience and the one with bad judgment who went behind voters backs to tell Canada %26quot;wink-wink, campaign rhetoric%26quot; and he is also the one whose supporter called Hillary a monster and he is also the one involved in racist church that supports racist people like Louis Farrakhan.Americans don%26#039;t like racism and we aren%26#039;t going to elect a racist whose very own wife just became proud to be an American since this race started! Running around the country chanting %26quot;hope%26quot; and %26quot;change%26quot; is just not going to cut it with the Americans who have to get out there and actually work for a living.|||This is a question forum, not a blog. Take it to Xanga.|||Awesome and I know he feels this way! HE is a great president and fools will never see why! God Bless you and our president!|||I liked this so much.

I copied it and sent it via email to some friends.|||That was fantastic!!!This is for the liberals%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;NAME ONE LAW BUSH BROKE AND PROVE IT!!! IF HE DID HALF THE THINGS LIBERALS SAID HE DID HE WOULD BE IN JAIL! LIBERALS NEED TO LEARN THEY CANT IMPEACH ON BULL SH*T Don%26#039;t you know what a idiot you look like when you make up crap like this? If you need to find corruption go to JUDICIAL WATCH Web site .There you will see a list of the TOP TEN MOST CORRUPT POLITICIANS LIST!! HILLARY,OBAMA,NANCY P, HARRY REID ARE ALL ON THAT LIST ! BUSH IS NOT !!! Liberals are believing there own lies and have to be the most simple minded people on earth! Need proof ?Look at there stupid replies!!! Don: YOU ROCK!!!!|||This is the best thing I%26#039;ve ever seen written on here. I absolutely love it.|||Yes, you are correct, and 72% of the country is wrong. You are right, and every political analyst is wrong. The bottom line is you DID lie. The information was provided to you that there were no WMD%26#039;s in Iraq and you chose to ignore that information. Your IQ is the lowest of any president in recent times going back to the turn of the century (from 1899 to 1900) and you%26#039;ve lost a lot of very competent and intelligent people in your administration because you didn%26#039;t have the sense to take any of their advice. You always knew better and that%26#039;s how you got in this position.

Pretty much the whole world was against the attack on Iraq, but you had your mind set. Now you want help from other nations and they are telling you where to go. Can you blame them? If you think your resignation will evoke any tears, your right.....your own. I once defended one aspect of your administration. About a year ago I said that the one thing you hadn%26#039;t destroyed yet was the economy..well, you took care of that too. And what%26#039;s your excuse for not doing a respectable job responding to Katrina? Why do you think waterboarding is ok? Have you had it done to you? I think maybe you should. Anyway, that%26#039;s it. Your administration is almost over, and I for one can%26#039;t wait. You think you%26#039;re upset now. Wait til you see the analysis and grading of your administration. Beaver Cleaver could have done a more competent job.

And by the way. If I were you I would give Lon Cheney a huge hug. He%26#039;s probably the only reason you are still running things. Lon is the only one that would be a step down from you if something had happened to you. He was your life insurance. Just don%26#039;t go hunting with him.|||I agree Bush sacrificed his popularity for the good of our country you may not like him but I shudder at the thought of Gore in the white house during 911. History will prove what a great job Bush did with what he had to work with.|||wow its nice to see theres actually still intelligent people in America, its to bad there aren%26#039;t many left. you need to tell that live to America. when we were attacked on 9/11 hearing our president take action i was no longer afraid for my kids life. i totally trusted him to protect America. its just sooooo sad that Americans wont protect and support him.

AWESOME STORY|||bravo! i shutter to think of what barack%26#039;s speech wouldve sounded like after 911.|||great.........maybe the Monster will use this.|||See ya george Obama will be replacing you :)

Excited Phil Dirtbox thinks some copper found in Snowdonia can be mined shall we disillusion him?

Merrthyr Tydfyll his home town is the poorest place in Britain and has the highest unemployment rate, He thinks that they could get jobs as miners. Of course we know that tragically this is not so. Shall we tell him?

Excited Phil Dirtbox thinks some copper found in Snowdonia can be mined shall we disillusion him?unemployment rate

If Phil Dirtbox comprehended anything it would be a one off, best to leave him in his state of delusion.

Excited Phil Dirtbox thinks some copper found in Snowdonia can be mined shall we disillusion him? loan

I already anwsered this.

Tell him, this can get into a serious concern.|||Poor old Phil Dirtbox, hasn.t much or any future prospects, if it makes him happy let him think it, anyway it would be impossible to explain the truth, he,s hardly mastermind.|||Me Da has got out his mining helmet, we,re on our way.|||No. with luck he may hitch a ride back to Wales to pick up some coppers and we.ll be left in peace.|||Nah, if he.s a Merther Tydfyllian don.t think you could explain.|||No let him be happy, hear he.s on his way with his bucket and spade.|||Would be pointless explaining to Phil Dirtbox, he wouldn.t get it, and he.s so happy as it.s best thing that,s happened to him since his ma made him a leek pie, we won.t tell.|||No let him get a miners helmet, it,s gotta be better than his present headgear. and if we tried to explain Phil Dirtbox wouldn.t accept it you know how stubborn he is when he has a bee in his bonnet.|||Aw Phil Dirtbox you sure get things wrong, hate to tell ya but you have to face reality there ain.t no copper in that quaint little county called Wales or much else there, come to that.

After today's earthquake affecting China?

Should the next president or our current president help China rebuild some of those factories destroyed by the earthquake?

US unemployment rate even higher than last month today.

What are we gonna do if there are not toys for christmas and US flags for 4th of July from china being made?

After today%26#039;s earthquake affecting China?

Don%26#039;t worry, China%26#039;s economy is doing much better than ours and they can definetly handle to rebuild their own factories.

After today%26#039;s earthquake affecting China? loan

The quake was in western china which is mostly rocks|||we need to worry about america before china|||It struck in Xinjiang Province. It%26#039;s lightly populated and has no major industries except for the Chinese Nuclear Testing Facility in Malan in the Lop Nor wasteland.

Moving back in with fiance. Dad will freak out!?

I am going to be moving back in with my fiance (i%26#039;m 24, he%26#039;s 25) in about a month and my dad is positively against it. We are moving back from a small town where it was really hard to find jobs and the unemployment rate was extremely high. I was lucky to find a job that barely paid the bills while he had to survive off student loans. At one point I got frustrated with it and moved back to the city where I%26#039;m now making good money. My fiance is moving back too and we want to move back in together.

My dad has said that he will be %26quot;royally pissed%26quot; if I even consider getting back together with him (he thinks we broke up). I have no idea how bad this will get. He is severely overweight and has already had congestive heart failure twice due to stress.

I love my dad but he is emotionally and mentally abusive and controlling. I need to live my own life but I%26#039;m freaked out about how my dad will react! Advice?

Moving back in with fiance. Dad will freak out!?

First off why does your dad think you broke up? You are a grown woman and your dad has to let go at some point. you can%26#039;t be held responsible for the conditon his health is in. You need to just tell him like it is. Maybe if you did he would lighten up on you. The reason he is controlling is because you allow him to be.

Moving back in with fiance. Dad will freak out!? loan

one step at a time. why the need to move in with bf ?

take care of your dada first and slowly convince him to see your points and who knows ? maybe bf can even move in you you where he can help take care of yr dad ?

What is the change that Obama is talking about if he's elected president?

The USA is the best country in the world. I don%26#039;t think that we need a lot of change, especially Obama%26#039;s. He wants the country to become socialist with huge taxes for everybody who works and huge unemployment rate like the other socialist countries in the world.

What is the change that Obama is talking about if he%26#039;s elected president?

%26quot;Change%26quot; is the code name for a movement that capitalizes on the mob mentality and has little to do with any defined policy.

What is the change that Obama is talking about if he%26#039;s elected president? loan

Whatever is left of our dollars is the change after his taxing orgasms.|||Somehow the word change has come to mean 1970%26#039;s style socialism.

I must need a new dictionary.|||I think the big change he is talking about is lobbist affect on American legislature.|||Yes obama will change things!! obama will bring that change once he is elected. He will change the attitudes of Americans on how they look at the USA. He will change other countries views of the USA. I cannot wait for that change!!! Anybody against change, does not want change. I want change and cannot wait for obama to change things. Stand up for change! See how obama will change things!! only obama can bring this change!!!

Change is the motto...CHANGE!!! what change do you ask?? Um well...uuummm...sheees...I don%26#039;t know...neither does obama and his mindless supporters.|||I think it is talking like an adult, in whole sentences and paragraphs, listening to people%26#039;s opinions, and coming up with practical solutions to people%26#039;s problems. This is opposed to the Bush presidency, in which you talk like lying moron and are a tool of special interests to make yourself and your friends rich.|||His question was, what is the change Obama is talking about, and as usual. Obama supporters go off on these long rants , only one problem he has said himself. There is not much difference between him and Hillary. Yet he is somehow going to change the politics of Washington. That is the change he is talking about so a barely 2-year term senator. In his late 40s is going to change Washington, sure. Why not|||Next time you fill up you tank, Thank Republicans for their undying support of the war in Iraq for the price. Then, compare it to what your taxes would be plus Gas prices 8 years ago. So what it comes down to is.. You%26#039;d rather have a war, then help other people?

Obama would actually talk to our enemies. I believe that not talking to our enemies obviously does NOTHING. I am sure he would fix a lot of the anti-American sentiment that is all around the country. Have you ever been outside of this country? Have you ever talked to someone outside of this country? Almost everyone hates America because of the war in Iraq and Bush.

You are a republican, so you are fine with the way things are. You have had the lowest taxes in 8 years. You could care less about anything else as long as that stays the same. Most people are struggling to stay above water financially. Many people can barely afford health-care. And most people are tired of the same old politics that have done NOTHING for them. With McCain you will have another 8 years of the same exact same thing. And when your gas price reaches 6 dollars a gallon in 4 years. You will be PRAYING a democrat wins and increases the taxes of the upper class.|||What we need to change in America is to mandate IQ testing so that we dont allow brainless morans like you to vote|||He is just another politician that tells you what you want to hear. This country and world for that matter is run by money and the people that have it. Just by what has happened with his pastor and all the while telling Americans how he wants to bring us together just turns my stomach. This country doesn%26#039;t work by giving handouts to a bunch of blaming whiners. This country needs less government not the government we will end up with if he is elected. Nothing will get accomplished because the senate will be battling on every one of his socialist ideas. We need change but McCain, Clinton, and Obama sure is a poor choice. God Help Us not God Damn Us dumb whiteys for thinking this is some kind of savior. Absurd!!|||The USA is the best country in the world? really?! Because statistics show that we%26#039;re the most hated country in the world....

We don%26#039;t need change? Because were only a couple trillion dollars in dept right? And I mean we%26#039;ve only taken a couple million innocently lives....

....Please do me a favor, and go shoot yourself....immediately.|||we%26#039;ll get some change once our salaries have been heavily taxed.

Since the Economy is so Strong (LOL) Under Bush, Should We Continue the party with another Republica

Employers slashed 80,000 jobs in March

By JEANNINE AVERSA, AP Economics Writer 4 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Employers nervous about diminishing business prospects slashed 80,000 jobs in March, the most in five years and the third straight month of losses.

At the same time, the national unemployment rate rose from 4.8 percent to 5.1 percent, the clearest signal yet that the economy may already be in a recession.

The new snapshot of the job market, released by the Labor Department Friday, underscored the damage that a trio of crises _in the housing, credit and financial sectors 鈥?has inflicted on companies, jobseekers and the economy as a whole.

Structural problems, like the growing trade deficit with China and runaway price of oil, are further hampering prospects for growth. Unfortunately, the Administration%26#039;s responses to these problems have been tepid and encourage pessimism among business in the economic outlook.

Since the Economy is so Strong (LOL) Under Bush, Should We Continue the party with another Republican-McCain?

Little Tidbit for ya......

If the first two quarters of 2008 are considered a recession, (which they will) Bush will be the first president in the HISTORY of our country to have led the country during TWO recessions.

Quit a legacy don%26#039;t ya think.

Since the Economy is so Strong (LOL) Under Bush, Should We Continue the party with another Republican-McCain?


Check the history.

Bush II is the only President ever to have two recessions during his terms. Only one ever to have TWO recessions while he was President. What was that he said about %26quot;fooling me once...%26quot;|||John McSame is going to be just that.

More of the same.

Unfortunately it%26#039;s been 43 white guys in a row.

That%26#039;s one hell of a coincidence!!|||Our economy was doing just fine until the Democrats got the Majority in congress and created gridlock because that is all Democrats know how to do.!~!|||Bush is a worse President in our history and Mc Cain is his clone. Obama will divide the races and men and women; and Hillary will be a turn-around President. John Edwards will heal our Nation.|||Well, the GOP is rife with evangelicals...

They%26#039;re probably jsut trying to speed along the rapture. Lulz.|||We%26#039;re starting to feel the impacts of the Nov 2006 elections.

Good job Dems!|||If you understand business, a economy goes through business cycles. We grew for 6 years, and now a decline.

Take the liberal appraoch to solving problems: raise taxes. Yeah, so when people are short on cash, you should go in and take more away from them.

These numbers are a disappointment, but remember that the average unemployement rate under the Clinton Administration was higher then 5.1%|||Bush ran the company into the ground|||Only if Hillary isn%26#039;t the other choice! then its save your butt boys the ship is going down|||Bush the Idiot president has screwed this great country so bad that we may not recover . We don%26#039;t need another war, spend, monger in office. The idiot bush has spent our grand children%26#039;s income and Mc Cain will spend more. The only thing sicker than the Idiot Bush is the idiots on here blaming the Democrats|||The economy is in very good shape, but there have been constant attempts to talk it down. Bush II has been like his father - a failure. He got a tax reduction through but only on the basis it had a sunset clause and this expectation of higher taxes is dampening the economy. Further, he has not got the oil out of the ground in Iraq and has been using the Strategic Petroleum Reserve as a price support for oil. Oil has gone from $11 a barrel to over $100 a barrel. Needless to say, Texas is booming. Bush stood idly by and let domestic spending get completely out of control. Once Bush goes, the oil price will come down and the economy will boom, provided we do not get another tax and spend President.

Should Iraq be Spending Their $60 Billion Dollar Budget Surplus Instead of American Treasure?

Iraq currently has a $60 Billion dollar surplus in THEIR budget. Should they be spending their surplus instead of relying 100% on American funds to fund their intiatives including construction problems?

Couldn%26#039;t we %26#039;better%26#039; use our troops in Afganastan and other %26#039;hot%26#039; spots and our treasure on American problems?

Iraq has a 40% Unemployment rate - should they use their %26#039;surplus%26#039; population to defend themselves rather than depending on US Troops to %26#039;watch dog%26#039; them?

Should Iraq be Spending Their $60 Billion Dollar Budget Surplus Instead of American Treasure?

yes they should . and the Iraq government need to start paying back the billions this country have spent on them maybe beef up they%26#039;re oil production to the USA

Should Iraq be Spending Their $60 Billion Dollar Budget Surplus Instead of American Treasure? loan

they probably just want to mooch of off the US for as long as possbile... get as much money as you can...|||No, they should stay unemployed so that gasoline can be high and George Pubic Bush%26#039;s friends can scoop the loot.|||Where did the expression %26quot;treasure%26quot; come from? I hear it on the news, and everybody repeats what the news says verbatim. If I hear %26quot;boots on the ground%26quot; one more time, I%26#039;m gonna lose it. Think for yourself sometimes.

Is the media trying to fake a recession?

I keep hearing strangely worded headlines especially on the Yahoo! home page. The first one was %26quot;Largest Financial Overhaul Since the Great Depression%26quot; The next one today .. up now is %26quot;Unemployment rate highest in two years%26quot;

These articles just seem kinda mediocre and bogus.

Is the media trying to fake a recession?

Just read a report by an independent study group that said economic news is reported differently depending on the party in power. If a democrat is in the White House the media says the future is bright......things are getting better...... BUT if a Republican is in the White House.... the EXACT SAME conditions are reported as economic doom.... we are about to suffer tragic recession / depression

This is the second independent study in six months to statistically verify the liberal bias of the media

Sadly often these %26quot;predictions%26quot; are self fullfilling prophesies.....the media creates the recession or boom by what they report......instead of reporting it they make it happen

Is the media trying to fake a recession?


Duh we are in a recession and have been for the past year.|||If you can not see that a serious recession is looming, it is time to take off those rose colored glasses.

All the indicators point towards one, and it is not too far off.|||It%26#039;s quite obvious that the MSM is working to convince people that we are already in a recession, even though we have not even had 1 quarter of negative growth. It takes 2 consecutive quarters to make a recession. This seems to be tied into the whole Presidential campaign as it give lots of ammo to the LibDems Clinton and Obama against the %26quot;evil%26quot; Republicans.....and people deny that the MSM (CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN) is very left leaning, and attempting to further the Liberal agenda.|||You know what - I TOTALLY AGREE!

The same is happening here in the UK. I%26#039;m not denying that our economy is not at its healthiest, but by no means are we facing a financial meltdown. Everyday I hear the same thing - that I have been hearing since 2002, that there will be a recession in the future according to prominent economists at the city. Luckily I ignored it then, and today I%26#039;ll do the same. I was stuck and decided to buy a house, and my dad kept telling me not to because apparently %26#039;the house prices are gonna fall%26#039; but what happened - 6 years on and thier still growing and last year i brought another house.

Sometimes it makes me laugh, because the recession always seems to be %26#039;tomorrow%26#039;, and then when it doesn%26#039;t come, its like - %26#039;oh, hold on, one more day it%26#039;ll come!%26#039;.

Some people say DOOMSDAY will come %26#039;tomorrow%26#039; aswell, but its always tomorrow. I%26#039;m fed up and don%26#039;t bother absorbing this crap, and I%26#039;m glad you asked such a good question, because i thought I was the only one who thought like this.|||Maybe where you live you don%26#039;t see it. I do. In my town all kinds of businesses are closing down and people are losing their jobs left and right. Also, the price of food, gas and utilities is getting way out of control and people are having a hard time affording those things. I guess some towns are richer than others.

How can we get food-aid to starving people in Haiti?

In a country where most people live on less than $2 per day, with an unemployment rate in excess of 70%, in a good year, 1 in 5 babies born in Haiti die. Recently, because of the economic instability in our area of the world, food prices in Haiti have more than doubled. There are riots in the streets as I write this because people just don%26#039;t have money to buy food.

What can we do to help? There are international organizations that help starving people in Africa. What can I do to bring attention to the fact that hungry, dying people need food aid? Who can I contact? If you have ANY information to help me help these people, please, please, share with me.

How can we get food-aid to starving people in Haiti?

Jv I appreciate your interest in helping my country however you might be the last person who can help us.What comes next when you finish giving the food you are talking about? In Haiti we need jobs, education for our youth so we can make our own food. If you feed us today, who is going to do it tomorrow? Like Sophie said, let us learn to fish so we can get our fish whenever the need comes.

if you really want to help Haiti, ask your government and the WTO to allow the government to reopen the market that the Haitians government used to subsidize. Tell your media to stop lying about Haiti and to stop trashing the country so Foreign entrepreneur can come and invest there so we can have jobs like the telephone company DIGICEL did. Tell the UN to take the useless force keepers out of Haiti and use the money that they are paying their rapist tourist soldiers to create jobs. Tell the imperialist countries to lift their secret embargo on Haiti. No foreigners can help Haiti. It is the local government that needs the guts to stand against the imperialist countries that have been oppressing Haiti from the colonial period till today. Tell them to stop giving coup d鈥檈tat to democratic governments that try to help the poor. You have no right to tell that Haiti is abusing human right giving that your country expelled an elected government 4 years ago. You are the wrong person to talk about democracy. Go check in history and see which government supported the illegal junta that led Haiti in 1994. Albert fish can you please tell me who made me starve in 1993-92 because of an imperialist embargo?The international world, put an embargo on the country because the authority were criminal soldiers but the same people who put the embargo were backing up these soldiers with oil while the population was starving. Yes you foreigner are feed criminals and let innocent people die. Ask who started to mess up the structure of the Haitian government from 1915 till today. I am sorry but we do not trust foreigners in Haiti because they took too much away from us. By the way, tell your people to stop sending guns to Haiti. Oh did you know that they also trained the rebels who kick Aristide out in 2004? Did you know that they also train the militaries who did the coup in 1994?Talking about human right, did you know that Emanuel Constant, a Haitian criminal , who was in the macoute with papa doc, raped, stole, kill people in Haiti but now he is peacefuly living in the US? Did you know that some US officials came to arrest Guy Philipe,a Haitian rebel/for mer soldier because he is accused of drug dealing while nothing has been done to try the assasin whose name is Constant

I would like to tell Sophie that when the Haitian cut down the trees it was not because they did not want reforestation but because they had no resources. In a country where a bonbonn of gaz cost more than two month salary for some people do you expect them to use something else than charcoal? As you said you cannot keep feeding someone with fish, you need to teach them how to catch the fish themselves. The international organizations, whether you call them donor or NGO, never helped Haiti. When they say that they give $20 000 to the country, the money goes to corrupted politician supported by those international donors. When they say that they are building a road in Haiti which have not happen for years, they hire workers and engineer from other countries to do the job. So how can you say that you help local people? If they had used this money to instruct local engineer and other intellectual, they would not have to hire foreigners. Alber fish, you should go back to school because you are a plain ignorant. People are dying of hunger not because the planet is overpopulated but because there is a disparity in the distribution of the resources in the world. Of course we have scarcity but when you see how much cr@p you waste in the US and other developed countries, you have the proof that they could go and be used somewhere else. Why do some people have 5 tv in their home while others can鈥檛 afford one? Is it because there are to many people asking for tv or because some people have more than they need? You said Haitians are need for you but it was not a Haitian who came to beg for help here. It was a foreigner who asked the question and screw you @$$ hole. We are not useful anymore after you sucked the $h!t out of us. Now it鈥檚 Afghanistan and Irak that are useful right? I bet that you will say the same thing about Afg.. and Irak in 20 years when you

finish sucking their ressources

How can we get food-aid to starving people in Haiti?


CARE The Red Cross|||If I remember correctly... Haiti was the country that denuded itself of hardwood forests to make charcoal.. and then when international foundations came in too stop the erosion by planting new trees, they cut the saplings to make charcoal also.......

You can feed a man a fish for a day or teach him to fish for a lifetime.....|||The planet is overpopulated anyway. Why help more humans survive? Hatians barely participate in the global economy and don%26#039;t develop new technologies or make scientific discoveries, so they%26#039;re of no use to us.|||My church sent a bag of Rice to Haiti. It was a big bag.|||Many churches run schools and missions in Haiti. I go to a Lutheran church that sponsors one, but pretty much any of the major churches will have more info, depending on your preferences.|||The problem is not whether we can support it or not but making sure that that the support doesn%26#039;t fall in the wrong hand.

How do we know that our support are not ending up in market like in North Korea?|||It is a problem in most poor countries. Well they aren%26#039;t really poor the ones in power aren%26#039;t! You can lead a horse to water but you can%26#039;t make them drink.

We have so many children that are starving in our own country and that is where we need to solve the problem first.

Laziness and lack of education that%26#039;s what it boils down to.

I have seen so many people here in the US living off the government cause it%26#039;s easier. Or in some cases better way of life for most. A person on welfare gets as much cash and food stamps as a person working a min. wage job. To top this off they get a medical card that covers all cost. Now the person that is out there trying to work and support their families on a min wage job can%26#039;t afford medical for their family. And Lord help them if they get sick and can%26#039;t go into work that day for they cannot afford to go to the doctor and they lose a days pay! So you tell me what is our government telling these people? The fact is we need to take care of our problems first and when we come up with a solution maybe then we are more capable to help others in need. Don%26#039;t get me wrong I am as giving a person as the next. I feel and I cry and I hurt for those poor people in all the countries that the government lines their pockets with cash and their people with poverty and sickness.